Virginia governor refusing to resign after racist photo surfaces – Car Mod Pros Portal

Gov. Ralph Northam is facing pressure to resign from members of his own party after a controversial yearbook photo surfaced.


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Virginia governor refusing to resign after racist photo surfaces”
  1. So the school published that in their yearbook. That leads to 2 possible conclusions……either at the time that was socially acceptable and since then things have changed including the man in the pic…….OR the man and the school were racists then and are still to this day. The school should face the same backlash as tge governor. Their guilty of the same thing. He dressed up they published it and thought it was a good pic

  2. The label of racist fits the description don’t you think? This crap has fueled hatred, divided our country. Time to mend some fences.

  3. I am not saying the man is right or wrong, but I will say is what he did 35 yrs ago in college was not viewed as wrong at the time. Come on who can get to be in their 40s or 50s can say they never did something they wish they hadn't done? Who can say when they were in college they did not do something stupid? I am 50ish 🙂 and I know I have done things when I was younger that I wish I hadn't done. I hope that I have gotten wiser with age. So I cannot judge the man without looking at myself first. He is no worse than the rest of us.

  4. I don't think Northam shouldn't even be question about the yearbook. It was the thing to do back in the 80's and people didn't get all butt hurt about it. There was respect for each other back then and no one take it to heart. Today, we can't even look at each other. I have to say, I know there is a lot of name calling like white trash but I guess that is ok. I think it's funny how once Northam said killing babies in last term is ok, his life and Virginia State started felling apart. You have pissed off God!!!!! I would hate to be in your shoes Northam!!!!

  5. Outside of the governors sickening endorsement for late term abortions (i.e.; murder of a baby), I would like to make a prophesy, so let me set this thought into motion. The democratic governor of Virginia is now under fire for the black face photo of him taken decades ago and thus there are calls for him to resign. Next the democratic lieutenant governor of Virginia who is next in line to take over if the governor resigns is now been #metoo for a blow job that happened 25 years ago. Now if he is forced out of office, the third in line for succession is the democratic attorney general of Virginia who by chance was among those screaming for the governor to resign, has now been found to have done black face many years ago when he was a kid. If he has to resign, the fourth in line for governor is a conservative republican. Here is my prophesy; the democratic party will call for "healing and forgiveness" ONLY so that there is no chance that the conservative republican WILL NOT TAKE OVER AS GOVERNOR! PS: I also found it interesting that the #metoo woman went to the Washington Post in 2017 to report on the democrat lieutenant governor forced blow job story. The Washington Post REFUSED to print the story then ONLY because the charge was leveled against a rising democrat. So much for the Post's 10 million dollar Super Bowl ad that praised their own integrity for reporting the news. Sigh, I used to laugh years ago at my fathers statements that "this country is going to hell in a hand basket". I am sorry I doubted you Dad, you were right.

  6. The whole State is full of hypocrisy. They kicked the Loving family out of the State in 1958 on a felony. Their crime? Being a White man married to a Black women. Shut up Virginia.

  7. If all three of these corrupt Democrats resign in Virginia, fourth in line for Governor is Virginia's Speaker of the House of Delegates Republican Kirk Cox. Something tells me the corrupt Democrat Party will be giving a pass to one of their racist's or rapist.

  8. Hey, People, Lincoln was a Republican! Senator Byrd ,was the most powerful Democrat senator for many years. He was a former KKK leader. Hilary and bill supported him. The present democrat governor and the Democrat attorney general both appeared in Black face makeup. Consider Republican next election.

  9. HA HA LOL LOL! And now the very Socialist puppet who accused everyone else of being a racist is himself, a racist! First we got the former Governor 'Terry McPsychopath' telling the Cops to head to the donut shops in Charlottesville and now this. Three people killed and two dozen injured along with a half dozen fucked up prosecutions but these are necessary for the revolution. Then this douchebag Northam authorizes the murder of innocent children. Hey Virginia! Ya'll got a serious problem man and its called "ELECTING FUCKING SOCIALISTS'.

  10. Get over it black people. Be thankful European brought u to America..if not u would still be running from lions .. and eating dirt

  11. The Governor was just trying to look like Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was trying to look like a white person. So what is the difference? Duh????? MJ did not get in trouble, he kept on singing and moon walking till he overdosed. I think the Gov. should not heed calls for his resignation. Keep on fighting Governor.

  12. A little shoe polish 🤣🤣🤣 that was more than a lil

  13. This is the Democrats eating their own. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the fact that Democrats are okay with killing babies. He put their business on the street in such a way that it threatens funding for their cash cow: planned parenthood.

  14. "why are people hating him now? He only dressed up as a klansman with a jimcrow man next to him, that's not racist!" these people…

  15. Behold that ANY racist political action in our days not only is profoundly immoral but threatens to bring us back to the horrors that happened all over the world like the Nazism in Europe, the racial based slavery in the United States, the mainland invasion of mainland Asia by the Japanese or the more recent war in Rwanda (just in that small country over 2 million victims). Not a surprise for me though that this guy is an ardent backer of abortion…

  16. “Black face for Michael Jackson concert in 1984”. Plzzzzzz. Anyone believes that!?

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