Violent turbulence rocks Delta flight, injuring at least 3 passengers

Violent turbulence rocks Delta flight, injuring at least 3 passengers

The plane took off from California and was en route to Seattle, but was forced to divert to Reno, Nevada.




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31 thoughts on “Violent turbulence rocks Delta flight, injuring at least 3 passengers

  1. I thought it was the one I was in when we were going to New York the plane had turbelance and the plane kept going up and down and one passeger passed out and we couldn't get out until she was sent to the hospital

  2. I flew a small Cessna 172(4seat) plane and flying over mountain is enough to encounter moderate turbulence and this was shocking but still safe, I can’t imagine severe turbulence.

  3. Delta's profit last year: $2,100,000,000.00. Delta's CEO, Edwards Bastiems, was paid $14,982,400.00 in 2019. He is an accountant with no training or professional expertise in aeronautics, avionics, metorology, or other discipline related to airplanes and flying. His accounting degree is from a small, third tier University.

  4. This is why I hate every god dam time when the pilots says “Just a short notice we are going to have to fly through a storm for a few minutes” And I think why the F? I understand if it could be a very large storm but please fly around it I don’t care if the flight takes slightly longer it would save the breathes of everyone on the plane including me

  5. "Weather as a possible factor"….are you fucking serious???…No wonder mainstream media is losing to online news sources like TYT, Roland Martin, Vlad TV and African Diaspora(formerly The Advise Show)

  6. Thousands of people die in car accidents in the United States every year , how many have died from a commercial airliner crashing due to turbulence??? (‘79 is the only exception) . Either way I’m flying!

  7. The weather as a possible factor? That’s common sense you f.. moron. They hit an dense airpocket or updraft and went negative G’s fast.

  8. Damn what’s crazy is my flight got cancelled from San Diego to Seattle around that time due to the snowy weather conditions in Seattle. I ended missing my connecting flight to Japan because of it. I flew with Alaska Airlines though 😂

  9. So we all understand that turbulence can happen during flight. But the pilots were aware of the stormy weather for THIS flight. Why did they disregard and try to fly through it /near it anyway? That is negligence! Again, I understand that certain types of turbulence can happen during flight and sometimes can't be helped/avoided, but when storms are in the flight path, why can't they delay the flight until the storm passes? Passengers would rather be inconvenienced vs. going through a horrific experience like this Delta flight did. If the goal is to scare passengers and and lose future passengers, due to fear then yes, fly in or near thunderstorms. PILOTS AND AIRLINES – If safety is your real concern, then stop worrying about delays, which may cost you money and cause inconveniences for your airline. Because when you take a risk and it doesn't pan out, people get injured and at best you give people a horrible flying experience, some of whom will never fly again because you scares the ship out of them! You are pilots not Evel Knievel!

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