Violence erupts in 3 major cities

Violence erupts in 3 major cities

A manhunt is underway for the suspects who allegedly killed an off-duty corrections officer in Queens, New York.


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42 thoughts on “Violence erupts in 3 major cities

  1. Crime is at an all time high , never thought the world could come to this !! It's unbelievable I need to raise a child in the world we live in . Lord help me 🙏 I pray it'll change. Dear God , Please … "Heal The 🌎 World & Make it A Better Place '' . Michael sure did know the world needed help.

  2. Summer of Love!!!😅😂🤣

  3. For all the reasons mentioned in the comments it might be a good idea to bump up the number of officers and servuces people obviously need ubtil the states and fed govt get a handle on the violence. We also need to let police know we want them, we need then, and we must be fair to them. We cannot throw cops in jail every time they make a small judgemebt of error. We all do. Doctors do. Lawyers do. Teachers do. Im not saying the police crimes that hv been brough5 to our recent attention. But think its even as we are trying to balance out systemic racism. It might be a good time to lift up those wonderful officers we do have a write their stories too and the good things they are doing., maybe offer them some extra services for themselves and their families.

  4. Start giving stimulus and certainty and ppl will start acting right. Bet your mustache. 🤣🍆🤪😋

  5. Why? People just don’t care. Evil people do evil things. Praying for the family’s.

  6. This is to be expected when you release hundreds of prisoners early and don't have the ability to arrest people because the jails are too full for social distancing.

  7. 🔥Why are the Democrats letting their towns burn. Unreal.🔥

  8. People have no money and they still can afford disaster 😓😓🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️

  9. Let's ban guns. Will that help your fweelings? How bout arresting people and appreciating the police for a change. Ps. No cop shot anyone. This is the anarchists alone.

  10. Omg! Watcj this 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

  11. some days I think there is no way in hell Trump is getting re-elected. Then I see stories like this and think maybe I'm wrong. We now have a skyrocketing shooting/murder rate that we can blame solely on the defund/abolish the police narrative.

  12. America is no longer a safe place to live. There is so much racism and hate crimes there. “United We Stand,” is no longer the case there. The American Dream no longer exist.

  13. Why? Haven’t you seen the state of the economy? The amount of weapons in the streets of America. The shitshow that is the government and the lack of hope that is engulfing so many communities. These cops, it’s like they don’t live in the places they police.

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