Vigil held remembering victims of Robb Elementary

Vigil held remembering victims of Robb Elementary

Community members in Houston, Texas, gathered for a vigil remembering the victims of the deadly school shooting in Uvalde.


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10 thoughts on “Vigil held remembering victims of Robb Elementary

  1. I’m so proud of Dr aduke on YouTube for his honesty,defeated Herpes and ever since I’m living happily ever after…

  2. So a reporter said, and I qoute, “he crashed his car, grabbed an armalite rifle, and made his way towards the west side of the school, that’s where a resource occifer RAN INTO HIM”. Why didn’t the occifart engage him at that time? Why did he allow him to enter a room?

    The bottom line and truth concerning automatic firearms. There is only one reason why the citizens of the United States need military grade firearms of any kind. That reason is to have the same firearms the the Federal and State government agencies possess. Citizens must at all times be armed with equal firearm capabilities that their government have in order to ensure the ability to resist a tyrannical political body of government takeover. The gun control that will only make reasonable sense will never be able to happen because our government is not trustworthy. The gun control that could prevent unnecessary deaths in the United States can not happen because of our government body. It would have to be the following.

    A complete ban on all military grade firearms, handgun and long gun alike. The law would have to ban military grade firearms from ALL United States Federal and State agencies to specifically include the ATF, ICE, FBI, CIA and NSA and all other law enforcement entities. The law would include the U.S. military while inside the continental United States with exception for training on a designated military instillation firing range. Let's be honest if the Federal and States agencies are banned from automatic weapons and embrace the ban then the citizens of the United States will be able to except a parallel ban of automatic weapons.

    This is the only way that a ban of military grade automatic weapons would ever be acceptable to the citizens of the United States.

  4. Ese atuendo me vuelve loco 19yearsold.Monster loco contigo y tienes ese cuerpo curvilíneo, hiciste un buen trabajo modelándolo también. También me gusta el último atuendo. Me encantak cómo los cinturones de liga se.

  5. Sadly, nothing will ever change and the countless mass shootings will continue when these are the gun nuts you're up against……

    "It's wrong to infringe on everyone's Constitutional rights just because you soft on crime liberals don't want to punish the guilty, don't want capital punishment and it's insane that we haven't hardened our schools…..every elementary and middle school should have locking doors that people can't just walk right through and schools should have at least one security guard trained to deal with all treats, but we haven't even done that much……yet you talk about punishing 100,000,000 law abiding gun owners with unconstitutional infringements that won't fix our nations mental illness problems."

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