Video shows suspect in fatal Cal State Fullerton stabbing: Police

Video shows suspect in fatal Cal State Fullerton stabbing: Police

Authorities released a sketch showing an Asian man in his mid-20s with black hair; Steven Chan, a retired college administrator, was found bleeding to death on campus.




23 thoughts on “Video shows suspect in fatal Cal State Fullerton stabbing: Police

  1. I know the suspect too, he was my family closest best friend and we all have no clue what was going on because he was a good man that alway smile and helping out the community. We still don't believe he done anything like this. However, at this time respect to the case and his family I can not answer any questions regarding to the case of his family.

  2. My theory is could be one of his former students who attend his class but failed or cheated and get kicked out of Cal State Fullerton and could be one of those Mainland Rich Asian Student who are lazy that would drive a $64k BMW X6.

  3. So that's why I saw cops that morning. My brother was taking my siblings and I to Denny's when we saw a lot of cops there.

    And this is scary because I live a few minutes away from the school.

  4. Why didn’t the professor defend himself with his firearm?!?!

  5. I think its one of his students that wasn't satisfied with his grade or something along those lines I'm willing to bet $$$$$ that guy was young looking getting into a late model BMW mommy and daddy bought him and he probably doesn't want them to find out he's a loser in college so he does this shit because he's stupid………….

  6. If his hands were cut his DNA is everywhere, but this looked like a personal attack. Whoever he pissed off either hired someone to kill him like that or the guy wanted to make it personal themselves.

  7. Hope they find this man fast. Why would anyone do such a horrific act to another innocent human being. Wow has society changed. My prayers go to the man's family and loved ones. 🙏💗

  8. He probably got an B on an exam and took it out on the professor , Asians don’t play that shit. I hope they catch this psycho.

  9. Had the tools of a professional, but clearly not the experience. If he had lacerations on his hands, the knife probably had no handguard and his hand slipped onto the blade with each thrust. I wouldn't be surprised if he brought all of those other items because he had a list of targets to hit but because this one didn't go smoothly, he had to ditch his gear to make a hasty getaway look less conspicuous. Or he wasn't actually sure about what he was going to do until he got there and just decided to bring everything. Everything about this screams amateur.

  10. It’s probs one of his students

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