Hayden Longs mother says she was taking her son to the hospital because he was having a mental health crisis.
#ABCNews #Takedown #Teenager #MentalHealth
Hayden Longs mother says she was taking her son to the hospital because he was having a mental health crisis.
#ABCNews #Takedown #Teenager #MentalHealth
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Unprofessional fatass security guards should be fired, no way to handle someone with mental illness.
I like how do cropped out the teen punching the security guard a couple times… And no mention of the gun threat from the teen.
Great job fake news
Like yeah the kid has an attitude, but that does not excuse the cops behavior. It’s just a kid.
We just need more places to just deal with mental needs.
Yo Hayden, u have a lot of support from us. Respond to us and update us bro
Someone needs to punch that chief and then ask him if that was a punch
Dude, I feel for u. Can't believe what these fat fucks did to you.
This is edited… The full video (or partial) shows him assaulting his mom several times, him punching the security guard, and much more BS… He even said, "I want to shoot you with a gun!" Or something like that… I do believe that cop did overreact with punching him in the face, but blood/spit can contain some discusting ass stuff.
Society is fucking doomed
This just makes me not want to go to the us tbh
Intentionally cutting the video to make the guards use of force look unjustified. Wow.
Who lotta BS. You forgot to add the part where his mom said she was fine with them doing that, when he assaulted his mom 5 times, and the part where he said he is going to shoot everyone. Good way to crop out everything. His mom went from caring him to wanting money. She should be ashamed about herself and you ABC for propaganda
If you assault someone in front of the hospital, security has to respond because you are a threat, you then spit in a police officers face.. are you kidding me? Thank you hospital security officers and those police officers for responding.
She really just stood there and watch her son get beat up.
Shi i’d do the same if someone spit in face tf? prolly worse 🤦ðŸÂ½â€ÂÂÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Treating the Fatherless wrongfully is only going to get themselves in trouble with God, God takes it very seriously with Fatherless people.
Only Jesus can truly heal the broken hearted, and, crushed Spirit, and, rescue those that are suffering, and, deliver those that are suffering bitterness. You only need to call upon The Name of The Lord, and, you will be saved.
Theyll charge him as extortion to drop all charges and suits against the police
The teen deserved to get the charges. Stupid teen probably never got beaten in his fucking life. Theres so many idiots in this comment section. Stop being stupid and do ur own research ABC news is cunts for not educating you guys properly.
It's a cut video to make the guards look bad don't bealive this u can check the full video at Donut operator who covered it
I wish I could’ve gotten a hold of Judge Judy this is fucked up and unfair
Yeah, the kid shoved his mom in the beginning of the video, he deserves anything he got, not to mention he spit in the cops face.
Hey Abc News how about not editing the video and give us the real and true version of what really happened. Oh wait never mind, you guys like escalating people’s hatred towards others. Here’s what really happened https://youtu.be/udUrltmHXzw
Yeah. Apart from the news cut the footage when the 16yo assaults his mum 4 times. Saying he has a gun and wants to shoot people. The news is bullshit and people believe it. Watch Donut Operators video on it.
Stupid mother, you trust hospital more than God.
Well the police so brave. LOL
ABC News, why do you lie?
if this was a black man, he would of been shot without question. but this boy PUSHES his mother and SPITS into the polices face. not saying he should of been tackled but he definitely deserved to be touched up
Anyone that hits their mom like that deserves more it’s obvious the people In the comments are pussies if I ever acted like this kid I hope butterbean roughs me up too.
Wtf is wrong with America?
Amazing how people can't even spend 2 minutes of their day to do some actual research, instead of trusting all news stories they see
Hahahahaa 😂😂selber schuld .. hätte dieses kleine Stück Scheiße, mir ins Gesicht gespuckt mit Blut, dann hätte ich den mit den Schlagstock in die Fresse gehauen bis noch mehr Blut spritzt. Wer einen Polizisten an spuckt ins Gesicht der muss damit rechnen dass das zusammengeschlagen wird😉😈ðŸâ€Âª
Ok. If you watch the full video of the security Footage then you'll see that he assaulted his mother 5 times and right hooked the security guard in the face after he missed the first time. And when the cop pushed him in the face that was because the kid spat blood in his face and mouth. This could lead to many diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B. The cops handled the situation like he was a criminal because his actions were criminal. News stations please stop spreading false information.
Watch the Donut Operator video about this then stfu. Stop being brainwashed by out of context clips and mainstream media all together. Fucking sheeple.
Wow. The people in this comment section have idea what theyre talking about. This kid was drunk, not mentally ill, he punched a securtiy guard, he alse was threatening to shoot up the hospital, spit blood in an officer who was trying to be civil and talk to the kids face. This kid deserved this and all props to the security guards and police for doing the right thing.
Fcking idiotic police man
can't fix stupid hahah
Kid deserved it, hopefully they knocked some sense into him
"america is the greatest country."
yeah sure bruh
these officers attempted to control and combative and a disorderly subject. It is stunning that so many people are not staking the sides of law enforcement, and would rather take issue with how the subject was controlled
Where’s the full video?
Cry me a river. Kid wanted to throw haymakers like a man and got smacked. You people are such pussies.