Video shows mobs attacking Capitol police as investigators ramp up search for rioters l GMA

Video shows mobs attacking Capitol police as investigators ramp up search for rioters l GMA

The FBI is searching through an estimated 45,000 tips from all 50 states to help identify and bring to justice the people responsible for the violent pro-Trump riots.

Armed protests being planned at all 50 state capitols, FBI bulletin says:

#ABCNews #CapitolRiots #WashingtonDC #Trump #FBI


33 thoughts on “Video shows mobs attacking Capitol police as investigators ramp up search for rioters l GMA

  1. YES 👍👍👍

  2. Hahahahaha, I’d attack those cops too

  3. Democrats are demon filths! Rigged Election covered up by so called inserectionist who weren't even armed with slingshot! The only shot that was fired was from DC policce killing an unarmed white lady! Dummyfilths!

  4. Fuk the police 🐷 wankers die bastards

  5. And it’s funny hat FBI takes more cases serious then DUMBASS COPS

  6. 1:07 that's a smart brother😂😂😂😂 to use their own wrath against them in his interview to try and make them look bad, love the way you kept a straight face too 😂😂💀💯💯💯but I know damn well you was laughing like me once it was found out the young man was okay 😂😂😂😂😂💯💯🤞🏾

  7. That is the most ignorant statement I’ve ever heard “ he gets sick if he doesn’t eat organic foods “ so before people could get organic foods readily , People like him would die.

  8. Blue lives don’t matter

  9. I am a Trump supporter and Cop supporter but this is wrong I do not support them doing this, The cops were stopping them from getting in and protesting the US government I think that's why they hurt the police

  10. Unguided Tour of The Capital vs months of terrorism from the left.
    Get Fucked, you have no moral high ground, you don’t even have ammo.

  11. First as police you want to be true the same time you can't be a choirboy I see these videos of police getting the dog slop out them…all of that so called defensive tactics…what joke..don't give up the ship..

    Let's rumble all day all day

  12. Numbers count 🤣🤣🤣

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