Video reveals details about teen murdered for inheritance

Video reveals details about teen murdered for inheritance

The never-before-seen video shows Preston Taylor, who pleaded guilty to helping Liam McAtasney dispose of Sarah Stern’s body, re-enacting the grisly details with investigators.


27 thoughts on “Video reveals details about teen murdered for inheritance

  1. If those two evil arseholes were her friends I'd hate to meet her enemies 😳

  2. Liam's lawyer can't possibly believe that he was just making up stuff up to impress Anthony Curry. His lawyer said on 20/20 that he was making this up to try to give a film maker a good story. Liam did not even know he was being taped. His mom is still in denail. She is still saying that Liam is innocent and Sarah is still alive out there they just don't know where to find her

  3. Is incredibly what people is capable of.. Hope people watch this & believe that there's evil in humans & they can deny living a normal life, just thankful she got some' justice.. RIP Beautiful girl.!

  4. R.I.P Sarah Stern She Never Deserved to Die 😭😭😭😭😭 I Hope her Family And Friends Recover 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. That’s why I don’t tell anyone about
    My fiancé’s. Wow you can’t trust anyone.
    So sad for her and her family!

  6. Meh no need to pay attention to this garbage anymore. Throw away the key and no one needs to hear about it. These news and crime videos are just making money off of her death. There’s better things to think about

  7. These 2 individuals are DEMONS with no souls. They're cold evil heartless DEMONS with not 1 drop of blood running through their veins. They deserve to never see daylight again. They both need to be thrown in a dungeon forever. Who do they think they are to take this young lady's life just for their sick greedy needs?!! Why do they deserve any kind of previledge or right to anything? Does Ms. Stern get to see daylight ever again? Get to eat have friends play games watch TV read a book write exercise have a drink with acquaintances friends or family? Does she get to enjoy love marriage children etc. NO NO NO NO NO NO ANSWER ALWAYS FOR BER WILL BE A PERMANENT NO! THESE DEMONS DECIDED THEY HAD THE RIGHT TO MURDER, TAKE THIS YOUNG LADIES LIFE FROM HER, END HER LIFE AND DESTROY HER FAMILY'S LIVES ASWELL (CUS THAT IS WHAT A BARBARIC TRAGIC HORRIBLE MURDER DOES TO A WHOLE FAMILY.) THE REASON?? THEY FELT THEY HAD THE RIGHT BECAUSE OF THEIR GREED!! HOW DESPICABLE THESE SELFISH SHAMELESS COWARD DEMONS ARE!!

  8. This was so senseless. She thought they were her friends but they were really wolves in sheep clothing…her poor dad. His life will never be the same. So sad.

  9. This is why YOUNG PEOPLE NEED TO STOP BRAGGING ABOUT MONEY AND INHERITANCES because you'll have evil swines like these guys who will kill you. And they got nothing but cold hard steel. And her life is gone.

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