Victims speak out in US Catholic sexual abuse scandal

Victims speak out in US Catholic sexual abuse scandal

A Pennsylvania grand jury released a bombshell report on 300 alleged predator priests, more than 1,000 victims and 70 years of alleged cover-ups in the state’s Catholic Church.


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49 thoughts on “Victims speak out in US Catholic sexual abuse scandal

  1. This evil Catholic Church doesn't care about children being raped in the church. All this Catholic Church wants is power and to get richer and richer! The Catholic Church and this evil Pope is covering all this up! Why do Children suffer and the Catholic Church always gets away with this? Peaple around this world should protect all Children from this evil paedophile ring The Catholic Church!!!

  2. church never ever be transparent as long as people go there and give their money – if you really want to change it stop support it – because you do this and you sing under all this the hierarchy of the church was/is doing when you go there and give your money

  3. do you even know what it is that you believe in? do you not know what catholicism is and who it stands for?
    let me start by tell you what your church is and why. i will not use my own words, but will give scripture that speaks against your false religion, and every other religion that is opposite of the TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, my LORD AND SAVIOR. the word of GOD talks about many false prophets (christs) rising and misleading many, and yes YOUR church is at the head of this blasphemous false reality of RELIGION.

    the catholic church is built on docrtrine of men
    catholicism is first and foremost a religion of heresy, doctrine created by men that's been made to resemble holy scripture, which in reality IS FALSE DOCRINE and therefore plain old false, meaning YOU HAVE BEEN PREACHED ANOTHER GOSPEL that is not of Christ, but has been infiltrated by the devil and his dummies. this means that catholicism and your faith, is a religion given to you by FALSE CHRISTS. the WORD OF GOD speaks against your faith in galatians 1:1-10 where it says that IF ANY MAN PREACH ANOTHER GOSPEL UNTO YOU THAN WHATS GIVEN IN THE BIBLE, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. other scriptures that the WORD OF GOD speaks against you to show you that this catholic belief system of yours is heresy is in 2 corinthians 11:1-4, and 2 peter 2:1-3. heresy is basically teaching for docrtrine the commandments of men. your false prophets teach you of cathecism, dogma, praying to mary and other saints, etc., all these are not docrtrine of God, but doctine of devils making it seem as if its scripture, when it shouldnt even SEEM like its scripture, because its not in the BIBLE. you all worship the LORD JESUS CHRIST in VAIN. it says so in both matthew 15:9, and mark 7:7. IN VAIN means "fruitlessly", or "pointless", as if he doesnt even know you because you worshiped in VAIN.

    the head of YOUR church is a man that all of you believe is the closest thing to CHRIST JESUS than any other man or woman on the planet will ever get, and you call him the pope. how did this happen? in your eyes he is christ refined, but the word of God says in ephesians and in colossian who the head of the church is. (ephesians 5:23. colossians 1:18-20). so WHO told you to put this man in the seat of JESUS CHRIST? the fact that "you people" put these devils in positions of power further shows how little you know of MY LORD and SAVIOR JESUS THEE ONE AND ONLY CHRIST. all those in CHRIST JESUS are equal, none are grater than the next (galatians 3:26-29).

    mary is not a deity or worthy of any form of praise or prayer whatsoever
    how? why would this even come to you as be recieved as truth, when mary is barely even spoken of in the BIBLE. the scripture were Jesus was told that HIS FAMILY is seeking him, JESUS in both matthew 12:46-50, and mark 3:31-35 replied by saying "who is my MOTHER and my BRETHREN"? mary was NEVER GLORIFIED, BY THE FATHER. Jesus always spoke of the FATHER, not the MOTHER. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, did he speak of mary as HOLY MOTHER OF GOD MARY. there is a scripture that talks of the queen of heaven, which is WHO you the catholic church speak of, but i dont think your gonna like who that REALLY IS. im gonna tell you anyway. SHE is talked about in scriptures of jeremiah 7:18, 44:17-30, and the results of what God did to them who sacrificed and prayed to her. if the possession of a woman named Anneliese Michel is true, then these are her words as to why her demons would not be removed. NOTE: do your own research on her. to make it short, it is said that she claimed to see what "you people" call the "blessed mother mary" appear to her and asked her to do "penance" for her people and youth. penence according to the catholic church is a type of remission of sins, asking for forgiveness of sins. WHO but christ can be given for the remission of sins? no man, no woman can give themselves for the sins of another, yet her faith told her it was so? how is this possible? its not, one was already given, and HE IS THE ONLY ONE, GOD SEES. this was a real person, and her real story.

    sacrament of penance – confessing sins
    to WHO do I CONFESS MY SINS? what MAN can i go to and get my sins removed other than CHRIST JESUS? what MAN? NONE, and the word of GOD doesnt tell you to either, yet you have made this acceptable with your false doctrine. you cant take the word of THE LIVING GOD and twist it to your liking. it is the devil that twists the things of GOD, and like father like son/daughter which you are. the scripture speaks of confessing your faults to another believer in james 5:16, and pray for one another. why? for example, i may have an issue where i where i cant stop sinning in an area of my life, yet i know another brother in christ who has gone through the same thing, and he has been set free from it. if i tell him my issue and ask him what he did to get out of it, and he prays with me to be free in the name of Jesus, then and only then should i CONFESS MY FAULT to him. HE CANNOT ABSOLVE ANYTHING, but when two or more are gathered together, JESUS is there to make it blessed. the other scripture in 1john 1:9 says that if our sin HE is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. so who do i CONFESS MY SINS TOO? Jesus said in john 14:6, "i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me", so to what MAN can i go to, in order to get to the Father for my sins to be removed. NONE, JESUS is the only way.

    YOUR ungodly TITLES
    father. the WORD OF GOD SAYS in matthew 23:8-12 to call no man neither rabbi (jews), or father (catholic), yet again, YOUR church preaches opposite the WORD OF THE LIVING GOD.

    matthew 15:13-14

    in conclusion
    in that day many of you will say to him LORD, LORD and shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven but those that do the will of the father. matthew 7:22,

    all needed scripture below. this is only the beginning.

    heresy is preaching another gospel
    galations 1:6
    2 corinthians 11:4
    2 peter 2:1-3

    -teaching for doctrine commandments of men
    matthew 15:9
    mark 7:7
    Titus 1:14
    matthew 7:21-23

    -all matthew 23

    -call no man Rabbi/Father i am of paul/silas/etc
    matthew 23:1-12,
    1 corinthians 3:1-

    who is my mother or my brethren? marry is not a God to be prayed to
    matthew 12:46-50

    ***********matthew 23:15

    -blind leading the blind
    matthew 15:14
    luke 6:39

    divisions and offenses
    romans 16:17

    who is the head of the church? Jesus, not the pope
    ephesians 5:23
    colossians 1:18-20

    the closest human to God is not the pope
    galatians 3:26-29

    confession of sins
    1 john 1:9 is not james 5:16

  4. This is not a rare apple case…it's an institutional and world wide issue that harms the innocent. Any priests still defending this or belittling this truth are now accomplices and part of this gigantic darkness.

  5. I am truly disgusted by what they have done! However, I will not leave the faith, because I am not under the rule of these horrid men, but the rule of Christ the King! Catholics, we must stand up, rise up, and protect the sanctity of Christ, our Lord!

  6. Ok all of the people that were supposedly abused are all coming forward now when there is a lot of money to be distributed what if they are lying why can't they take lie detector tests why just based on their word

  7. Abuse? Call it rape. And look into this too:

    More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years
    In May, the high-profile Republican governor for New Jersey declined to sign into law a measure that would have made his state the first to ban child marriage without exception. Chris Christie claimed it would conflict with religious customs.

  8. Why would anyone stay in this corrupt religion? This report is a snapshot of what has been happening around the country and the world since the Catholic church's beginnings. Imagine for a minute how many lives have been destroyed… Run away from these people now.

  9. The Vatican is responsible for their actions.The Vatican is a sovereign nation separate from the USA. If thousands of American children have been sexually abused by this Nation located in Rome Italy. Then ask yourself why we have not declared war on them and sent a fleet out to warn them or are our standards of care for our children only for the elite politicians to use? Where is the US ARMY, US NAVY AND US AIR-FORCE?

  10. Martian: It appears that something called a Church abuses young.

    ABC News: Yes.

    Martian: And some of the young you don't abort get abused by….

    ABC News: Pay no attention to those.

    Martian: But your grown creatures live vicariously through your….

    ABC News: No, that's a myth.

    Martian: But, we've seen that as long as your young are getting PAID, they can be exploited in a thing called…movies and, umm, pornography?

    ABC News: No, that's freedom of speech.

    Martian: Oh, OK.

  11. The media is anti christian and doesnt expose all pedo rings.. the catholic church will eradicate all bad priests then move on.. so get to church follow jesus and stop ur hypocrisy and excuses.

  12. It's say to forgive but how? coming from a church that abuses in the name of religion, the natives should jump on there stories haven't been told , some didn't survive. And I know to forgive is too move on , it's history, stories handed down

  13. Someone made the point that 90% of the priests are genuinely God-fearing Bible Thumpers okay why not 99% anyway I feel that there is a slur campaign going against religion in general promulgated by the Atheist agenda

  14. Look at the history of this Church, its not the only crimes they have committed, ever heard of the Dark ages. The Catholic Church is stems from Rome, the same Rome who put Christ to put death, Harlod who tried to kill baby Jesus! Rome has never changed, the veil themselves in robes, looking as Christ, but in their hearts they are wicked. Read history of this Church!

  15. I WAS A YOUNGSTER WHEN FATHER OMALLY TOOK ME IN TO HIS SECRET HOLE IN THE WALL IN THE MENS ROOM BEHID THE DUMPSTER AND HELPED MAKE ME WHAT I AM TODAY,,,,,,a anti social cross dressing hermit living in my parents basement wearing my mothers under wear and creeping around in the night naked in a blond wig,,,,,,i look like twiggy


  17. There are people who will blame this on all of Christianity.

    Christians did not do this. People who follow Jesus Christ did not do this. No one who follows Jesus would do this.

    Religious people did this. Roman Catholics did this. Men filled with devils did this.

    Roman Catholicism is not the same as following Jesus Christ.

  18. Why is it always little boys and not little girls? Or it is probably both… and what about celibacy maybe this would be a good time to consider the marriage of priests celibacy is a tough sentence. Who came up with the idea of celibacy in the first place Satan?

  19. I’m a devout catholic. Im deeply sorry and ashamed to know that this happens. I really hope to see these evil men put behind bars. They are not at all what my church and its members advocate. They are just evil. I’m so sad that so many have had to suffer because of their wicked deeds.

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