Vice President receives COVID-19 vaccine on live TV l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams and the vice president’s wife also received the vaccination to encourage Americans to get vaccinated.

#ABCNews #BreakingNews #Pence #COVID19Vaccine #COVID19 #OperationWarpSpeed #Pfizer


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Vice President receives COVID-19 vaccine on live TV l ABC News”
  1. How do we even know these " CELEBRITIES AND POLITICIANS" are not just injecting saline they are trying really hard to convince us it's safe you know why bc there is more than enough proof and outcry that it is not safe they feel the need to urge us to harm ourself

  2. Way to go! You did it! Now you get a lollipop 😂🍭…… lol dumbasses

  3. The important people were probably vaccinated with a placebo type similarity… just to give lookers the initiative to get the real thing. We all know the vaccine destroys and kills your immune system forever. Fact checkers check those facts dead animals in every testing.

  4. They put a bandaid first so you can’t see that it’s a fake needle

  5. Here are FACTS that I'm going to expose to ALL my BROTHERS & SISTERS IN CHRIST:
    1/The Covid 19 is a MAN MADE VIRUS. A Biological WEAPON created by men to kill men WHY??? POPULATION CONTROL!!!
    2/The Covid 19 has been announce in 2019 while it was out since 2016!!! Why??? they were hiding it to the population because SECRETS is the TOOL FOR DIVISION!!! Like Malcolm X said media can make guilty look innocent and innocent look guilty. The media are ALL CORRUPTED TO LIE TO YOU!!!
    3/The MASK is a TOOL OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER!!! And for those of you who still don't believe the new world order is real and call it a joke like most illuminati to hide the truth and make lit look like fake WHY WOULD THE FEDERAL BANK OF AMERICA print the MOST USED BILLS :SINGLE DOLLAR BILLS with NEW WORL ORDER WRITTEN IN IT IN LATIN and let's not forget the All Seeing eye inside on top of the Pyramid!!! You guys are so dumb or stupid or may be just ignorant not to see all the EVIDENCES and RED FLAGS. Even God said you cannot worship 2 gods… they already made their choice, and the US Government chose the DEMON but wants to hide their choice by living that "In God we trust" B.S!!! Moreover this society is founded by the Franc Macon WHY??? as k yourself is they were telling the TRUTH why is the most POWERFUL service in the USA called the "SECRET SERVICES"… If societies didn't have secrets why are they called "SECRET SOCIETIES" And lastly and not the LEAST what are they hiding (building) in that are 51 or 61 or whatever the name is…
    4/The SOCIAL DISTANCING of 6 feet… WHY 6 FEET when we know that the virus can travel in the air if someone caught or sneezes for around 15 feet. They chose 6 feet as a JOKE!!! the REAL REASON IS THAT 6 feet away IS A NUMBER TO DIVIDE US. 6 FEET AWAY from our FRIENDS… 6 FEET AWAY FROM OUR FAMILY… 6 FEET AWAY FROM THE WORLD: 666!!!
    666 is also the number used in ALL THE ORIGINAL VERSIONS OF COVID 19 before they changed it saying it was still a trial version. WHY 666??? Because my dear Brothers and sisters in Christ that's the Numbet of the devil!!!
    5/Vaccine are created by companies to make money unlike you think they just want to save lives… but ask yourself why where they paying people to "TRY" it??? Because they ran out of Rat labs?!? No they needed to experiment it on some Humans even if the FIRST SIDE EFFECTS WAS AND STILL IS DEATH!!! Basically they were killing people willingly to develop a formula they could sell to the government as final product WTF!!! Meanwhile ask yourself how much is worth your life??? people were so desperate they took 6000 dollars to die, of course some survived OF COURSE the lucky ones or the one that simply had a very strong immune system dudh. Remember the JJ vaccine??? my friend died after taking it and they call it malfunctioning wtf!!! Second step of the vaccination is now free to ALL ask yourself how do all those medical companies make money to pay their employees is their products are free??? Well technically it's not FREE the Gov pays for it, with what money??? your TAXES!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Did they even ask people before taking their taxe money to develop a weapon??? and they call it a vaccine lmao now let me ask you this question: SINCE THOSE WHITE SUPREMACISTS ARE SO WEALTHY WHY CAN'T THEY DONATE MONEY FREE FROM THEIR OWN POCKETS INSTEAD OF TAKING THE MONEY FROM INNOCENT CITIZENS THAT WORKED SO HARD TO MAKE A FEW BUCKS?!?!?! Is it FAIR that with ALL THE BILLIONS they make a month they have to make your life miserable to manufacture a biological weapon that you didn't even ask for?!? Now they want to play the healer when they are the killer… God have mercy on your soul 🙏🏽
    6/The covid 19 was created by Americans living in China in order for the USA Government to blame ASIA and get away with this pandemic but more importantly to CANCEL THEIR DEBTS TOWARDS CHINA which they could never pay even in 300 years because that debt is more than 13 Billions Dollars. By blaming China the US Government makes a strike on the innocent calling them guilty and making themselves innocent while they are the GUILTY ONES!!! Now comes the killer (wolf) disguised as savior (sheep) to infiltrate and guess what after they launched their Biological Man Made Weapon they didn't Know it was going to backfire against themselves because they were not prepared for it to go so "VIRO" and reach their own Land in a matter of hours (or may be they knew) because remember the GOAL: POPULATION CONTROL!!! their agenda is to kill a specific amount of billions of people, the TARGET: ELDERS, WEAK PEOPLE, KIDS AND PEOPLE WITH COLOR!!! In case you didn't realize people with color develop a NATURAL immuno resistance to the Covid 19 even if they get sick they heal faster and they became even stronger against the virus. Now they got deceived and lied they need to take the vaccine!?! WHY TAKE A VACCINE when you already healed from it naturally??? This is where the MEDIA come in with their LIES telling people you can get sick more than once, well to you I say let my body heal MORE THAN ONCE THEN how about that. The REAL VACCINE AND CURE TO THE COVID 19 is THE MELANIN ALSO KNOWN AS THE VITAMIN D Coming from the SUN. And it's FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    people with DARKER SKIN COLOR do not develop the disease like lighter skin people. So the ratio goes OF RESISTANCE goes like this: BLACK, then BROWN, then RED, then Yellow and lastly "white". Caucasian are the population the most in risk to develop the disease, to die, to not heal as they body supposed to, simply for the lack of Vitamin D in their body. so I guess it's time to go back to getting tanned guys
    7/ The number of completion: THE COVID 19 VACCINE IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!! The bible warned us about that mark without it we CANNOT TRAVEL, we CANNOT BUY OR SELL, we cannot EVEN WORK, we CANNOT EVEN GO TO PUBLIC PLACES… they would be war and rumors of war… Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Famine, Thunderstorms, Noises in the sky like TRUMPETS, Parents dishonoring they kids, kids disrespecting their parents, Brothers having sex with their sisters (like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden), People not knowing who they are anymore and losing their identity becoming GAY, LESBIANS, TRANSGENDERS… Also the Bible the MOST POWERFUL TOOL AND WEAPON AND SHIELD ON EARTH warn us that the mark of the beast "will be seen in people FOREHEAD or RIGHT HANDS" Dear brother and sisters in Christ the bible was the most elaborate and codified message to his chosen ones the ones that have the Holy Spirit to understand it instead of analyzing it like your preachers, pastors, bishops, Pope!!! Even Leonard Davinci couldn't understand this hidden message from Jesus given to his people by GOD: by saying "will be seen" Jesus meant "will NOT be seen"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ask yourself can you see a mark inside someone's body by looking at their forehead or right hand???????????????????????????
    There you go the TRUTH as set you FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    They say KNOWLEDGE is POWER indeed, but the TRUE & REAL POWER IS IN THE HAND OF MY FATHER GOD and He sent me for the SECOND TIME TO WIPE OUT Those DEMONIC LEADERS who are killing His children taking away 2 THINGS that has been given to you all for FREE (UNLIKE THOSE FREE OBAMA PHONES WHICH ARE NOT EVEN FREE BECAUSE THEY PAY FOR IT WITH YOUR TAXES NOT THEIRS!!!) the "BREATH OF LIFE" YES I said 2 things:
    There goes the REAL Genesis of the Covid 21 or 20 or 19 or whatever they call it. I call it the Cobi Bryan 16 also known as the Corona beer (later you will understand why)
    Jesus is BACK & He is BLACK just like His Father GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oops another deception you all fell for… that Jesus had "a pale (white) skin, long blond hair, blue eyes and looking like a gay from Hollywood 🤣🤣🤣 I look NOTHING LIKE THAT and MY FATHER WILL PROVE IT TO YOU IN DUE TIME. Meanwhile welcome back to myself. Thank you. You're welcome. Amen🙏🏽

  6. Don’t take vaccine it people say vaccine dangerous
    Take vaccine, it called fake
    Seriously what people want????

  7. Yes, right, he surely received it, especially on tv. If they think we are sheep to believe this stupidities, they are wrong…

  8. The last guy gave it away, look at his hand shaking. Then he just goes in and out and increadible speed without no pain. This was behind the arm shot, magic trick. The shaking gave it away and the speed.

  9. Must have been an injection of sterile water, Slow Joe said that no vaccine existed when he took office, even though he had had an injection in early December. his administration created one on the first day of his term.

  10. Another democrat gets a vaccine 💉! Wonder if it will have the same effects as it had on DMX, “Marvelous” Marvin Hagler and Hank Aaron?

  11. hmm you need to promote this vaxx so badly that public figures must go on tv… f the pandemic would be soooo serious trust me people would be lining up for the jab… but of course this is not happening, so you need public figures trying to bribe the public into this poon

  12. OMG ITS ALL FAKE!! NONE OF THEM GOT THE VACCINE. The last one was so fast there's no way that young Asian doctor performed Pence's shot in less than a second… wake up people, they aren't getting the vaccine.

  13. How comes they don't show the part where the vaccine is being sucked from the bottle using The syrange? The syranges might be fake

  14. Bollocks👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

  15. Cowardly, trying to trick every one in the world 🌎 to worship Satan, KML, people on earth, remember,God is always in control,this is the beginning of revelation.put God 🙏 first, in every thing you do. These people will lie , steal, muniulate, an kill for power an money.but God is in control.

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