Verizon, AT&T delay 5G rollout near some airports

Verizon, AT&T delay 5G rollout near some airports

Airlines warned of flight cancelations and said the signals could interfere with critical instruments.


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24 thoughts on “Verizon, AT&T delay 5G rollout near some airports

  1. Med frequency beds are used for healing the human body so we know low frequency alpha waves cause cancer but there is Zero data on millimeter frequency waves effects on the human body!

  2. This shows us how pathetic American tech competence is today. Over forty countries around the world have already integrated 5G into their air traffic systems. But the U.S. whines like little bitches because they’ve been too lazy to do anything about.

  3. Looks like I don't have UWB right now. I'm a mile from a small airport with no commercial flights. Not sure if the ban is for those airports as well or just the 50 that were listed on the FAA website. Verizon's website still hasn't been updated to show the new coverage.

  4. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble
    and He will deliver you "
          – Psalm 50 : 15

  5. Siempre DRISEX.UNo
    los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer .
    y.luceros……..tu.hermosura.quedara.por..una.eternidad. en .los.corazonede.
    Navidad.y.noche.buena….mis. respeto .para.todas.las.mujes.del.mundo…

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