The Venezuelan government has freed two American men as the country seeks to improve its relationship with the United States amid Russia’s war with Ukraine.

#ABCNews #Venezuela #Citgo6


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Venezuela releases 2 detained American l GMA”
  1. I am an American living in Central America. Replacing Russian oil with Venezuelan oil is no different than replacing a lime with a lemon. The Russian navy has a huge presence in Venezuela, and Cuba. They are also arming the Nicaraguan army with more sophisticated weapons, and have been little by little worming their way into the region.
    Don't let this release of two prisoners' fool you it is propaganda.
    Biden, and this administration are ether morons or are deliberately trying to destroy democracy around the world.
    Anyone still supporting liberalism, and the democrat party are complete fools.

  2. What a whore US is😂 always getting in bed with dictators for oil and then killing then. That's a very heavy priced whore

  3. Have anybody asked themselves why were these men in jail to begin with, they were probably guilty of doing something, but who cares. Now they are free and the venezuelan goverment is showing that they are open to start doing business with the United States, and to start selling oil to this country. As a venezuelan american I am all for that, I am sick and tired of paying such high prices for gas, when in my country of birth I can almost get it for free. So, America please bring my other country oil here to stop this nonsense. President Biden help us now.

  4. I want to make it clear that the whole world knows what you are planning but can't say anything against you because terrorism will kill you if you say anything.

  5. I’m Venezuelan and I’m telling you the average Venezuelan doesn’t agree with giving or dealing with the USA after 400K “collateral” deaths as a consequence of the 550 sanctions, my mother died in that group of people. We are just watching this silly government too. The USA has done harm and has alienated Venezuelan people like never before and still they are asking for things, unbelievable people tbvfh!!!

  6. I don’t think they should do that because Venezuela is a ally of Russia. Btw, I’m Venezuelan.

  7. I keep forgetting Joe and Barack help orchestrate the toppling of Ukraine's Government so Hunter could finely get a job in the Industry.

  8. I hope Venezuela is wise to not take the hand of US if that means slapping away that of Russia. Russia helped them while America burdened them for decades , I don’t think they will fall for Americans lies.

  9. WHY WAS THIS REGIME BUYING PUTIN OIL!? NOW HE WANT TO BUY IRAN AND VENEZUELA OIL! Both supporters of Putn and terrorism. Both are tyrannical governments.

    A caring leader would not do this!

    God gave USA resources. Only wicked lawless regimes would seek to starve and harm. Its own citizens well supporting tyrannical regimes! WAKE UP IN JESUS NAME!

    DISTRACTION is why is this adnin funding war against Ukraine? Billions for Russian oil!

    TO TRY TO GET PEOPLE'S EYEYS FROM THEIR Lawless tyranny and destruction!
    Bidens doesn't care about them if he did he would stup importing oil from Russia! HE WOULD USE OUR GOD GIVEN RESOURCE'S! Rather then punishing working familiar!

    You hypocrite leftist are funding Putin!

    immoral platforms MSM…. using war to boost back up and try to change subject. GOD HAS NOT FORGOTTEN THEIR WAR AGAIN ST TRUTH, AMERICANS and all who rejected their propaganda.

    He will not allow thecabal of liars, thieves and bullies. To distract and hide from their crimes.

    Sin and punishment are like the body and the shadow, never very far apart. Who sin for their profit will not profit by their sin; you may see nothing but well in its commission, you will see nothing but woe in its conclusion. The law of retribution is as fixed as the law of gravitation. There is a connecting string between ourselves and our misdeeds. We tie ourselves by an invisible and enduring thread to every evil deed we do. There is an Australian missile called the boomerang, which is thrown so as to describe singular curves, and falls again at the feet of the thrower. Sin is that boomerang, which goes off into space, but turns again upon its author, and, with tenfold force, strikes him who launched it.

    This is why Jesus says to repent and preach! GOD IS MERCIFUL. This why Jesus said forgive and pray for others!

    Lord have mercy. DO NOT ALLOW THIS STATION FULL OF LYING IMMORAL PEOPLE TO manipulate anymore!

     Prayer to Deflect Satan’s Schemes

    In James 4:7, we are promised that the devil will flee from us if we “submit [ourselves] to God and resist him.” Resisting involves placing ourselves in the best possible position to serve Christ and avoiding any places or positions containing unnecessary sinful temptations.

    The places and situations in which we put ourselves are often infected with strongholds. We regularly and voluntarily place ourselves in situations allowing Satan’s strongholds to birth and bind our circumstances. For example, church leaders are often asked whether the believer should totally abstain from alcohol or whether an occasional drink is acceptable. Every believer has certain weaknesses and strengths. However, if we place ourselves in a position of vulnerability with such a dangerous ingredient, we are inviting and giving the devil an advantage over us.

    By resisting and deflecting the devil, we are giving ourselves a home-field advantage.

    Heavenly Father, I wholly submit myself to you and your perfect plan for my life. I ask for you to guide my path and to take control of my steps wherein I can resist temptation and the wiles of the devil.

    I pray for the courage to avoid the acceptability of the places and paths prescribed and allowed by the world. I pray for the greater awareness of your higher calling for my life knowing that full submission to your will is required for total effectiveness of resisting our enemy and conquering the strongholds in my life. Amen

  10. US imposed oil sanctions on Venezuela for it's human rights violation and undemocratic nature. US has been trying to achieve regime change in
    Venezuela for years. But, Suddenly, US wants to establish normal relation with Venezuela and ease oil sanctions on Venezuela. Because, US desperately needs oil. So, US is ready to lift sanctions Venezuela. What a double standard! This proves US so called concern for human rights and democracy is fake.

  11. US even did not recognise Venezuelan government as legitimate. US termed
    Venezuela government as undemocratic. But, When US needs oil, US is looking to lift all sanctions on Venezuela and ask Venezuela to supply oil. What a double standard!! This proves US support for democracy is fake.

  12. Joe Byron now thirsty for Venezuela's oil since gas prices have reached all time record highs and need to replace their oil supplier. How convinient….otherwise those men don't see the light of day. Joe Byron's America puts Venezuela first

  13. Biden is responsible for the Ukraine crisis trying to be tough guy with putin he should have been straight up with Ukraine and said u cant join NATO cause its gonna cause to much conflict with russia and we want to respect their borders dont lead people on now 44 million people are in the crossfire this didn't happen when trump was president he had respect for putin he didn't try to play tough guy with him we dont want russia in mexico at our border or at canada and didn't like it when they were in cuba so give them the respect u would want them to give u respect is due to a dog and u really need to respect a country who has a nuclear stockpile that can end life on earth .

  14. Would it be surprising if this was a play by the U.S and the west? Since we know us and nato caused and pushed this russian-Ukraine war over the years, in hopes to push away Russia of the trading markets and its dominance in gas,oil trade and make the west rely on a cia backed pawn put in Venezuela as president, which we know is a fact, since president maduro(who holds power) wasn’t elected, the U.S put him there ,cus the real president and elected is president Guaidó, but it’s funny all of sudden they have an alternative ,which will put america in better position in this crisis 🤷🏾‍♂️🧐

  15. The war in Ukraine is over, and USA and Ukraine are defeated. Up to half of Ukraine's population is either injured or killed, evacuated, only negotiating surrender. The USA persuaded Ukraine to join NATO and Now, It's the Huntergate family crime Biden hiding in the USA instead of Ukraine's no fly zone. It is ugly and disgusting to assassinate the Venezuelan president as a dictator and now ask for oil. Biden's hatred of Putin has ruined America.

  16. Venezuela is dictatorship with a president not elected by people and partner of Russia.
    What’s the real goal in this war?

  17. What would be more atrocities than this : bombarding women in labour and killing precious little souls? Holocaust in slow motion yet; they still clap 👏 and says it gonna be worse if we try to stop ✋ the bombs!!!!

  18. Hello everyone. Russia does not want war. We also want peace in our country and in the whole world. No one is at war with civilians. Our country does not give the opportunity to become a black hole after a nuclear attack from Ukraine. We don't need territories. We also want to live in peace and know that tomorrow we will wake up and the sun will shine overhead.

  19. release 2 Americans.omg , stopping the bs,we need better gas prices like Mexico . stupid politics, well trump start all this bs but we can blame some on els 😃👍

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