Venezuela President Maduro accuses US of leading a coup to force him from power

Venezuela President Maduro accuses US of leading a coup to force him from power

The White House has backed opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president.


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46 thoughts on “Venezuela President Maduro accuses US of leading a coup to force him from power

  1. Ja ja jaaaaaa
    Ha ha ha haaaaa!!



    A true joker with no education, Something to laugh about.

    G. J.


  2. If we thought this low-rent, ass- backwards country was that important, we would have it already. I smell a “let’s impeach Trump for this” coming up. Doofus Dems crossing off their list of things to nail Trump.

  3. Venezuela comes from V, this means 5th age of the Coming of our Lord. This is all staged, the Illuminati provoked the terror and will also steal this country! Until the Antichrists will show up, plus it's also occult terminology. Russia is also the Bible wanton, fuck your imperialists. Maduro can also be involved as a freemason, it would not be surprise in order to create terror.

  4. a brief explanation of our situation, By a Venezuelan . Maduro was
    legally elected in 2013, then in 2015, he lost the parliament, by which,
    the socialist party conducted a PARLIAMENTARY COUP, they appointed
    themselves the new senators (Constituent Assembly) for EVER, Our
    constitution does not allow them to conduct polls or elections, even
    though as any Dictatorship, they conducted the 2018 ILLEGAL elections,
    Since there is no expiration period established in our constitution to
    end the self proclaimed assembly, they rule they country as a NARC
    STATE, receiving money from Russia, 200 billion or more, China (no
    official numeners), even Goldman Shachs bought 800 million Venezuelan
    government bonds last year and with that money Russia sold military
    equipment to this regime, while people die mercilessly from starvation
    and complete lack of hospital services. The only means to reestablish
    order was to count the 6 year constitutional period of maduro that ended
    the 10th of January this year, Guaido had to be sworn in as an interim
    President, since Maduros legal mandate ended that day.. NO COUP.. its
    the reestablishment of democracy for us..90% of our citizens want this
    to end now (polls done by the government and 87% approve a military
    intervention) those polls were hidden after being shown by mistake in
    our tv channels on January this year.. From: A Venezuelan living in his
    country until i will have to leave.. fuck socialism.. I would like to
    know how America would feel when Russia/Maduro finally install long range nuclear
    ballistic missiles in your backdoor.. the ones they wanted to plant in
    Cuba but JFK didnt let them,. I am able to write this because i use a
    VPN,, all information on US is banned from the net here. Long live our American Continent.

  5. Well friends listen to this segment and I can take you back to the nearly exact same interview about the same thing only at the time Hugo Chavez was the elected For the Working people He was NOT in favor of the ever increasing US Corporate exploitation of the more than abundant Oil fields we want the Monopoly gone and the Fruit company's purchased back from the Mega huge Fruit Corporations who do more environmental damage than you can imagine the The Massive Kock Bros owned Lubber product & supply corporation they make paper pulp with insanely high levels of Toxic compounds but hey if the kids using the shit didn't by eye protection or respirators maybe if they were issues and you took the deduction on the many thousands of consumables they are give t wear for "safety So it's a win each ..Consumables .. The US State Dept already has some rame putts they hand picked to be the dictator puppet who will sign and then sign some more than for lunch he will sign more and more all these leading up the full on Attack . .. This has been the Disgracefully obscene SOP of today's Armed Forces . Seem's they have become ice cold with kicking in to homes where people are drinking tea possibly eating until the father stands with his AK strapped to his back the gun fire starts everywhere

  6. A successful coup to fully install Juan Guaidó, as the true  president of Venezuela is needed. So he can  kick Russia out of the country.

  7. ❤️Maduro❤️

  8. They wan't your oil Venezuela. You didn't give it to them so they put sanctions on you Venezuela. They then blamed you for the crisis and framed you Venezuela. Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Rwanda, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, they just don't stop!

  9. They lied 🤥 in Syria 🇸🇾
    They lied 🤥 in Iraq 🇮🇶
    They lied 🤥 in Libya 🇱🇾
    They lied 🤥 in Afghanistan 🇦🇫
    Now they lying 🤥 in Venezuela 🇻🇪

  10. Why don’t you do a puffy interview with the progressive child murdering MBS you state department tools. If they need aid why not use the Red Cross or other independent channels? It’s not like the US has used USAID as a trick for smuggling weapons and intel to irregular forces bent on smashing the will of the people before. In Latin America. Overseen by the butcher Elliott Abrams. Hundreds of thousands of starving children in Yemen. STOP THE PROPAGANDA.

  11. All the pandas in the world belong to China. And all the oil in the world belongs to the US unless you have a nuke of course. Maduro's only mistake, he did not make a nuclear bomb. India, Pakistan, and China realized this very fast and they made the nuke first before doing anything else. Now China makes mobile phones and India makes software and we are on the same table.

  12. "Some call this an attempted coup, but he (Guaido) is backed by several countries including the U.S."
    This reporting is either very lazy or deliberately misleading. If people can't get certain foods, is it really a "humanitarian crisis"? If you look at the people, it's clear they're not starving to death, unlike in Yemen.

  13. Sad thing is ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and yes even Fox News all agree. Back another ILLEGAL US Coup for oil.
    What's happened to the "news"?
    It's like all of a sudden they push propaganda. red baiting and good ole fashioned McCartyism to benefit the already filthy rich.
    Don't let the establishment news outlets BS you.
    Ask all of them who gives them money and watch them clam up.
    Maybe if it were their children we were sending to war for oil they wouldn't be so easy to bribe.

  14. The socialist mafia always use the excuse of us leading a coup when the people tired of been hungry and oppressed take the streets and ask the dictator to go to hell ,but that don't work anymore , the people are sick of seen this dictators living like kings while they are hungry and their families been kill for the dictator army ,freedom for Venezuela now we will remember all those country's helping us get rid of the criminal ,thanks to Brazil, Colombia, usa, Canada ,uk Germany , Dominican republic and all the other countries .

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