Vatican breaks silence after Catholic church scandal

Vatican breaks silence after Catholic church scandal

The Vatican expressed “shame and sorrow” over the allegations made in a grand jury report that involve more than 300 priests and over 1,000 sexual abuse survivors.


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40 thoughts on “Vatican breaks silence after Catholic church scandal

  1. There was a time when Governments and Churches could feed us this bull and even sometimes even filled with suspicion we allowed it to pass.That time has long since disappeared.Question so why don't we do something about it.We know all along because today we have compelling sometimes even physical evidence.Sometimes we video extreme events like when the police stand up in courts and lie after having planted evidence right up to beating and murdering someone by dare I say it choking four or five of those police killing a black man all the while screeching out I C A N T BREA T H .OR BEING SHOT INAPPROPRIATELY AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT .TIME AFTER TIME AND NO ACTION IS TAKEN. surely murder means just that including police murdering innocent

  2. How is this permitted to continue? 70 years of crime covered up. But they can continue to operate why because they have a direct line to god? FOH. Anyone who supports the institution of religion is dumb.

  3. If circumcision is accepted as a religious practice, then would it be reasonable to make it mandatory for Catholic priests, when ordained,
    to volunteer to have their genitalia removed as a declaration of their true support in their church's belief in celibacy?
    This would eliminate the temptation to rape, it would also be a partial attempt at controlling the infiltration and reproduction of the paedophile's gene pool into the church.
    This method would subjugate the paedophiles that are enjoying the privileged protection of the church and into the domain of laws of justification and specifically incarceration.
    Would this approach be a reliable, serious, profound, justifiable and truly dedicated method to certify the teachings of the Catholic church's religion?
    May I suggest the Pope put this proposition to his God the next time he's in a conference with him and if his God were to approve and found to be in agreement,
    perhaps the Pope could show his own dedication by volunteering to be up first for the surgery?
    I don't hold out much hope.

  4. White Pope and Black Pope both worship LUCIFER, FACT! No one is our FATHER, except our father in HEAVEN. The real question, not how many children they RAPED, but how many children did these lucerferians SACRIFICED to their false god?

  5. Amen about time that is why my parents back in early 70 remove 4 of his children out of catholic school. They need to be arrested and tried and they are supoose to report abuse and they never have?????? No different then any other church. They have to be visible and charge their preist and strip them of their rank or poloce need tocarrest 5hem and or 0ut them aal accused under house arrest until their. Ut 8s against the lwlaw to molest Anyone children thats even sicker. They have always done this byt the church itself needs to ve fined and charged their just as quilty. All they do us move them around to an9ther town and church, thats all they have eve4lr Done. trials

  6. Vatican breaks silence?? well hell, it only took them decades! silence is a virtue? and I'm sure the other faiths priest or whatever are all innocent of this type behavior? wouldn't make sense would it…decades of silence? House of the Lord or the devil? boycott would seem in order….

  7. If anyone wonders why no one in the church gets arrested it’s because the judges are also In on the child fucking, government, police, all positions of power all serve Satan as their god. They all have a massive amount of blackmail power twords each other as well. Nobody will say anything.

  8. This is sooooo funny. Just a decade or so ago the reality of the Church was shown with the revelation that thousands of Catholic priest were child rapist and used the church as their sexual heaven. For some reason, many believed that the Church has reformed and removed its child rapist. NO Way! Right now, throughout Mexico, Central America, South America, and Africa, thousands of young boys and girls will be sexually assaulted today, and tomorrow, and for as long a the CHILD RAPING Roman Catholic Church is in existence. And, lets not put all our focus on the Catholic Church. It is just the largest example of religious crime in America today. Every major phony religious enterprise, like the Mormons, the Baptist, the Evangelicals, and their ILK are all just like the Catholic Church and are enjoying the flesh of their youthful members right now.

  9. The Catholic Church will never admit or confirm the problem of pedophilia priests because of the amount of money that is involved. These people have been doing this crap since the beginning and now, it would cost them too much to admit it. What needs to happen, when one of these jokers are discovered, the person that covered it up needs to get the same sentence as the person that did the deed, and some parents need to take care of the situation, I would if it were my child.

  10. The so called Christian Nations are the Northern KIngdom of Israel,whom God divorced and sent out of his sight and scattered them.WHY?For false god worship,sacrafising to false gods(often their own children),idolatry,occultism.This the Northern KIngdom of Israel,is still doing to this very day.The majority.Read psalm 106 and Daniel 9;3 KIng James version.REad psalm 83 KJV.The Israel,all these Nations are coming upon in the last days,are the so called christian Nations.USA is end times jerUSAlem.

  11. The entire 501c3 church is Satan`s church.Part of Jesus` ministry was casting out unclean spirits(demons).As in the book of Acts,King James bible.People had demons in Jesus` time,but not in the latter days?BS,they have way more and the fake church was to continue doing deliverance.The fake 501c3 church supports Satan`s Israel.Revelation 2;9 and 3;9 KJV.This is their god Revelation 9;11 KJV.The real word of God(the king James bible) has been replaced with fake new world order bibles in most churches.The real word of God has SUPERNATURAL POWER to bring down the kingdom of darkness.Only for real beleivers in Jesus.Speak it out loud.Witches are taking out people`s souls and demons control the masses,of bodies walking around posing as human beings,See the video The Fragmented soul by Win Worley.See the video routing demons by John EChardt.See all videos by Win Worley,Derek Prince,and JOhn EChardt.See Jack Flaws videos on the lost tribes of Israel.i also suggest the video on youtube,where they found the location of Sodom and gomorrah.Still intact.Nothing but pure ash.God destroyed it.He is fixing to do it again.

  12. Vatican is notorious and is known for crusades to convert europeans to xtianity and all these child sex abuses, a shame to mankind. it should be barred from having its palces of prayer by all countries. Giving an inch of space to this corporate is inviting EVIL.

  13. The best solution would be to arrest the Bishops and charge them with being "accessories after the fact." Even if they were not convicted, it would send a powerful message, that if a priest commits a felony, and the Bishop has him transferred instead of defrocking him and giving him to the police, he is aiding and abetting a felon. If a Bishop transfers a guilty priest, and then he is a repeat offender at a different Parish, then it seems to me there would be a good chance of convicting the Bishop as well as the offending priest. The Pope could help by expelling both the priest and the Bishop from the church, and forcing them to work for a living.

  14. Jesus said it best:"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits," (Matthew 7:15-20).

    Time to cut down the Catholic Church and throw it into the fire.


  16. I guess nothing bad can happen when you pretend an ancient book gives you unlimited authority to speak for an infallible being to create an 11 trillion dollar industry that doesn't pay taxes and is accountable to nobody.

  17. The world would be MUCH better off without religion, particularly the Vatican, which claims to be "holy," BUT it isn't…! The Catholic Church IS a SHAM!! 😏😏🖕🖕⛪🇻🇦

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