Vaccine Watch: When will a COVID-19 vaccine be ready?

Vaccine Watch: When will a COVID-19 vaccine be ready?

With mixed messages in Washington about the race for a vaccine, ABC News Bob Woodruff sat down with NIH’s director, Francis Collins, to discuss when Americans should expect an available vaccine.


33 thoughts on “Vaccine Watch: When will a COVID-19 vaccine be ready?

  1. This will alter your DNA with it's nanobots cause it's the prophecied 666 mark of the beast or connected to it so now that you know, DON'T TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST!! DAMNED IF YOU DO! BE WARNED NOT SCARED AND REPENT IN JESUS NAME!
    Mark 1:15 KJV, John 3:16 KJV
    Revelation 13:15-17 KJV
    Revelation 14:9-11 KJV

  2. Ye I’m here in November there is no vaccine.

    November 24 no vaccine it’s thanksgiving tho so things aren’t all bad

  3. A lot of prophets said that the vaccine is mark of the beast! Don’t take it

  4. How can this vaccine be developed soooo fast when the average time for a vaccine study is 7 years, and, approving it and getting it out to the public is another 14 years. Total 21 years. This is magic at its best. We have had Corona virus before and never had a vaccine for them. It doesn't exist. Magic is what they are sending us.

  5. I’ll take it after President Trump

  6. Please be careful folks. If the vaccines which have existed for decades are still harming people, what about new 'approved' vaccines which have not seen the light of day! The pharmaceutical companies involved in the development of these vaccines have sought to indemnify themselves against potential claims (legal action) of harm resulting from their vaccines.

  7. Be "WISE" as a SERPENT they had started prep for VACCINE BEFORE FAUCI said PRESIDENT TRUMP will face a PANDEMIC before leaving OFFICE!!! INTERESTING FAUCI SAID THIS BACK 2015!!! 🙏💗🙏💗🙏💗🙏

  8. People are fking dying. What is our government doing. The 3,000 dead 911 brought forth an overwhelming government response. Over 200,000 have died and we are just getting stonewalled. Not even Trump has been able to push through this thing. Complicated my arse. VaccineNOW. The vaccine is ready now, it is just going through unnecessary scientific steps. Let US decide if we want to take it, not the people who have a vested interest in dragging things out. But then again, it's mostly just OLD PEOPLE dying so I guess it is not important. OPM.

  9. Vaccine will be available when 80% of earth’s population is washed out

  10. "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World
    Gates Tries to Justify Side Effects of Fast-Tracked Vaccine
    Bill Gates at Ted discussing population reduction (for context):
    Billy Gates puppet show:

  11. Let me get this right? The vaccine will be similar to a 'flu vaccine, only with (weak) Covid virus in it, not (weak) influenza virus, right? OK.
    So that means get vaxxed, you got the virus. Same as flu, right? OK.
    The choice is YOURS..
    ..OR IS IT? 😷

  12. Who would get the cure for Coronavirus first? COVID vaccine and cost……………………………………………….….

  13. God Almighty/Lord Jesus Christ is warning every human being to have nothing to do with the coming Covid vaccines and the Mark. These are "mark of the beast/devil" technologies that sabotage human DNA and human souls. Instead, accept Jesus Christ into your hearts for forgiveness of your sins. He died for your sins and mine. He loves you very much. Live for Messiah Jesus Christ the rest of the time you have on earth. God Bless You Folks. Eternity/Heaven is waiting.

  14. Who’s reading comments?

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