Vaccine Watch: President Trump’s antibody treatment – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Bob Woodruff gets an inside look at the antibody treatment from Regeneron the president received at Walter Reed Medical Center, and that he is now touting as a potential “cure.”

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By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Vaccine Watch: President Trump’s antibody treatment”
  1. Imagine a virus so deadly that you have to be tested in order to know that you have it.
    Also, "Covid" seems to have eradicated all Colds & Flu for 2020!!!

  2. 'Vaccine Watch'??? You Hypocrites have been the ones Gaslighting anyone who would dare question the safety of vaccines…….now look at you becoming "Anti-Vaxxers". LOL

  3. 3:10 such a stupid question – of course someone will want a real dose and not a placebo. And if she any how knew that it was a placebo dose, then it won't even have the placebo effect.

  4. Half the comments on here are saying this is a hoax and Trump never had the virus; the other half are claiming Trump is a super-spreader of the virus. You can never make the Left happy. The only thing that would have made the Left happy was if Trump had died. But as usual he completely lets the Left down and just gets on with the job of making America great again. This drives the Left insane.

  5. What a selfless president putting himself on the line to try an unproven treatment for the benefit of the world , this is the news the world has been waiting for , a cure or vaccine for covid 19 , they finally may have found one and all you people can do is keep bagging trump , it really shows anti trumpers are a pack of F wits

  6. WHAT? 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂 His antibodies will disappear as soon as his meds are stopped.

  7. IT’S A CON! The only antibodies found in Trumps blood came from the cocktail he was injected with 👉🏼 (no immune response from his own body means no infection).

    Having antibodies injected and found does not prove Trump has or had COVID-19 … but a tissue sample would prove it. Immunofluorescence or immunoperoxidase assays are commonly used to detect whether a virus is present in a tissue sample. These tests are based on the principle that if the tissue is infected with a virus, an antibody specific to that virus will be able to bind to it.

    … When viruses infect us, they can embed small chunks of their genetic material in our DNA. And the virus can resurface and infect the host again.

    It is now known that re-infections are possible as the virus can lie dormant then re-infect the host … and the antibodies decay very rapidly so you can be infected again with a different strain of the virus within weeks … this means that immunity … especially herd immunity, is impossible 👉🏼

    This also means that even a single strand of hair could reveal if Trump and his posse actually ever had COVID-19 (and whether or not he uses amphetamines)

    They are ALL going to have to live inside a bubble forever to avoid getting caught out for this scam … when their spit on the edge of a glass or a loose hair could be used against them to prove none of them were ever sick with COVID-19 …🤔

    This is a hoax to downplay the severity of the virus and sell a “miracle cure” … UPDATE : Trump told people not to be afraid of the virus (downplaying the severity) and today, he touted his treatment as “a miracle cure sent from God” … he wants all Americans to have it for free … this means the Federal Government will pay for it and the shareholders will make billions for an inadequately tested experimental treatment … and Trump is likely one of them.

    Trump and his cronies are too stupid to understand that this is their downfall as a blood or DNA sample will for the rest of their lives be able to be used against them to prove that they were never infected.

    They are all co-conspirators in an act of treason … “Conspiracy Against the US” (Treason) … as it happens 👉🏼

  8. Big Pharma is MSM major shareholders and have all politician in their back pockets. These people are ALL Drug Pushers trying to force their Red/Blue pill down your throats.💊💉. Shoot up Addicts!!!

  9. Somebody tell Trump that the "cure" he is pushing has significant side effects. It causes your sex organs to shrink. Then again, Trump hasn't had any for many years. Be carefull.

  10. Trump: "211000 Americans Dead, 7.5M Infected, It is what It is. Great Progress Made. Time to nuke the stimulus in exchange for votes, while underplaying the virus. I'm the Corona super spreader"

  11. Woow woow 😍💋 💝💖❤️

  12. Every republican president has given a recession but this takes the cake 🎂

    When will Americans learn ?

  13. America is

    23 in education.
    37 in healthcare.
    34 in raising family index.
    No high-speed train.
    Highest number of homeless people.
    Highest number of incarcerated people.
    78% of people live paycheck to paycheck.

    Stock market is not economy of Americans! Where 90% of money belongs to top 10% of the population, it's wallet for the rich.

    Let's talk like adults, instead of name calling.

    I have left the proof on my playlist, if you would like to check!

    Let's make our country better together… …

  14. Enough is Enough
    Please America you have the most Disgraceful person someone who is willing to fool time and time again the American people, if he was infected with COVID-19 be smart enough to realize regular people will never be able to get or paid for his treatment, you are true witness of the biggest lie ever from Trump trying to downplay COVID-19 responsibility.
    Lies and more Lies from Trump administration
    at this point nothing coming out of the WH can be trusted, this is nothing but another campaign strategy. Let's avoid taxes questions , racism claims . and let's claim a miraculously recover, where he shows top shape , just to prove to his followers and the world along their scientists, that there's no need for a vaccine to COVID-19. He will claim left and right that COVID-19 is no so lethal? He did the same when he was pushing the hydroxychloroquine. I'm sorry but we are dealing with the biggest LIAR who as we know is in serious debt and he needs to win the re-election in order to avoid the law, taxes, possible bankruptcy and everything that he fears the most. Please America VOTE VOTE you deserve better and this is now your life and the life of your loveones, otherwise he will be pushing COVID-19 it's not lethal. United States cannot endure this any longer, the reality is that is incredibly to have a 1st world country leading a 3er world country in number of deads just because he choose to fool and betray the American lives, The American people has being deceived by this man time and time again.
    I'm sorry but Trump's time finally arrive and he will have to face the consequences of everything you have being able to avoid so far it's time to set an example out of him for future Presidents because this cannot happen ever again.

  15. Better then hydroxychloroquine? Lol
    Trump should not speak on treatments! I bet he didn't even have covid, just a ploy to push this "cure"..

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