Vaccine Watch: Antibody trial seeks bridge to COVID-19 vaccine – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Bob Woodruff takes an exclusive look at a mobile lab testing synthetic antibodies as a way to prevent the spread of the coronavirus until a vaccine is available.


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “Vaccine Watch: Antibody trial seeks bridge to COVID-19 vaccine”
  1. Leronlimab is the only Covid agent that quiets the cytokine storm, restores the immune system, and completely reduces viral load to 0 by day 14!

    Leronlimab is the only agent to demonstrate statistical and clinical significance in a controlled trial to keep people off ventilators…must be approved immediately!

  2. They going to keep pushing fear onto people. They feed people bs about vaccines showing promise this or that but no luck. So they go back to pushing more fear on how the virus killed more people.

  3. All these sick videos show a person sticking another person with a big needle!!! UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!! SURE WE/ you CAN COME UP WITH A BETTER SYSTEM TO ADMINISTER MEDICINES

  4. What a bunch of made up hysteria this covid-19. it's a bad flu and we're destroying an economy because the media keeps inflating this to scare the hell out of people and sell advertisement.
    That's right I said it a bad flu it has a 3% mortality rating. People die all the time and with a country as big as ours you have people that are lined up ready to die at the slightest dust of wind.
    So get used to it. Your beloved parents, your family members who are immunocompromised and so on are ready to die, including you someday.
    Get used to it. Dying is natural and normal. We're not going to live forever.
    To destroy an economy so somebody might live another few months perhaps a few more years is crazy.
    It's not if you get Covid it's when you get Covid

  5. This cv 19 pandemic is a hoax. There is no reason to shut down the country. Out of 153,000 (Theses numbers are overly inflated on purpose to scare the people) deaths the media claims were due to cv 19. The cdc said that only 9,210 deaths were actually caused by cv 19. Half of these deaths came from 5 states where the governors forced infected victims into nursing homes with elders, who are highly susceptible to this deadly disease. These governors will be held accountable for knowingly committing murder. Some 140,000 people die from the normal flu. Some 70,000 people die from incompetent doctors. Read the book called "Doctors are deadlier than the disease". Doctors get paid extra if they say their patients died from cv 19. I don't hear anybody griping about these incompetent doctors. Ever notice vaccines are full of side effects? Nobody ever complains about that either. Why?

  6. Don’t take the vaccine aka the rfid chip/microchip aka the mark of the beast doing so your giving ur soul 2 the devil don’t take it even if they kill you don’t give your soul to satan you been warned

    Have You Accepted Jesus Christ As Your Personal Lord And Savior ????🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
    Be Saved Today
    Romans 10:9-10
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    John 14:6
    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Are You Reading this and wondering well I UNDERSTAND the scriptrure on how to be saved but Im having trouble on what exactly to say???? No Worries You Can Say This outloud To your self?
    "Dear God I Know Im A Sinner As I repent I have faith that jesus is god and that he died on the cross was buried and  resurrected On The Thrid Day So that his blood can wash me of my sins.  I put my faith in that alone to save me and not of my good works In Jesus Name I Pray Amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Dont Take The Vaccine By any means Dont take the microchip Implant a.k.a. rfid chip. a.k.a. the mark of the beast even if you get killed if you do take it you will be rejecting god and giving your soul willingly to the devil your soul will be in hell

    Revelation 13:16-18
    And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

  7. Hey FAKE NEWS no need for a vaccine that only killed 9300 people according to the latest from the CDC or did you not see that. It ends folks Nov 3.

  8. Constant pharmaceutical adds we can’t trust these company’s for over priced treatments

  9. Herd immunity means that high percentages of the population would be
    immune and thus prevent further spread of this virus pandemic. 60-90%
    would need to be vaccinated and for the vaccine to still remain
    effective (since immunity after vaccination/infection and recovery may
    only last for less than two months) OR infected with Covid 19 and
    recovered therefrom with immunity still present. That would mean that
    the US would need 240+ million doses and in a month or two months (once
    immunity faded after 48 days to two months) another 240+ million doses.

    This would have to be repeated regularly (forever) to preserve herd immunity as the immunity reportedly may fade 48 days after recovery/vaccination. Note that due to the varying distribution of cases, a higher number of continuing vaccinations than 240 million would likely be required. We are nowhere close to being able to give those to the US population.

    That assumes that the vaccine is actually effective and not merely given to deceive Americans to get some alleged orangutang's relative elected. If the vaccine is only as effective as some other vaccines, which reportedly are only 40% to 60% effective, then we may never be able to reach herd immunity: even if we vaccinated the whole population regularly, we may never be able to get 60-90% of the population immune enough for there not to be any virus reservoirs.

    Given America's huge homeless population and corrupt, crazy, private-insurer-run, healthcare system, I fear that huge numbers of such Americans will not have access nor be given vaccinations. Thus, even effective vaccines may not reach those reservoirs of the virus that will effectively keep the virus alive and avoid herd immunity.

  10. Makes since CDC HAS A FUCKING licensed Patton on the corona virus since 2013 lmaooo they control who and what can test for it and make a vaccine. since they own it shits fucked up (all funded by USA)

    Thanks to Obama

  11. the expected vaccine is dangerous!!! For translations: Use in the clip (bottom right side) the left button "subtitles" and choose with the button "settings [gearwheel]" your preferred language (if available). Or: use below the clip (bottom right side) the right menue "…" and choose "open transcript" (if available) – The Voodoo-priests of the Dragonvirus-religion want you to convert with mask, app and vaccine.

  12. Humanity’s problem is that it’s sinful, and therefore cannot go to Heaven. God saw our problem and solved that problem when He came to the very world He created, in a body like ours, as Jesus. Jesus lived a perfect and sinless life on our behalf. He took all of our sins (past, present, and future) on Himself at the cross of Calvary. He took our punishment for them. He shed His blood and died on the cross, He was buried, and He rose on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He came to save all who would humble themselves and admit they’re lost and see their need to be saved by Him. If you simply tell God that you trust in His finished work on the cross and the blood He shed to wash away your sins, you will be saved. He is coming soon!! 🙂

  13. We are being played by big pharma, the media (GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS), politicians (left AND right – think WWE), non-governmental organizations (The Council on Foreign Relations, UN, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Royal Institute of International Affairs) & elitist tax exempt foundations (The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, etc.)!

    The job of the media is to Deceive, Distract, and Divide! There are no real journalists on TV. Whether this virus is real or not doesn't even matter. They are CLEARLY using it to turn us against each other (Divide & Conquer – oldest trick in the book) and push elitist agendas (mandatory vaccinations (that have never been properly tested for safety), vaccination certifications, immunity passports, total police state surveillance & control system).

    If you think you're too smart to be fooled… if you get off on virtue signaling, cult of personality worshipping, appealing to authority and the media AND you're too dumb and/or brainwashed by academia and the media to see contradictions and OBVIOUS agendas… may your chains (and your family's chains) rest lightly upon you.

  14. In 2017, during a presentation at Georgetown University Medical Center, Fauci told an audience that there would be a "surprise outbreak" in the coming administration.

    Look up Event 201 A Global Pandemic Exercise that took place in October 2019. The scenario mirrors our current "crisis". Paid for by The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation. Establishment fact check sites will have you believe this is just a "conspiracy theory" and a coincidence. You decide.

    Look up The Rockefeller Foundation 2010 document Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (page 18 Lock Step). This talks about a pandemic being used to lock down society.

    Look up the 2020 US Quarter. Why do you think they chose to use bats on this quarter? Just a coincidence? Unlikely… Everything happening has been meticulously planned by these evil POS!

  15. ARE YOU PEOPLE REALLY THIS CLUELESS?! This whole damn thing is about taking away our freedom and forcing ALL OF US to take their vaccine!

    Most of you are suffering from cult of personality worshipping/virtue signaling/appeal to authority/appeal to the media syndrome. Some of you are just dumb as dirt! The ACTORS on TV laid out the agenda months ago! They're not even hiding it! Wake up! We're being played!!!

    The reason we're all wearing masks is because it's the only way they can keep this SCAMd*mic alive! It only really exists on TV and in your mind. No masks and most people would just ignore the mass media pr*paganda and go about their lives.

    They're gonna keep us in these masks until they can force all of us to take their experimental v*ccine and all its boosters (which will never be properly tested for safety) because that's been their agenda since day one!

    They're gonna blame the people that aren't dumb enough to take an experimental vaccine (anti-vaxxers) for why we're all still wearing masks and for why things aren't going back to normal. The appeal to authority/media idiots buying this psyop will literally hate the people resisting (divide & conquer).

  16. I think this idea is actually pretty smart. 🙏🏻💚🙏🏻

  17. Perhaps since SARS CoV 2 is a coronavirus, we could inject people with other vaccines from different strains of corona viruses, building up some form of immunity as well.

  18. all you people claiming guinea pigs are sick, you would rather see these old people die than have a chance, you disgust me.

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