Vaccine shortage: several US cities running out of vaccine supply – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. John Brownstein discusses how an increase in vaccine eligibility is contributing to the shortage, plus more on President-elect Joe Biden’s plan to fight COVID-19.


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Vaccine shortage: several US cities running out of vaccine supply”
  1. Haha, they are using the same tactics that they do for gaming consoles. Create a demand for it by causing a shortage. Clever idea. Sorry, but I’ll never fall for it. You can take your vaccine and shove it where the sun don’t shine!

  2. The Trump administration declined Pfizer’s offer to provide the U.S. government with additional coronavirus vaccine doses in the second quarter of 2021.

  3. What joe biden becomes president and they ran out of vaccines. How could honest joe do this to the America he loves ????? Just watch in a few weeks the biological weapon, i mean covid will go away .

  4. how did they run short? they do not know how much people are in the country? everyone who is a politician and high up in vaccine company is at fault, how do you know how much to make( gee maybe count the population?)

  5. Umm most of us welcome that Covid1984 vaccine 👏❤🙏

  6. There is no "shortage" of vaccines. It's controlled administration to those who they think will be more easily controlled after the cleansing… wake up you poor idiots.

  7. "There is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. This mind-virus─which Native Americans have called “wetiko”─covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests.

    An inner cancer of the soul, wetiko flavors and manages our perceptions by stealth and subterfuge so as to act itself out through us while simultaneously hiding itself from being seen. Not constrained by the conventional laws of third-dimensional space and time, this ‘bug’ in the system deceives us by working with the intrinsic projective tendencies of our mind so as to appear external to and other than ourselves, utilizing the seemingly outside world as the canvas for its full-bodied revelation of itself. Wetiko nonlocally in-forms, gives shape to and configures events in the world so as to synchronistically express itself, which is to say that just like in a dream, events in the outer world are symbolically reflecting a condition deep within the psyche of humanity.

    Drawing on insights from Jungian psychology, shamanism, alchemy, spiritual wisdom traditions, and personal experience, author Paul Levy shows us that hidden within the venom of wetiko is a revelation as well as its own antidote, which once recognized can help us wake up and bring sanity back to our society. How wetiko manifests─will it destroy our species, or will it catalyze a deeper process of global awakening?─depends upon recognizing what it is revealing to us about ourselves"

    —Dispelling Wetiko ,Paul Levy

    "Wetiko psychosis is at the very root of humanity's inhumanity to itself in all its various forms. As a species, we need to step into and participate in our own spiritual and psychological evolution, which means that we must focus our attention on and contemplate this most important topic before this virulent madness destroys us"
    –Paul Levy

  8. Australian authorities on Sunday
    were seeking more information
    about one of the COVID-19 vaccinesS
    set to be used in Australia, following
    a warning from officials in Norway.
    The Norwegian Medicines Agency
    last week reported a total of 29
    people had experienced side
    effects, including 13 who died after
    having received the Pfizer-BioNTech

  9. Fifty-two health care workers who were administered the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine Saturday in New Delhi, suffered side-effects, according to state government data.

    While 51 showed minor side-effects, including chest tightness, one suffered a severe case of an "Adverse Event Following Immunization" on the first day of a nationwide rollout of the vaccine.

    The security guard at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) was rushed to the intensive care unit after he developed a headache, rashes, respiratory distress and tachycardia.

  10. Yeah needles and the government don’t go together I’m good 🤣

  11. Are you all aware that this V**** was developed using the lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted Caucasian male fetus? You are literally injecting the blood of a murdered baby into your veins, the same blood that cries out still to God for vengeance. Jesus taught us that our bodies are a temple. Could it be that by injecting this abomination into your body you are making your temple desolate?

    The abomination of desolation in the Old Testament happened when someone brought a pagan idol into the temple of God, or committed an abominable sacrifice, like a pig on the alter. God would reject and withdraw Himself because of the abomination, leaving the temple desolate or empty. Destruction would soon follow.

    Could the sacrifice of abomination on the alter, be the same thing they are doing with these V******s, containing the same abomination, murdered babies that were offered up to Baal? Instead of sprinkling the blood of the sacrificed child on the alter, they inject the blood into your temple, through a needle? Once injected, will God leave your temple desolate?

    Could it be possible that the temple that the antichrist wants to sit in is the temple of God, the people?

    2 Thessalonians 2: 3-4 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”

    1 COR 3:16 “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”

    Sadly, any Christians that allow the antichrist to inject them with the DNA of children that were sacrificed unto Baal will become the human temples of Baal. And God will depart from them just as He did with the Israelites in the Days of Balaam and Balak, removing their protection.

    Matthew 24:15 “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)”

  12. Vaccine still mean u can get covid… chill. It is not a cure for no mask and no social distancing. No need to dive in for it.

  13. Can the US get anything right? The new mass contagion variant will cause us to lose about 2 million before this is over or settles down. I'm a prisoner in my own home. I guess freedom has to take a back seat to stay safe or go out and roll the dice, not. What if the variant gets even easier to spread and more deadly? Then we are doomed.

  14. US Warp speed distribution is slower than the 1947 US Small Pox vaccinations.

    China and India are sending rockets to the moon and Mars while US hip hop is tired after 40 years.

    Germans are still teased about Nazis today, 75 years later.

    Americans not just MAGATs will be teased for being simple-minded in 2095 !

  15. US has 314,000 more Covid deaths than the UK. TRUMP IS A MURDERER!

    UK = 87,295 China = 4,635 (x18) II US 401,856 China 4,635 (x86).

    NO VACCINE & NO COVID = Taiwan 7 and New Zealand 25.

    Vaccines from Belgium, China, Russia, UK and India. US Warp speed?

  16. Mainstream media will push this vaccines fear-mongering down our throat 24/7 same they got  caught
    Staging scenes below
    No Demand on vaccine no production. Simple. In other words nobody wants this sh(j&.
    The only pandemic I see is on Television! YOU Our mainstream media became the enemy to the people of this land and at some point it will be held accountable .I hope everybody is aware these media lies are an act of treason that  caused a lot of lives .And why are you guys not talking about That Mr.Drosten, the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been sued  for crimes  against Humanity as of 2 weeks ago

  17. BMJ Jan. 15: "Norway investigates 23 deaths in frail elderly patients after vaccination."
    "The Paul Ehrlich Institute in Germany is also investigating 10 deaths shortly after covid-19 vaccination."

  18. Mainstream media will push this vaccines fear-mongering down our throat 24/7 same they got  caught
    Staging scenes below
    No Demand on vaccine no production. Simple. In other words nobody wants this sh(j&.
    The only pandemic I see is on Television! YOU Our mainstream media became the enemy to the people of this land and at some point it will be held accountable .I hope everybody is aware these media lies are an act of treason that  caused a lot of lives .And why are you guys not talking about That Mr.Drosten, the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been sued  for crimes  against Humanity as of 2 weeks ago

  19. ❤जो खूबसूरत आंखे ये काँमेंट 😊🖕पढ रही है भगवान करे उनके सारे ✌❤सपने पुर Hiiiii💓💅🙏💯☑️💔💋💯💯☑️💯

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