A shortage of vaccine doses in New York City postpones vaccinations for eligible people.


By carmodpros


30 thoughts on “Vaccine rollout coming up short”
  1. They are probable saying they’re running out to drive people to vaccination stations
    COVID-19 VACCINATIONS-WILD, Senseless, Irrational EXPERIMENTATION ON HUMANITY . Read, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert, by Dr Robert B Strecker”, a Medical Doctor with a PhD In Pharmacology who said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything”.

  2. The CDC says that only 1/3rd of vaccine sent to states has been used. Supply is not the problem. Local health and human services is the problem. State health planners are the problem. Literally billions of doses are going to flood into states in the next 4-5 months. What are the excuses going to be then?

  3. I'd like to ask why the full ingredients to the vaccine are not being fully disclosed. Everyone has a right to know what's being put into their body. Also not impressed to see Mercury is still being used in vaccines surprised that one wasn't held back as it's been clearly evidenced this is unsafe. Furthermore, I'd like to know if this vaccine is being given to individuals with kidney disease as it contains phosphorous and potassium which is two highly dangerous ingredients for kidney damaged individuals. It's also worrying to find that 23 Individuals also in Norway died shortly after having the vaccine and governments have declared the makers of the vaccine untouchable by Court action. If they truely believed their product to be safe and effective as they are portraying it to be why the need to relinquish all Court action against these people? I have to say it's effective way of ensuring the ones who stayed clear of covid are infected by it to speed up the culling process. What is the desired amount of global population again according to the Georgian guidestones? Less than 500, 000,000 and currently were at 7.8 just 2.8000,000 to pop off. Brexit was also clearly well timed as human rights came from being part of the EU, house of commons have been arguing ro remove human rights for a while now stating criminals shouldn't have human rights, however, if you delete the human rights act you delete it for everyone. Welcome to the one world order. No wonder the French revolution happened

  4. That’s because a dictator in chief and his cult
    arrange. The shortage this week
    it’s happening in a number of states
    wonder who did that
    That’s how much he cares about the American people the dictator and his cult never did never will

  5. 4 companies have are planning on vaccinating 1/3rd of the planet this year. Rev 9:14 It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.

  6. 🚫💉💦
    Fake pandemic
    Untested mass mail-in ballots 2 months before the election during the FAKE PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN 📬📭🗳️🤷‍♂️

  7. California is even worse. Varous levels of Government have different sets of information – the phase stuff is so complicated. Its pretty hopeless out here – we have the vaccines but are incapable of getting them into arms. Last I knew we'd only used 40% of the vaccines available. Fortunately life is returning back to normal as people reason "after a year of lockdowns, mask wearing etc" we lead the country in covid. Time to open fully, throw down the masks and stop social distancing. They have no effect." Especially joyful is to see more andmore restaurants defying the health mandates and opening. Whateer gets people out of the9r lockdown domociles whee Covid spreads fastest is a victory again the virus.

  8. What are the medical and front line workers who get the Vaxx first going to tell you that is not even clinically trialled for 1 yr let alone 5 yrs. In 5 years these same guinea pigs involved in a MEDICAL EXPERIMENT are highly likely to all be dead or dying by the …thats the PLAN…the WEF Davos 2030 DEPOP Agenda is a VERY REAL THING. In your vaxx…Animal or bird cells dumb down your DNA and your brain. Diseases the trials weren't long enough to see… now blended and manipulating your own DNA…introducing diseases that your own family genetic DNA never had….plus, introduced from the mRNA of fetal cells. Shortened lifespan….you may only live about another 5 years… not found in labs as the trials are not even 5 yrs long, and sterilization…. thats the same damn BG story of hundreds of thousands already….not found in any clinical trial for THIS vaxx, as its not long enough …besides THEY'D NEVER TELL YOU THE TRUTH ANYWAY…AND THEY'RE INDEMNIFIED FROM LIABITY, if something goes wrong a few short years down the road. You might not even have another few years. The Satanic named Patented enzyme ingredient Luciferase 666 has microscopic synthetic nano dots that hook you up to AI satellite. You could be surveilled 24/7. They know what you eat, drink, RX taken, when you have sex and the GPS in it knows exactly where you are. You can be controlled or influenced by 24 hr monitoring.

    How much were you paid to say if its good enough for front line workers to get the experiment then its good enough for you! Even they're following the brainwashing hype. Better know your NUREMBERG CODES and principals!

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