Vaccine Mandates Hit Police Departments Nationwide

Vaccine Mandates Hit Police Departments Nationwide

Vaccine mandates hit police departments nationwide
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46 thoughts on “Vaccine Mandates Hit Police Departments Nationwide

  1. Go, HEROES! Stand for FREEDOM!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸,

  2. I already have the delta in 2 days i was better. Tell my why i need to comply with the vaccine when it don’t protect you from getting it and spreading it. Shot or not shot you still can passed to others. And get sick. This is a brand new vaccine and you are the lab rat

  3. Never thought about calling 911 in the first place…😀

  4. Cops don't want to be forced to receive a vaccine injection, yet have no problem forcing a combative subject to be injected with Ketamine against their will even though that subject is deemed innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. Seems quite hypocritical to me.

  5. If you voted Joe Biden and you are about to lose your job now, Remember that YOU voted for this, YOU voted to lose your job, YOU voted to be forced to get a vaccine, so YOU have no right to sit there and complain about what YOU voted for. It's YOUR fault you didn't research who YOU were voting for. Embrace every second of what YOU voted for your life to be like, bend over and just take it.

  6. Boot jack Biden’s China virus mandates are unAmerican!!

  7. More fake News . What they are not telling you about these officers is there was many more complications to their death other than covid. But the way they do it is even if you died of a heart attack and tests positive for covid that's what they're putting down as the death cause. Completely false

  8. This is completely unconstitutional. This violates multiple amendments including the 4th 5th and many more. Anyone who follows a unconstitutional Edith is in violation of their how to the Constitution and should be either relieved of their powers or arrested. That's according to the United States Constitution

  9. It’s their choice!

  10. The police need to decide whose side they are on they cannot pick and choose what Covid laws or mandates they will folllow. If they are against the mandate then they need to stop enabling all the other covid nonsense. Until they and there unions pick a side and decide to protect the people from tryanny they dont have my support and Lightfoot and like politicians can fire them all.

  11. Bye 🐷

  12. Democratic voters are still asleep and even with this forced mandate they have become zombies.
    "You Get What/Who You Voted For."
    Your protest will not get your favorite democratic politicians to change their minds, it's a done deal.
    Joe Biden's threat to the American People: "Get Vaccinated Or Else Suffer The Consequences!"
    What are the Consequences? Simple: You get fired or lose your job and will be replaced by the illegal aliens.

  13. 700 police deaths is a safety concern but if 30% of the force leaves that isn’t? we have 700,000 full time police. i bet sugar kills more.

  14. MORE THAN 700 (that’s less than 1% 0.00175%)officers have died fr virus. Well there’s almost 400,000 fop members and is that “FOP members” or officers IN USA ? If so now your looking at waayy more officers.Not down playing or showing a lack of empathy. But that’s 7 per state each year. It’s still scary but not enough to force people

  15. A mandate is not a law!! Stop letting them lie to you and bully you!! Wake up If this was a pandemic our borders would be closed ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force.

  16. Fire All Those Criminal Cops!!!!!!! Yeaaaa!!!!!!!

    Fire All Those Criminal Cops!!!!!!! Yeaaaa!!!!!!!

    Fire All Those Criminal Cops!!!!!!! Yeaaaa!!!!!!!

    Fire All Those Criminal Cops!!!!!!! Yeaaaa!!!!!!!

  17. This could very well spark another civil war in this country. I can't believe this is happening even after the NIH published a European study showing that the countries with the highest vaccine rates are showing the highest numbers of Covid cases, as well as the highest numbers of vaccinated counties in the U.S. The writing's on the wall. Even at vaccine percentages in the 90 percentile range, herd immunity cannot be reached. This virus mutates too fast. We need to admit that we can't vaccinate our way out of this and focus on developing therapeutics instead. This vaccine war needs to end before it tears our already polarized and weakened country apart. We can't rely on the media to tell the truth or to not suppress facts so this is what can happen. Most Americans don't trust the government or the media because of the corporate money tied to both. So, are you surprised by the noncompliance? I'm not.

  18. I don’t take shots… I Give Shots

  19. Unvaccinated people are a menace to our society. Shun them, isolate them, threaten them. Do what is necessary! Save lives and save our economy! I survived AIDS and you did so much worse to us.

  20. Biden's Unity plan at work, not working so good when you threaten people to make a choice between their freedoms or their livelihoods. What part of Unity is that King Biden?

  21. People who get vaxxed become mindlessly different.
    They’ve got the same memories but they are different people.

    My buddy was a hardline Republican for DECADES… and now he couldn’t care less what happens… about ANYTHING!

    Blatantly different in all other respects too.
    He stopped every hobby he had, and now he collects glass figurines…
    Since he got jabbed, he hasn’t even started the truck he spent a whole year working on!

    His 8 year old daughter told me “he is just weird now”
    His wife asked me if he was cheating on her.
    His mom talks to me now, because he scares her!

    Btw, you guess from these statements how close I am to this family!!!

    The vaccine does something to you.

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