After a summer plagued with grief, anxiety and anger, Uvalde gets an escape as it celebrates the high school’s first home football game of the season.
Uvalde turns to new football season for comfort

Uvalde strong
To all the good kids at Texas, everything is gonna be okay. Who’s ready for 2023?
Can confirm this is football ðŸÂÂÂÂËâ€ÂÂ
None of these players will make it to the NFL.
The town will find comfort after those officers are fired for not taking action, HEARING shots being fired past 30 minutes!
The song "Power" (@Texas A&M Univ.) is played as the football team entrance piece just prior to kick-off for the AGGIES at Kyle Field. Some are claiming.."yeah, it's racially slurred and profane, but we don't sing the lyrics"- "It's just an instrumental". Others, "We play the clean version"….do what? If not for those horrendous lyrics, this song never would have existed. I suppose a posted/announced disclaimer at Kyle Field is in order? It's saddening and confusing the lengths some people will take to try and justify the existence of something that reflects so poorly on TX A&M. One of the chief obstacles to progressive change here is the fact that so few Aggies are even aware of the lyrics. That will change.
What if the song contained lyrics promoting cop killing? Or encouraged the resumption of slavery? Or the abuse of children? The dissemination of AR15's? Would an "instrumental version" remain acceptable and appropriate knowing full well what those lyrics are? Are there any lines that can't be crossed today? Based on the former OU coach who recently resigned and the backlash created by the spectator at a BYU volleyball game, the data suggests there are. Some things are just not acceptable.
Others have suggested it's OK for a person of color to use these shameful and hurtful slurs and others can't…is this not racist in itself? Think long and hard about that one. That's a confusing and dangerous road to take. It's not OK. Learning to respect yourself might make respecting others an easier choice. I wonder what Dr. King's thoughts would be on this notion?
Regardless, the extreme profanity with MF-bombs, references to sexual acts and organs in the song's lyrics should make the decision an easy one. Yeah, it's chocked full of beneficial goodness. The selection of such a crude song is very perplexing. At best. It's tradition now, but does that make it any less toxic and inappropriate? Google the lyrics…you'll be shocked. A state supported institution no less… One that prides itself on producing leaders.. Are $$$ and wins the priority here over common decency? Our core values…..are some departments exempt perhaps? Need to walk the talk IMO.
Would there be any negative consequences if another song, lyrically devoid of racial slurs and profanity was chosen as a replacement?
A&M has an optimal opportunity here at becoming part of the answer, not the problem. Our team and fans deserve better. Gigem
Nothing like a good concussion after a mass shooting.
Thanks, For the one's that posted nice comments.
Uvalde Strong!
Don’t use football as an excuse to forget about the children who died a horrible death. But that’s Texas a selfish POS state.
I take it the Police were not invited
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Jesus Christ
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household…
UVLADE STRONG im from NY this still brakes my heart that innocent teachers and children lost there lives back in May I still cry over this . GO UVLADE FOOTBALL TEAM
All teams are gonna take it easy on this school this season . It’s like letting the retarded kid feel good .
Even in hard times we can all come together to overthrow any tragedy in our livesðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ
Nothing like enjoying a game where the goal is to knock down and hurt your opponent can heal the emotional wounds of a mass shooting.
$afety's & DB's Get your Depth, make sure you're deeper than the deepest. You are the last resort.(.)
Get your Depth, make sure you're deeper than the deepest. You are the last resort.(.)
Safety's Get your Depth, make sure you're deeper than the deepest. You are the last resort.(.)
$afety's Get your Depth, make sure you're deeper than the deepest. You are the last resort.(.)
$afety's & DB's Get your Depth, make sure you're deeper than the deepest. You are the last resort.(.)
Safety' & DB's Get your Depth, make sure you're deeper than the deepest. You are the last resort.(.)
I really the Uvalde Coyotes will win the state title crown this year or any upcoming seasons. It will be very something special that will make them hard and strong. Stay strong Uvalde. â¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Showing ⤠and support to Uvalde, TX.
Are you kidding me!?! Uvalde don’t give a F about no football game! Get rid of everyone in that useless police department!!! Sucking up over 40% of the towns resources!!!
Love their hearts. Such a big inspiration to want to carry their community. â¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Bless these kids
That’s a good Coach. Loved his speeches
Glade to see they are still thriving after that tragedy in loving memory of the victims of Robb #Uvaldestrong
Forget stricter gun control the solution is football
Love Uvalde
Fantastic coverage ABC! Thank you
So, what's up with cops not being held accountable? The MSM just posts a story about how people are healing and that means it's true? The people who allowed this to happen are still your police. are you guys morons?
there has been zero reporting on why 400 police just stood around and listened to kids heads being blown off. texas is a fascist state, and should be given back to mexico. texas is not the usa…
This is all Bread and Circuses… fvcking sick..
Tip off my hat to these young guns showing a community how to come together no Matter the race or situation.