US withdrawal from Afghanistan complete

US withdrawal from Afghanistan complete

Gen. Kenneth McKenzie: Every single service member is out of Afghanistan.”


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40 thoughts on “US withdrawal from Afghanistan complete

  1. Textbook case on how NOT to withdraw / evacuate from a theater of war. Incredibly disappointing when considering how long this drawdown and withdrawal had been telegraphed, but unfortunately nevertheless, incompetently planned. Whatever happened to contigency plans or classic what-if scenarios? What a complete waste of resource, a disastrous capstone to the last 20 years (human, monetary, military and international relations).

  2. “Taliban cannot be trusted by the U.S.” yet , the feckless dementia ridden, biden gave to the Taliban identification of all Afghanistans who were associated with Americans.

  3. We cannot withstand another 3+ years of this sorry excuse for a President. Unfortunately, the presidential line of succession only guarantees we'd get another useless liberal even if we went all the way down to the end. We need an insurrection to save this country!

  4. If this idiot thinks the withdrawal was a success, I’d hate to see what a failure would look like! He gave an entire country stocked with American weapons to terrorists!

  5. US Army has been proven to commit criminal acts of destroying hundreds of assets of the Afghan state.
    previously known, the tools that were intentionally damaged were paid
    in full by the Afghan people and 100% of the US Army had no right to
    damage them.
    This criminal act is very sad and must be brought to
    international court because it weakens the war against ISIS terror which
    is being campaigned by the Taliban government

  6. We are all interconnected divine . Praying 🙏 for the plight of other beings that we share our world with connect us more deeply with one ☝️ another and with God’s healing ❤️‍🩹 light. When one of us heals, we all heal.

  7. Americans and Afghan civilians: hey we are still in Afghanistan and want to leave can you pick us up please?
    American leaders: mission accomplished, we have withdrew all military presence.
    Americans and Afghan civilians: hello?

  8. °Both the Soviets and the Americans were defeated on the 15th day of the month. °After 9 years of war, the Soviets remained only for 1 month and 22 days more, and then they were defeated. °Before the Americans could reach 20 years of war, there was left 1 month and 23 days, and then they were defeated. °And without repentance, without a return to God, to Him alone, and to His Commandments, the likes of the Soviet Union will come over this nation.

  9. I heard that America left their service dogs in Afghanistan. If it's true it's ridiculous that you betrayed those pure and innocent souls out there. Please take them to US 😔🙏

  10. What about the USA citizens that been abandoned because of our evil heartless president ,Ihe don't even care because it's not his family are him stuck ,and for all who voted for him u all see now he don't even care about u

  11. Joe should have been man enough to go to Afghanistan instead of a coward and make dang sure all of the USA citizens was out but instead he decided to let the the criminals kill the USA citizens go on vacation ,refused to talk to us all of his cowardly act then he want to attend the funerals for the USA military and say it's OK his son also died. What kind of human being is he then want to go on TV saying I forgot, are he didn't know OE some kind of bullshit excuse he's MHMR because any smart president didn't do what he did,The Biden entire family members are murders and those who support him.

  12. Japan has no one in charge.
    The escape operation from Kabul Airport was a comedy drama.
    Embassy staff – should ask Tokyo.
    Self-Defense General – should ask the government.
    The Suga government – should ask the Liberal Democratic Party.
    LDP – there is no one to take responsibility and decide.
    Conclusion – each of you escape on your own. Haha
    This is Japan. What the Japanese always say is, um… I'm sorry. I failed because Korea didn't help me. The Japanese are an excellent people, so why doesn't Korea help you?
    In the end, this failure is due to Korea…

  13. Never trust America, Afgan People who support American are left alone on their own in the mercy of terrorist.
    This shows real face of America.
    Weakest President of America
    Now it's official that America is not any more Superpower
    Only thousands of terrorist can defeat US, even they left their weapon and armour as US surrender to terrorist
    Now I Can say "God Bless America😃🤣"

    #PeaceforAfgan #USSurrendered #InnocentPeopleLifes #FearedAmerican

  14. Never trust America, Afgan People who support American are left alone on their own in the mercy of terrorist.
    This shows real face of America.
    Weakest President of America
    Now it's official that America is not any more Superpower
    Only thousands of terrorist can defeat US, even they left their weapon and armour as US surrender to terrorist
    Now I Can say "God Bless America😃🤣"

    #PeaceforAfgan #USSurrendered #InnocentPeopleLifes #FearedAmerican

  15. 85 billion in armament given to the Taliban, refugees that are another sap on our economy, looking weak on world stage, unnecessary American lives lost due to an administration and military concerned with being woke instead of our self interests. The Taliban now have an armament better than 85 percent of all countries military. We should have had a plan to leave that included steps and preparation over the past 6 months of Bidens presidency. We are a fucking joke.

  16. Lies lies and more lies!!! It's a never ending flow of preposterous lies with the left and all these New world order globalist. Don't forget, the Bible says that "for when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh as trevaileth upon a woman in labor." This is just a foreshadow of what's to come! People are believing the lies, and actually think that this is a good thing, and that removing ourselves from keeping evil such as the Taliban at bay, will bring peace, it's utterly delusional and INSANE!!! Evil prevails when good men do nothing!!!!! Even leftists who say they support women's right are silent on the brutality that will come back against women and girls with vengeance with sharia law psychopaths like the Taliban! So many people worked so hard just to make a way for girls to go to school without being killed!!!

  17. From a veteran to a great leader, Thank You, President Joe Biden, for having the courage to finally pull us out of Afghanistan after 20 years, thousands of American deaths, and billions of U.S. dollars wasted on a place where their own Army won't even defend themselves. My heart goes out to the 13 U.S. troops who died during the evacuation, but getting us out of Afghanistan NOW just saved us thousands more American lives and billions more dollars over the next how many years or decades we would've been over there. Once again, Thank You courageous President Joe Biden ❤

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