Despite the U.N.’s vote to remove Russia from the Human Rights Council, Vladimir Putin continues to attack civilians in Ukraine. British Ambassador to the U.S. Dame Karen Pierce reacts.

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#ABCNLUpdate #Ukraine #Russia #Sanctions


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “US, UK push further sanctions on Russia l ABCNL”
  1. Europe imposes sanctions against itself and not against Russia, everything that could happen in Russia has already happened, but for Europe everything is just beginning!

  2. 👠💀👠⚰️ चरित्रहीन कौन होता है? स्त्री या पुरुष?👢🥺 दोनों क्योंकि एक हांथ से ताली नहीं बजती 👿💀👙हक अल्लाह🤲👙👠🤲 बीवी दे या मौत ⚰️💀😱

  3. 👠💀👠⚰️ चरित्रहीन कौन होता है? स्त्री या पुरुष?👢🥺 दोनों क्योंकि एक हांथ से ताली नहीं बजती 👿💀👙हक अल्लाह🤲👙👠🤲 बीवी दे या मौत ⚰️💀😱

  4. People love soft lies , more than hard truth,. our Western media is propagating special interests agenda.
    Ukraine is an engineered conflict by USA – Phase one was the results of coup d'etat Ukraine 2014 directed, sponsored, paid  by USA Obama and Biden administration.  If your little smart, can see Joe Biden remarks towards Putin. These are undiplomatic and they are design not to resolve this conflict any time soon. USA has planned for Ukraine,s conflict to last for years.

    Most people 95% European or Canada, Britts don't know this – USA from Obama admin has been channeling aid for Ukraine Army, more importantly to Ukraine's Azov Ultra right-winger org.
    US has funded, training camps and armed with Ak47 as their standard weapon, purchased from Poland, Slovakia/Czech Republics. Its estimated that Azov membership is over 6 million and Azov's military wing fighter's  in Ukraine is in very large numbers – including flighters in separatist regions frontlines. In Ukraine elections 2019 many Ukraine parliamentarian are of Azov and fatherland members like Olena Semenyaka or Kira Ridik are in large numbers driven by their ultra rightwing idelogy.   

    Not know in the west – Ukraines Jewish President Volodymyr Zelensky of :Servant of the People party" has surrounded him self with parties like Fatherland and Azov members like Kira Ridik – she was known to be on US payroll.

    Why was USA-NATO so intransient to expand NATO further to Russian borders ?- WHY was Ukraine membership, so important to USA-NATO ? why did USA-NATO not compromise, not to expand NATO to Russian borders. This would have defused this war, and would have shifted west's attention toward China ? Are there still Cold war mindset ruling USA and Europe-UK ?
    Germany and over 18 EU states enjoyed for 20 yrs low cost energy from Russia- well below world market prices by 46.23% -was this not good for EU and Russia ?

    This USA policy and EU having zero backbone has blow back that will leave average European , Britts, many , many other countries citizens will pay the final price through declining living standard. Sanction on Russian, To me its horrifying to see very large (millions) number of British families suffering under huge increase of energy cost, this   
    leading to increase cost of food production and leading to food insecurity never seen since WW2.

    Every sign by USA-UK governments indicate this will be a prolong conflict,  as USA-UK -EU is providing huge lethal weapons aid to Ukraine – Even Canada has provided 2 billion dollars aid -mostly for weapons.  

    Those who follow leaders blindly will pay dearly – History keeps repeating and we do not learn in the west.

  5. where was the west, nato, usa, france, uk .. 7 years ago till now? the war in donbas has not lasted for a month but for 7 years, where were all those tyrants who are now hitting sanctions when ukraine shelled donbas? when the ukrainian nazis burned, demolished and killed in the donbass? where they were then ????

  6. Stop these sanctions! And.. Green
    Energy will be actively developed in the USA. Why do Americans need it? The
    American Republican Party is Don Quixote. Don Quixote makes sense and benefits
    society when he fights windmills! (This is true romance.) But Donald Trump is
    not the only American Don Quixote. There are many Republicans in the USA, so
    many windmills must be built for them all! Green Energy will provide an
    opportunity to satisfy the hunger of the Republicans. Wind, solar, tidal and
    other alternative ("Green") power generation systems will be great
    targets for US Republicans! But for a sufficient number of windmills in the
    United States, large expenditures from the American budget are necessary.
    Approve it, Americans! The "Crusade" of the Republicans against the
    "windmills" of Green Energy will be an American heroic epic that will
    surpass the most heroic sagas of all previous eras of all human civilizations.
    Immediately give Donald Trump a horse, armor, shield, sword and spear so that
    he can valiantly attack modern "windmills" today! Modern Homer is
    waiting for the exploits of modern Hercules to perpetuate the hero's name in
    legendary poems. Invest in "Green Energy" to keep the Republicans
    engaged in the public good!
    In the Kaliningrad region (Russia) there will be gubernatorial elections in
    September this year. The Russian ruling United Russia party wants to nominate
    incumbent governor Anton Alikhanov, who is just a young boy in politics.
    However, the current chairman of the Moscow Territorial Electoral Commission of
    Kaliningrad is able to be a good governor and politician who can even reconcile
    the warring parties in foreign policy! Angela Zhdanova can be a great
    negotiator. America, support her so that United Russia nominates her as a
    candidate for governor instead of the political baby Alikhanov! In the future,
    Zhdanova can be a good president of Russia. But US Republicans are afraid to
    lobby for it. Americans, vote for the Great Brave Democrats in the American
    elections! Great Dear President Biden has the audacity to influence foreign
    elections and states. He could have joked to ease international tension.
    Spare Putin and his ruling team, Great and Mighty West! Russia and the West can
    always agree. The Kremlin respects the West and its Great States – the USA,
    Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands and others! (And their Great Nations.)
    The West is the pinnacle of human civilization and the Supreme World Hegemon
    and Sovereign. USA is the pinnacle of the West! If the United States withdraws
    Ukrainian troops three hundred kilometers back, then it is possible to stop
    fighting in Ukraine in order to start peace negotiations on Ukraine. (After
    this withdrawal of Ukrainian troops, there will be no combat contact.) Poland
    can become friendly to Russia so that there is a neutral bridge for
    establishing relations between Russian citizens and citizens of the EU and NATO
    states – without a complete severing of contacts between the parties. It's time
    to start the friendship of nations in the name of a better future! The Kremlin is ready for negotiations with foreign
    partners. Negotiations and collusion.

  7. Уважаемые люди хочу сообщить вам, я думаю многие этого не знают, что в Украине находится очень большая община евангельских христиан, от востока до запада страны. Они сейчас в постах и молитвах за Украину, как и многие христиане за рубежом. И вышло слова от Господа Всемогущего, ещё в начале войны, через пророчество: что ради слез, ради молитв народа который вопиет в небо, Господь укрепит руки украинской армии, руки президента и руки народа Украины, расположит многие страны чтобы помогали этой стране. обратит замыслы России в безумие, пошлет великий ужас и страх среди ее в войска, и сокрушит нечестие Кадырова, за то что он вместо того чтобы жить и созидать на данной его народу земле, делал много зла окружающим народам".
    Это в кратце. Написала для того, чтобы когда наступит победа в Украине, славу не отдавали человеку, но там где она принадлежит – Господу Богу Всемогущему, который Един силен смирять ходящих гордо, и приказывать любой бури – утихни . .

  8. More lies they still are buying oil from Russia ask Shell oil and the many oil vessels coming from Klapedia to Amsterdam!!!

  9. ❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor

    1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos

    , no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos

    desde pantalla,, se que estuvo

    Sorprendente .

  10. ❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor

    1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos

    , no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos

    desde pantalla,, se que estuvo

    Sorprendente .

  11. السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته انا المواطن الفلسطينى من غزة أبلغ من العمر 32عام وعندى أربع أطفال ولم أجد لهم أكل وشراب ولبس بسبب سقوطى أثناء عملى عن الطابق الثاني ووضعى حرج وممنوع عن العمل بطلب من سيادتكم تنظرو إلينا بعين الرحمه تساعدونا لوجه لله ربنا يطعمكم في صحتكم وشبابكم والله يا إخواني انا شب مثل الورد بس قلبى محروق على اولادى وهما أقسم بالله العظيم بنامه بجوعهم بترجاكم ابوس ايديكم والله والله تعبان نفسي حدا يسمعنى الله يرضى عليكم ويوفقكم ويبعد عنكم شر المرض قال رسول الله صلى آلله عليه وسلم دوى مرضاكم بصدقه اقسم بالله قد ما اوصف حياتنا ما بقدر أعبر شعورى😢.الله يوفقكم ويبعد عنكم شر المرض ساعدونا لو بشى رمزى اطعم اولادى نيالك عند الله بتفطر صائم مسكين أجرك وثوابك عند الله.

  12. Ukraine đập phá kéo đỏ tượng đài Lênin … Ông putin cho quân dậy cho ukraine má»™t bài học nhá»› đời .

  13. This is really crazy! the very people who invaded Iraq,
    over a lie and are still there! Invaded Afghanistan,
    destroyed Libya, and got to stoped by Russia in their
    business of invading Syria… And they believe they are
    in the position to lecture people!
    US and NATO has to be held accountable for crimes in Iraq and Libya

  14. Putin,s criminal wealth, outside of Russia. must be turned into Euros and into the possession of 11 million refugees inside and outside Ukraine, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH – HOW LONG CAN THE WORLD IGNORE THE REALITY OF WHAT GOES ON IN LONDON. Londongrad remains the Shame of the UK. Open Criminal collusion between Britain's Conservatives and Putin's Wealth Minders continues despite the horror unfolding in Ukraine. If exposure of this disgrace is left to internal examination in the UK .we can say blood money laundering will continue in the UK without interruption. What is going on in London is vital succour for Putin and contributes to the suffering of Ukrainians, Scotland yard's approach to Prince Andrew the Paedophile clearly demonstrates how things work in Britain .A transparent international investigation is Urgent l

  15. You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off. Now Hunters Laptop$

  16. Die Politiker im Westen wollen die Menschen für dumm verkaufen, wie sie es in Syrien auch versucht haben.
    Weder Assad der im Siegesrauach war, hatte keine chemische Waffen auf die eigene Bevölkerung eingesetzt, noch führt Russland vor Augen der Weltbevölkerung solche Verbrechen aus, da Russland weiß, dass alle Blicke auf Russland gerichtet sind. Daher würde Russland nicht solche Verbrechen ausüben.
    Er hat dies garnicht nötig.
    Die einzigen, welche Vorteile für sich sehen und die über Leichen gehen sind diese Gruppen im Link beschrieben.

    Westliche Geheimdienste sind mit von der Partie bei diesem dreckigen Spiel.
    Als Beispiel dient der 11. September oder die Brutkastenlüge in Kuwait von Saddam Hussain oder die Massenvernichtungswaffen in Irak.
    Wo Saddam Hussain chemische Waffen, vom Westen geliefert, über die kurdische Bevölkerung einsetzte oder über iranische Stellungen schaute der Westen weg.

    Anstatt Neonazis und faschistische Gruppen in der Ukraine zu unterstützen, welche in der Regierung sitzen und Massaker an der eigenen Zivilbevölkerung und russischen Kriegsgefangenen begehen, sollte man den Krieg und Leid der Menschen dort schnell beenden.
    Das heißt keine Waffen in die Ukraine.

  17. 🇷🇺🦾😎 from Indonesian

  18. Yeah Well Russia Can't Take On Riot Gear Zombies And Gas Mask Zombies Not Even Zombie Hordes And Demons Oh Wait They Wouldn't Be Able To Take Them Head On Yep Pretty Much

  19. FYI, sanctions are punishment, not prevention! The world needs to send the heaviest weapons possible to Ukraine so they can kick Russia out of their country. This mean planes, tanks, artillery, armed drones (like the tank-killing Reaper, not just the Switchblade, the version of which was sent only has the power of a grenade!), etc. Hell, they could probably learn to fly the A-10 in a few days. Their pilots are US-trained and incredible. Ukrainians have some of the smartest people in the world (Check Silicon Valley) and can learn American systems in a day, not two months (that utter BS that’s spewed). America has spent TRILLIONS of our dollars for DECADES to prepare for a fight with, and to destroy, the Russian military. We should be sending TENS of billions worth of weapons to Ukraine NOW. We spent $9 billion per month to Iraq for year after year. We’ve only sent about a billion to Ukraine so far. WTF?! SEND THE WEAPONS NOW! Btw, a recent article showed that the US defense contractors who make the Javelin and Stingers have NOT been running their factories. They said they were “waiting for an order”. Only about 45,000 Javelins have EVER been made. EVER!!! Somebody in the GD #Pentagon better get on the horn and put in orders NOW!🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻

  20. Instead of dumping billions of weapons into Ukraine and treating its people as cannon fodder with NATO expansion and surrounding Russia, the US should have just built up Ukraines economic power and pushed it to stay a neutral state. Win win for everyone. Europe will be a loser in this.

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