US shatters daily COVID-19 case record l GMA

US shatters daily COVID-19 case record l GMA

This week alone, the United States has recorded nearly 1.9 million new cases, with more than 84,000 Americans currently hospitalized with the virus.

COVID-19 live updates:

#ABCNews #COVID19 #Omicron


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21 thoughts on “US shatters daily COVID-19 case record l GMA

  1. Very funny about China's Covid-19 cases numbers. They recently went over 100K Covid-19 cases "TOTALLY", about 26 MONTHS. At a 1% Death rate, China will have gotten around 1,000 deaths with these 100,000 Covid-19 cases. That is 1,000 deaths in about 26 months (26 months per 30 days per month, so about 780 days for 1 1/4 deaths per day, NOT EVEN TWO DEATHS PER DAY. Now those early Chinese Internet Reporters clearly showed the Chinese Hospitals having between 30 to 200 deaths or more Per Hospital per day. Clearly China is greatly lying about their Covid-19 cases and deaths numbers.

  2. Just when is that COVID-19 "Herd" thing supposed to finally "Kick in"? Seems like they may have been lying to the USA Citizens since about April, 2021. Herd being a large group of people who has either gotten Covid-19 and/
    or gotten the COVID-19 illness (which will greatly slow the spread of Covid-19).

  3. A new study published on the preprint server bioRxiv assesses the antiviral activity of stenoparib against four severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants of concern (VOCs). This study also focuses on the inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant by a combination of stenoparib and remdesivir.

    The researchers of the current study also evaluated the inhibitory action of a combination of stenoparib and remdesivir against the Alpha variant. When combined, the drugs acted synergistically and plaque inhibition increased to over 90%

  4. I really hope you morons at some point compare normal yearly global death tools to the death to the ones of 2021. I'll wait till sombody figures out how f*cking stupid everyone's being. Wise tf up people. I'm ashamed to be a part of the human race. It's pathetic.

  5. I appreciate everyone who is suffering through covid and I understand it is real . However maybe we are having record cases because we are having record testing ????

  6. By the dawn;

    2. By the ten nights (i.e. the first ten days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah),

    3. And by the even and the odd (of all the creations of Allah).

    4. And by the night when it departs.

    5. There is indeed in them (the above oaths) sufficient proofs for men of understanding (and that, they should avoid all kinds of sins and disbeliefs, etc.)!

    6. Did you (O Muhammad ()) not see (thought) how your Lord dealt with 'Ad (people)?

    7. Who were very tall like lofty pillars,

    8. The like of which were not created in the land?

    9. And (with) Thamud (people), who cut (hewed) out rocks in the valley (to make dwellings)?

    10. And (with) Fir'aun (Pharaoh), who had pegs (who used to torture men by binding them to pegs)?

    11. Who did transgress beyond bounds in the lands (in the disobedience of Allah).

    12. And made therein much mischief.

    13. So your Lord poured on them different kinds of severe torment.

    14. Verily, your Lord is Ever Watchful (over them).

    15. As for man, when his Lord tries him by giving him honour and gifts, then he says (puffed up): "My Lord has honoured me."

    16. But when He tries him, by straitening his means of life, he says: "My Lord has humiliated me!"

    17. Nay! But you treat not the orphans with kindness and generosity (i.e. you neither treat them well, nor give them their exact right of inheritance)!

    18. And urge not on the feeding of AlMiskin (the poor)!

    19. And you devour inheritance all with greed,

    20. And you love wealth with much love!

    21. Nay! When the earth is ground to powder,

    22. And your Lord comes with the angels in rows,

    23. And Hell will be brought near that Day. On that Day will man remember, but how will that remembrance (then) avail him?

    24. He will say: "Alas! Would that I had sent forth (good deeds) for (this) my life!"

    25. So on that Day, none will punish as He will punish.

    26. And none will bind as He will bind.

    27. (It will be said to the pious): "O (you) the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction!

    28. "Come back to your Lord, Well-pleased (yourself) and well-pleasing unto Him!

    29. "Enter you, then, among My honoured slaves,

    30. "And enter you My Paradise!"

  7. This virus is thriving because of the stupidity of mankind. All these leaders fit for squat opening everything while they sit at home when the brunt of the population is getting infected. Covid will be not be going anywhere.

  8. 👺👺👺👺👺

  9. Question?.. why is it I have been exposed to multiple people that were infected with COVID multiple times and every time I go get a test ( mandatory after being exposed to them for long periods of times ) I have never tested positive? Generally curious?

  10. Head for the hills! The common cold is surging! Dislike button counter still broken YouTube another blow against free speech, can you say censorship, I think you can

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