Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has put reopening of the state on hold and is taking steps to free up hospital beds for COVID-19 patients.

#ABCNews #COVID19 #Texas #GovAbbott


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “US sees 40,000 new COVID-19 cases in 1 day l ABC News”
  1. I want to use this opportunity to thank Dr Eguabor for the great work he has done for me and my cousin sister,i was cured from HIV through his herbal remedy and my cousin sister was also cured from Cancer. This is a great testimony for what Dr Eguabor has done for me and my entire generation. I’m giving this testimony so that those of you out there can contact him while he keeps saving my relatives. Send him a Dm and get a better health totally. Contact him via WhatsApp +2348107439905 or Email address:dreguabor@aol.com and you can as well reach me on my email or facebook Gavin Jefferson for more details.

  2. As a person living in Taiwan through out this pandemic, up until today, 95% of the the population is wearing a mask, even outside! Life is completely normal in all our cities. All children are going to school. Pubs and restaurant is operation in at their normal hours. Up until today, we have 609 cases, 90% came from abroad. 7 people had died from COVID.
    So yes, mask works, wear one. It will save lives.

  3. You all better listen well. The CDC has come out a few weeks ago with the REAL death toll for covid-19 and the New is not talking about it, It's hard to find it on a Google search but I'll tell you this people of America and the world and you-all better listen because this is a life or death situation for you all, not me because I'm a taxi driver and I believe that I was exposed to covid-19 7 times before Trump closed the boarder's because I was picking up people from Wuhun China and different parts of the world. I felt shortness of breath, headache, sore throat and exhausted but the scariest thing was that I couldn't catch my breath. Both my parents have had stroke's and I've always carry (81 mg of Asprin and I would take 1 or 2 pills when I had the below symptoms meantioned) whenever I feel shortness of breath or little sharp pains in my heart (I eat well and take all my vitamins and minerals always, including 10,000 iu of D3, zinc and 500 to 3,000 of vitamin C depending on how exhausted I feel) but the shortness of breath was happening a lot along with the other symptoms I mentioned and I didn't know why. I don't take Asprin everyday as some people do, just on days where I don't feel normal. But prior to Trump shutting the boarder's I kept getting shortness of breath bad and the other symptoms I mentioned above. So thank God I went to my Go to which was my 81mg of Asprin but 6 time's I felt the shortness of breath I took 5 baby Asprin (81mg) but on the 7th time which was the last time I believe I was getting exposed to covid-19 it took me taking 8 baby Asprin 😳. Seriously. It took care of the issue. I took 5 at first, then 15 minutes later I took 3 more and that did it.
    Later when the News reposted that an Uber driver gave his son covid-19 and his teenager die, I decided to take 2 weeks off to study covid-19 a bit.
    In those 2 weeks Iearned. A). That the shortness of breath and all the above symptoms I was getting were covid-19 symptoms and the fact that I was taking those Asprin and for 3 days when I felt weak… I upped my vitamin C intake from 500 mg to 2,000 to 3,000mg per day for 3 days (the Nature's way brand, I buy at CVS), my zinc and D3 and I was fine, I rested and I was fine in 3 days. I also have a habit of blowing my nose at least twice a day and for sure before I go to bed due to the bad air outside with these geo-engineered cloud's & so covid wouldn't get in my nose, then throat, then down into my lungs.. I don't want all those toxin's in the air going down my throat while I sleep and as a taxi driver your always exposed to people with the flu, colds and now covid-19. But I'll tell you, after finding out the symptoms of covid-19 and that Asprin helps with inflammation. So blood carrie's oxygen to all the organs, this is what saved my life because the Asprin thins the blood, stopping the ovulation of the blood. The C help your immune system fight off disease and zinc doesn't allow the cell to open and let the covid-19 in (it keeps your cells closed and doesn't let the virus in. And D3 we get from the Sun and covid-19 can really survive in heat so D3 is almost as if we are out sunbathing is how I heard a doctor explain it.
    We have to take care of ourselves and our body will take care of us.
    I pick-up a Stanford biologist who told me that covid-19 isn't the super bug they are trying to make it out to be and that most death in the U.S. and the world were counted as covid-19 when they are dying of other issues, so these were inflated numbers for covid-19 and I told him that it should be illegal because they shouldn't be paying any medical facility $39,000 for covid-19 deaths because it creates a fake narrative and inflated numbers for covid-19, which put people in fear. Also the American Frontline doctor's have share with the public that they are not letting them treat covid-19 with the proper medications and THAT INTUBATION is not the proper protocol in treating covid-19 because that is what killing the people.

    They are cremation people who their loved ones have told me in my cab that their loved ones they believe didn't have covid-19, when talking to their 80 something year old mom or grandmother they ask them through a face time conversation if they felt sick and their loved ones said they didn't feel sick.. who supposedly had covid-19. They told them via FaceTime that they didn't NOT feel sick but their loved one died anyways and we're both cremated against their will. These 2 customers told me they felt as if the old people home killed their loved one.
    I also had a Latin lady come in my cab and she said that the old people's home said that her mother also had covid-19 and that she couldn't see her but talk to her via face time and after she spoke to her mom and her mom told her that she didn't feel sick but that they said she was going to die of covid-19 and that they were going to cremate her against the families wishes, the Latin Lady through a fit and said that HER MOTHER BETTER NOT DIE BECAUSE HER MOTHER WASN'T SICK WITH COVID-19 and if she did die that they BETTER NOT cremate her because she was going to expose them by calling the News reporter's and to her Amazement her mom survived.😳.
    With all the above things I've gone through and heard from others and studied about covid-19 is that covid is real but the death tolls are a grand lie.
    Follow Dr. Richard Bartlett MD from Texas. Dr Jensen, Dr. Buttar, Dr. Shiva. Dr. Simone Gold from the American Frontline doctor's and Peggy Hall The health American.org. on the subject of covid-19 and last but not least Liliana Robinson English vidios on covid-19, Bill Gate's, the presidential election Because you will find out that this is all a plan-demic/scam-demic for the people who have their money on the vaccine to vaccinate the world. Follow the money. Dr. Fauci, Bill Gate's and his Ugenics project, big pharma, The U.N., The WHO, The vaccine companies and all who have big bucks on the stocks on big pharma and the vaccines for covid-19 and others to come. It's all a money move for them to capitalize on us. This is a money move for the elite.

    I also seen 2 video's and 1 Google search that covid-19 is made up of SARS, MERS and AIDS and that's why people are dying of complications of and that why this vaccine they want to give us is so dangerous. Just like the flu has different flu in it, so does this vaccine, have a little bit of SARS, MERS and AIDS…who wants a Lille bit of AIDS IN THEM you will forever have healtg complications if we get this stuff vaccine. They are also not publishing the trails and why they had to stop them but yet they are trying to have one out soon without proper data AND THEY ARE PUSHING IT IN THE LATINO AND BLACK COMMUNITIES. WHY? bcuz they are oblivious to all I'm talking about. Covid-19 exists, but the death tolls are lies, intubation is what's killing the people and not using the proper medication the good doctor's want to use. Doctor's who are trying to speak out about it are being threatened and their licenses are being pulled.

    The killing off of the old folks because the U.S. paying out the retirement money to the elderly is the biggest transfer of wealth out of the money of the government that they have to pay out. So getting ride of them (us) is better due to the liability. Think about this too? Isn't it funny that in all our wars they offer ALL the soldiers army, navy, air Force free medical, education etc. and yet a lot of them come out with PTSD, they get sprayed agent orange. A soldier once told me that he could past the agility test to go into the army and they shot him up with a series of shots/vaccinations and he with flying colors past everything he couldn't before but he told me he suffered with PTSD after that and he believed it was all those shots.
    From all these things I've learned I believe that we need to look into what they are giving these soldier's because is it a wonder why so many soldiers do have phycological issues after the war and have to get on meds which shorten their lives therefore the government doesn't have to give the lifetime medical and schooling as promised. 😳. Disclosure: I'm am not a doctor, the above recommendation is not FDA approved, You must check with your doctor and this is not a cure.

  4. CDC also just last week released its covid "death" numbers as completely inaccurate.
    Seems only 6% of the 200,000 "deaths" from covid actually died FROM covid.
    The other 94% had previous existing conditions making them more susceptible.
    They died WITH covid not FROM covid alone. HUGE difference.
    That works out to less than 1 person per state per day over the 8 months since the "pandemic" began.

  5. new cases means another person beat the virus without ill effects. The lie-sucking media continues to use the term to instill fear into the population. With the death rate dropping everywhere the economy can safely be reopened 100%. cnn, abc, mslsd, abc, cbs all NEVER explain what a positive antibody test means.
    There will ALWAYS be "new cases" as any disease moves through a population.
    Using that metric instead of the ACTUAL death rate politicians will always be able to fake a reason to justify locking down their state economies.
    President Trump's federal authority takes backseat to state governors whims.

  6. Thank you DR TUNDE ODI the spell caster for what you have done for me. I am so grateful my lover is back to me and we are now living happily together. DR TUNDE ODI the love spell caster is very powerful and effective and it does not have any side effect as he promised I decided to give DR TUNDE ODI a try when my lover left me for another woman and he helped me to cast a love spell on my lover that brought him back to me what makes me excited the most is that my lover did not even know he is under a spell if you are passing through relationship love problem I advice you to contact DR TUNDE ODI the spell caster to get your problem solved. It's very hard to lose a loved one and I know how it feels so do not let somebody take away your lover from you. Contact DR TUNDE ODI Via E-mail: drtundetraditionalhealer@gmail.com

  7. Geoengineering is 1000x worse than covid19. Prove me wrong.
    Keep reading the learn more.

    Geoengineering For Dummies!

    Bill Gates is funding expensive advanced technology to block the sun. Remember when Mr. Burns blocked the sun on The Simpsons show? That is now our reality. Harvard University is telling us it must be done to save us from Global Warming.
    Hey Bill and Harvard: did you forget that plants need sunlight to grow? It’s a process called photosynthesis. Without this process all plants would die and humans would have no food left to eat.

    “Photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.”

    This risky plan could end up killing billions of humans by 2030 due to extreme crop losses and a vitamin D deficiency cancer epidemic.

    BBC News: Geo-engineering: Climate fixes 'could harm billions'
    Schemes to tackle climate change could prove disastrous for billions of people, but might be required for the good of the planet, scientists say.

    Yahoo News: Bill Gates backing plan to stop climate change by blocking out the sun

    DailyMail: Aerosols to protect Earth from global warming will be sprayed into the stratosphere NEXT YEAR, but scientists warn the results could be 'catastrophic'

    Geoengineering involves using military tankers to spray the sky with metal oxide aerosols to keep it hazy and dirty looking.
    The sky always looks hazy, grey, or cloudy. What happened to the deep blue sky from when you were a child?

    Some people call these chemtrails. Geoengineering / Climate Engineering / Solar Radiation Management are the scientific terms. Deep blue skies are extremely rare in 2020. The sky is filled with artificial sun-blocking cloud cover most days. Scientist Dr. David Keith has stated on record in Calgary that climate engineers need to put 10-20 megatons of metal oxides into the sky annually to combat global warming.

    Video: Dr. David Keith admits to dangers of spraying aluminum:

    A few years later Mr. Keith stated that Geoengineering programs could possibly kill tens of thousands of people per year.

    Video: Dr. David Keith on Geoengineering:
    “We might kill tens of thousands of people per year”.

    A 2018 peer-reviewed Asian Journal Of Biology study proved that Geoengineering climate modification programs are decimating the honey bee population and insects. Without bees and insects we could no longer grow food crops. It would be the end of the human race as we know it.

    Asian Journal of Biology –
    Previously Unacknowledged Potential Factors in Catastrophic Bee and Insect Die-off Arising from Coal Fly Ash Geoengineering – Published 2018

    Geoengineering is also killing trees, birds, bats, as well as causing neurological disease in humans. Here are some more recent scientific publications.

    Asian Journal of Biology –
    Unacknowledged Potential Factors in Catastrophic Bat Die-off Arising from Coal Fly Ash Geoengineering
    Published 2020

    Asian Journal of Biology –
    Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash: A Previously Unrecognized Primary Factor in the Catastrophic Global Demise of Bird Populations and Species
    Published 2018

    Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International –
    Previously Unrecognized Primary Factors in the Demise of Endangered Torrey Pines: A Microcosm of Global Forest Die-offs
    Published 2018

    Is there any proof that the sky is being sprayed with toxic metals?

    Scientists and retired Military Generals used high-altitude testing methods to test these aerosols trails in 2020. This is the first time this has been done in human history! Scientists discovered metal oxides that were damaging to human heath.
    Full length documentary “The Dimming” is in the works. You can watch a shocking preview here:

    The following list of "The Dimming" speaker names and titles:

    *Charles Jones, US Air Force Brigadier General (Ret.), Former Tactical Weather
    Reconnaissance Pilot

    *Catherine Austin Fitts, Former US Presidential Cabinet Member for George H. W. Bush

    *Richard H. Roellig, US Air Force Major General (Ret.)

    *Dane Wigington, Lead Researcher / GeoengineeringWatch.org

    *Geomicrobiologist (Identity to be disclosed with "The Dimming" film release)

    Featuring Climate Engineering Confirming Testimonies From:
    *US Air Force Major General (Ret)
    *US Air Force Brigadier General (Ret.)
    *Presidential Cabinet Member (Ret.)
    *US Forest Service Scientist (Ret.)
    *Decorated CIA officer (Ret.)
    *Canadian Minister Of Defense (Ret.)
    *Premier Of British Columbia, Canada (Ret.)
    *California Department of Fish And Game Scientist (Ret.)
    *US Air Force Environmental Testing Specialist (Ret.)
    *Major Tech University Scientists

    Did you know there are Climate Engineering patents that list metal oxides as an ingredient?

    US Patent US5003186A
    Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming

    “Welsbach seeding is a patented climate engineering method, involving seeding the stratosphere with small (10 to 100 micron) metal oxide particles (thorium dioxide, Aluminium oxide). The purpose of the Welsbach seeding would be to "(reduce) atmospheric warming due to the greenhouse effect resulting from a greenhouse gases layer", by converting radiative energy at near-infrared wavelengths into radiation at far-infrared wavelengths, permitting some of the converted radiation to escape into space, thus cooling the atmosphere. The seeding as described would be performed by airplanes at altitudes between 7 and 13 kilometres.”

    This is just a small sample. More to follow.

  8. Attention attention! Latest
    ticker! The Covid virus was attacked by Chuck Norris. The Bruce Lee vaccination
    didn't work and the Mohammed Ali mask couldn't protect it either. It passed
    away this morning at 9:34 a.m. The bird flu and the swine virus have already
    sent condolences.

  9. I have herb extract mix in oil.. very effective in severe flu and cough.. any one to have it , just contact me.. il send for covid 19 treatment.. one drop in each nostril.. and one dropper in thoat.. no strong taste.. in my expiriernce over night a person cured

  10. I'm so excited to share this amazing testimony on how I got my  husband Back…….. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after two (2) years of our marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and my son to suffer. one day when I was reading through the web, I saw a post on how this spell caster (Dr. WISE), has helped a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me  to get my husband back in 74 hours that i will have my husband back. I believed him and today I am glad to let you all know that this spell caster has the power to bring lovers back, Help in your business, promotion, goodluck etc. because I am now happy with my husband. Thanks to Dr. WISE , once again for helping me in my marriage, kindly contact him via, +2349063191711 he might also be your helper.Do you want to know what he does hereVoodoo SpellsMoney SpellPower SpellSuccess SpellSickness SpellPregnancy SpellMarriage SpellJob SpellProtection SpellLottery SpellHIV curerenovation spellEtc… He will help you in what you need thanksJust send a message across to him via phone +2349063191711 he might also be your helper., call/whatsapp him via.. +2349063191711

  11. TrUMP 🇺🇸🇺🇸20-20 20-24 20-28👍👍🤓🤓🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  12. This is a very good healthy sign. New case = more new testing have been done. The past 2 month was about getting everyone tested. And now most are getting tested. A very positive sign.

  13. 2020 is RATCHET bruh this ain’t even the “second wave”

  14. 完蛋了你们,America gov have to enforce straight rules, MUST WEAR MASK, NO MASS GATHERING AND STAY HOME, STOP INTER STATES TRAVEL AND JAIL THOSE MATHA FUKA WHO DOESN'T FOLLOW THE RULES, If not trust me, USA will suffer for coming 3rd and 4th wave

  15. I work in the restaurant industry and was told to go back to work, with customers unmasked. Scared of bringing the virus home to my family. We on the front lines in the restaurant industry are the most worried. Does our safety mean little to our Government and to those allowed to come in unmasked for obvious reasons. Shouldn't our Government put us on the front lines with unmasked customers in another category? Mandatory n95 masks or better as in the health industry? Why isn't the media talking about this. We matter less than health care workers and?

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