US Olympic gymnasts to testify in Senate hearing on sex assault investigation

US Olympic gymnasts to testify in Senate hearing on sex assault investigation

The Justice Departments inspector general alleges the FBI mishandled the investigation into the teams doctor, Larry Nassar.
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20 thoughts on “US Olympic gymnasts to testify in Senate hearing on sex assault investigation

  1. excuse me but as a adult male who was molested by a family friend one summer visiting my Canadian cousins, while I appreciate that both @the strategist and @ Tina Nemath do address to a degree in each of their posts what THIS video is focused on- as in I am saying to you look at what the title is focused on- larry nasser abuse case and the 4 elite level gymnasts who were going to be addressing the committee meeting; NOTHING else- with all due respect to your Constitutional right to freedom of speech and self expression, I can ASSURE you that by inserting into your posts the comments on ANYTHING dealing with the FBI, regardless of being proven to be true or otherwise (and no please do not reply with an attempt to debate my comment on "proven to be true or otherwise- I've already granted your own right to free speech and self expression but in this case I am NOT debating) is an insult and is unfair on your part to reply here to a video dealing with this sensitive of a topic, in which unless you are a victim also who can relate to not being believed time and again and having to go on this many years until you are only starting to feel you are being heard by sympathetic caring adults who are just finally reaching out to these women and giving them the words of validation, belief, understanding and at giving these women signs that at least finally an real actual investigation might just be starting, even if only scratching the surface. this is a topic dealing with traumatic events that when not believed can and will have life long, PTSD based traumatic ramifications. These women are LITERALLY testifying to report that inspite of telling adults in charge their stories, they weren't believed when those "adults" found this an inconvenient truth and their only action was to do exactly what you are doing here – deflecting away from the topic with other issues rather than just staying on point. In most cases, I see when people rightfully so react on youtube videos with acceptable on topic additional information that is directly helpful and relevant. here both of you, in an sad display of not "adulting" act in an eerily similar manner by deflecting irrelevantly off topic, which is exactly why these women are having to go this far in the first place. the Ukraine, the trump call, hunter, all of that- just take the knife in these womens hearts and shove in further, why don't you.

  2. Sadly the FBI has been corrupted by political hierarchy in this country they're no better than the KGB anymore. Sadly if you look at the same situation in regards to Hunter Biden who was on camera on his laptop with underage girls they will not go after him he is protected by the FBI due to political reasons. In this case with these gymnasts the FBI was being influenced also by the presidents of the organization for the Olympics to keep things quiet because they were all a party to this problem. It is sickens me how far are country has gone down the tubes morally…. Many Americans have been trying to point this out but no one is listening.

  3. The Americans Citizens continue accept the shits that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are making and don´t take providenciales about impeach under both. China is growthing and in a next future will became the first country more powerfull worldwide. Wake up Americans befote that is late!

  4. trading right now will be at the of every wise individual’s list. In 2years you’ll be ecstatic with the decision you made today

  5. Obviously the FBI is too busy making Woke TV commercials about how great and gay they are and not investigating this case. Same problem the Pentagon had, spending too much time making Woke TV commercials about how gay and great they are instead focusing on pulling out of Afghanistan correctly and not leaving US citizens behind.

  6. Any federal agent or law enforcement agent first responder coach any of the above that sees this type of abuse and neglect and does nothing should be reprimanded in my opinion I understand you push for excellence I understand you push for becoming the best that you could possibly be in the same event that shouldn't require abuse or neglect.

  7. I like how she phrased that "little ninjas" ROTC Jr/coat tails Jr programs would benefit from such an academy as your own if you offered self-defense classes as well as situational awareness courses for younger athletes/gymnest. Keep up the great work never stop fighting the good fight.

  8. Can we just eradicate pedophiles and predators like this that knowingly do so can I we round some of these offenders up and take them out onto a naval ship in US Waters tie a stone to him and kick him off the edge of the f**** ship. I'll volunteer for some s*** like that if I get to do the kicking.

  9. Still waiting since 1964 to have my adoption nullified. And, take back my legal birth certificate. Several law enforcement, the AG of CA., and the ACLU are a few of the organizations that have been informed. It is my understanding that the people I was forced to live with as a child are not and have not been cooperating with law enforcement. And, not have that authority or custody be given to my biological relatives.

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