US officials say they believe pilot intentionally crashed plane in China – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News contributor and aviation analyst, John Nance, discusses why U.S. officials say evidence shows a Chinese airliner was intentionally crashed, killing 132 people.


By carmodpros


36 thoughts on “US officials say they believe pilot intentionally crashed plane in China”
  1. Excuse us, but that contradicts the earlier reports that it was the senior pilot that had been demoted to copilot status for undisclosed reasons. So which column did the control inputs come from? Was it the pilots or the copilots column, since the disclosure is based on flight data recordings?

  2. good for these 132's family members , not only do they get compensation from boeing for these worthless livs , they also get to save the cost of funerals and graves

  3. Why would you deploy landing gear in a nosedive nowhere near your destination? Their expert is a real genius. He's probably being paid off by the airlines because they say that a plane just can't fall out of the sky in that manner is ridiculous. A faulty Jack screw will and has done that. So hasn't spatial disorientation and pilot incapacitation. Now I'm not saying that's the case here I'm just saying that guy's playing to ignorant saying things like that

  4. Why is the fake news media saying it was pilot mental health? Maybe it was government forced to make Boeing look bad. Certainly a possibility with the CCP. Oh that's right, ABC isn't allowed to criticize the CCP because they advertise on their network

  5. Wow RIP 132 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Horrible Plane Crashed Poor Innocent People's

  6. Maybe putting that third pilot back into cockpits, the flight engineer, would help. Of course everything is so automated now, he wouldn't have much to do, but there would always be two pilots at a time. Two pilots can probably overtake one who tries to down a plane, and it might be a deterrent before it's even tried.

  7. Maybe putting that third pilot back into cockpits, the flight engineer, would help. Of course everything is so automated now, he wouldn't have much to do, but there would always be two pilots at a time. Two pilots can probably overtake one who tries to down a plane, and it might be a deterrent before it's even tried.

  8. Full of craps in the report. CH has removed Boeing 737 Max from safe fly list after the crash. The report is full of trash to pump in all lies to boost BA depressed stocks and raise hope in nonstop nosediving WallStreet.
    CH wants the faa and the boeing answer the question of why the pilot couldn't regain the control… Immediately from those liars, they came with a theory of pilot suicide… A crappy report to walk away from the poor Max design of greed, not public safety. It's the known fact that both Boeing Max planes crashes in indonesia and ethiopia were in quick nosedives that kill all passengers, and the pilots were helpess in control of their doomed planes. Same thing happened to this CH flying coffin as the pilot became helpless with this self-locked dead plane.

  9. I can't even imagine the horror those passengers experienced before they died. This is unfathomable

  10. The airlines over work their pilots. They have them on duty for hours between fights where the pilots can’t relax. I know because my Dad and Brother were commercial pilots!! They were exhausted. And just about the time they could rest at home it was time for another trip. Flying at all hours of the day and night so they have no sleep schedule.

  11. yeah sure. some "us official" without any access to the crash site and the black box, believes that that crash was intentional.

    great reporting as always.

  12. it is not clear in the reporting how the US officials got access to the black boxes wc the chinese had said were to be decoded in beijing. benitez clearly said "we," presumably including the WSJ sources, did not have access to the voice recorder wc was found first. but benitez never mentioned the data flight recorder wc we can assume he (or "we") also did not have access to.

    Is this preempting a chinese announcement that's unfavorable to Boeing by muddling the situation?

  13. Just yesterday. I was recalling a report about a conversation between pilots before a crash. The company said they were discussing career paths or something. What actually came out was that they were concerned about making ends meet financially and, as I recall, government assistance.

  14. Dear pilots, please if you want to commit suicide please go alone! do not take innocent souls with you!! 😢

  15. I think that 1999 flight was a terrorist incident because it had numerous egyptian officers that had attended the army college at in Carlyle PA prior leaving for Egypt after attending the college.

  16. My guess is that the guy who crashed the plane was angry at the passengers like the Chinese bus driver who drove off the bridge because a passenger kept hitting him.

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