Inside the latest on diplomatic negotiations between the U.S. and Russia after President Joe Biden warned Vladimir Putin of possible sanctions amid escalating tensions with Ukraine.

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By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “US offers ‘diplomatic path’ as tensions escalate between Russia and Ukraine”
  1. interesting 🤔 only Kiev Ukraine us embassy help 😳🌡️zero and not 🚫 help with the inside of to us mix categories be family not helping out once been up asking by entry of embassy in Kiev Ukraine at entry of us embassy suites so question ⁉️😥 where heck be help when got none

  2. The current Anglo-Saxon dictatorship is first imposed by the Empire of force, with its repressive military apparatus, by becoming owner of territories, waging wars, imposing governments via coups and civic-military dictatorships, expanding imperialistically to other territories, maintaining hundreds of military bases around the world, control land and sea trade routes and especially the means of production, followed, secondly, by the regulatory legal power installed by a State of International Law and its supranational bureaucratic bodies such as the IMF in what economic, NATO in the military and the UN in the political, which operationalize the capitalist political agenda and the neoliberal model coming from the bourgeois class and world synarchy, the sum of monarchies and high bourgeoisie, based and commanded in and from London, place where it is quoted In the Metals and Polymers Exchange, there is the lbma, the comex, the banking City, etc. Said International and supranational State of Law is the normalized Institutionalization and legalization of the Violence of the dominant and hegemonic Bourgeois Class that economically exploits the dominated working class, oppresses it socially, culturally and value-wise, and dominates it politically, alienating and objectifying the us as a technified working class. Thirdly, the political power, hailed by the UN and its attempt to install a single planetary vulgate where, in the dialectical dispute, consensus is achieved from the imperialist vision of the Pax Romana, that is, a consensus that is not such, but is a subjugation, and in fourth place, ideological power, where it is proclaimed and megaphoned from the ideological apparatus of the capitalist State, and its bureaucratic hinge together with the form of administration of power postmodernly in a network and from the fragmentation of said power, yielding quotas of power that come out cheaper but without modifying the purpose, making a false isovalence, as if everything were the same, fighting for it with reason, science and facts, thus, this ideology distorts reality, using a part only of Reason, in a functional and instrumental way to adapt said reality to the needs, desires and requirements of a class, in this case, the hegemonic ruling class that is the bourgeoisie. Greetings from Punta Arenas, Chile

  3. Two things. Biden is a feeble old man, and we are more worried about Ukraine's border than our own border. Good job democrats. Let the mighty EU solve the problem.

  4. My opinion is that Ukraine president only one can stop this war III. Why? Ukraine president must speak out that Ukraine does not joint the NATO and their will be an independent country, then the problem solves.

  5. The call of Bahá’u’lláh (The promised one of all ages) is primarily directed against all forms
    of provincialism, all insularities and prejudices. If long-cherished
    ideals and time-honored institutions, if certain social assumptions
    and religious formulae have ceased to promote the welfare of the
    generality of mankind, if they no longer minister to the needs
    of a continually evolving humanity, let them be swept away and
    relegated to the limbo of obsolescent and forgotten doctrines. Why
    should these, in a world subject to the immutable law of change
    and decay, be exempt from the deterioration that must needs
    overtake every human institution? For legal standards, political and
    economic theories are solely designed to safeguard the interests
    of humanity as a whole, and not humanity to be crucified for the
    preservation of the integrity of any particular law or doctrine.
    Shoghi Effendi( The guardian of the Baha'i' Faith)

    The universal crisis affecting mankind is, therefore,
    essentially spiritual in its causes. The spirit of the age, taken on
    the whole, is irreligious. Man’s outlook on life is too crude and
    materialistic to enable him to elevate himself into the higher
    realms of the spirit.
    Written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi( The guardian of the Baha'i' Faith)

    Sore-tried and disillusioned, humanity has no doubt lost
    its orientation, and would seem to have lost as well its faith and
    hope. It is hovering, unshepherded and visionless, on the brink of
    disaster. A sense of fatality seems to pervade it. An ever-deepening
    gloom is settling on its fortunes as it recedes further and further
    from the outer fringes of the darkest zone of its agitated life and
    penetrates its very heart.
    Shoghi Effendi( The guardian of the Baha'i' Faith)

    the Pen of the Centre of the Covenant has repeatedly
    prophesied the intolerable calamities which must beset this
    wayward humanity ere it heeds the life-giving Teachings of
    Chaos and confusion are daily increasing in the world.
    They will attain such intensity as to render the frame of
    mankind unable to bear them.
    Then will men be awakened and become aware that
    religion is the impregnable stronghold and the manifest
    light of the world, and its laws, exhortations and teachings
    the source of life on earth.

    Universal House of Justice

  6. When the rocket launchers appear in Cuba, maybe then it will reach the American minds that the Russians suggested that they reach an agreement on equal security, and not discuss issues related to Ukraine. These are different things.

  7. Putin has been emboldened by 4 years of Trump doing nothing to curb his belligerence . . .
    . . . just as Trump has been emboldened by 1 year of the USA doing nothing to curb his lies

  8. Russia has said again and again it has no intentions to invade Ukraine. The USA wants a war because that’s financially beneficial for the USA, which is the biggest war criminal country in human history.

  9. Every family in US, EU, Canada & Australia must send their family member to Ukraine war, to sacrifice their life to defend western democracy, to die in foreign land war, die as war hero. Millions of you are expected to go, be a man. Go go go

  10. Ukraine and the NATO are breaking the agreements of their fumination, trying to make Ukraine part of NATO. USA trying to intimidate Russia and create a 3rd World War scenario is extremely dangerous and stupid, but is Biden after all…it can't be helped.

  11. Why are the Democrats trying to start a war with Russia??? This is 100% insanity. Russia is telling us to get out of Ukraine exactly like we told them to get out of Cuba 60 years ago.

  12. Question….Why where there is a war or the possibility of a war, hop, there is America, "the savior"?

  13. When the rocket launchers appear in Cuba, maybe then it will reach the American minds that the Russians suggested that they reach an agreement on equal security, and not discuss issues related to Ukraine. These are different things.

  14. 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🙏🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺💪

  15. Just to let you know.
    Johnson and his clown show here in the Banana Republic of London, have been kept well out of the Ukraine loop for safety by the EU, Nato and the U.S. You may remember Johnson's candid photo at Stansted airport after seeming to have slept in the Easy Jet baggage hold, on his return from his fourth attendance at the oligarch's favorite son's drug addled 'Russian Bonga Bonga' style party in 2016 at Lebedev's palace, which is "so camera'd up that shots can be take from ten angles at a time for "extra clarity" in Perugia where "everything is on the menu" and according to MI5,6,7,8 and 9 "all who attend are compromised by Putin's dubious friends"

    It appears that in the corridors of Brussels, they haven't forgotten either. "We don't want Johnson, the fat,scruffy liar, to spill the beans again to Putin in exchange for a further delay in publishing the "Italian party pictures in HD" regarding our actions and our plans to help in Ukraine" said Šefčovič to Macron, in fluent French. "Further more, that 'Brains Truss' woman from the foreign office seems to be as stupid as Johnson, if she calls tell her to hold, and then go for breakfast"
    Google for more info – johnson italian party with russian

  16. History will repeat Hitler &Stalin talk of peace then spilt Poland Rest just watched then were taken as well so? Kill the Beast befor first bite

  17. They need to look into the possibility of Russian Federation criminal groups here in the USA. They might become a national security risk. Biden already did back in April 2021. They might be tempted to exploit the next election again.

  18. Conversation is needed more than ever this not the way at all. Good for momentary peace not future peace. Instead of sanctions why not just see what the problem is and everybody help them. Why cnt they be their own people or at least govern themselves and get the dame respect all countries are after. Family fights but always hug it out at the end. Enough sacrifice enough bloodshed no more war. The right words in the room always calms the soul. Energy is real regardless of religion, think on your kids before u act. Enough is enough its time for a representative to get up there n speak truth in the room. Do not make moves on people cause im speaking out im just speaking for our people.

  19. The Biden Administration has decided to mark this year's Holocaust Memorial Day by sending another planeload of lethal weapons to Ukranian Nazis …

  20. I think this is NATO, and the United States playing tactical game a circle the wagons around Russia, remember the Cuban missile crisis those were Russian missiles sitting on our doorstep!

  21. I hope♥️🥀 Everyone ♥️🥀has a 🙏🙏🙏🙏blessed/🛐🛐🛐🛐safe day ❗❗❗❗‼️‼️‼️‼️

    I'd like to thank Russia for its 🏆🥇🏆🎨Award-Winning contributions 🪐🚀🛸🛰️📡🔭to space⚡✨🌟⭐💫 exploration, combating Covid-19 plus outstanding atlethics ❗❗❗❗‼️‼️‼️‼️ Please expect Award Categories Nominations this week,🤗🥳🤩😍🥰😘 Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ❗❗❗❗‼️‼️‼️‼️

  22. It's clear the USA are offering a faux diplomatic solution. Let's be honest. In reality NATO isn't much of an entity. However, the USA has used the pretence of NATO to cover Europe in military bases AND put nuclear missiles around Europe. They've changed the mantra from defensive to offensive.

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