US not seen as trustworthy ally after abandoning Middle East partners: Expert – Car Mod Pros Portal

Former Homeland Security official Elizabeth Neumann discusses how the U.S. is viewed after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “US not seen as trustworthy ally after abandoning Middle East partners: Expert”
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  2. as a french citizen, i can say that we stopped, here in france, trusting the americans the day they abandoned the Kurds after having used them against Daesh. Twas pretty disgusting and gross

  3. Even if we get a good president people won’t trust us because polices and loyalties change at least every 4 yrs or even 2yrs when the house and senate can change. Biden really did a number on this country because of his arrogance.

  4. So 20 years is not good enough commitment and you can’t trust it? This partnership last more than marriages around the globe! 😂

  5. I remember a few years after 9/11, seeing middle eastern’s protesting against the military and burning American flags. I also remember plenty of Americans demanding for the troops to come home. Why is it all of a sudden such a horrible thing that we left?

  6. Chile I'm so tired of blaming Donald Trump for all the bs this is big enough blame for the whole white house staff to share and own. Donald Trump is a loser idiot but this all on him he could not do this all by him self

  7. i love how people who have zero actual knowledge and experience in war and dealing with a horrific and terrible people and government go on tv and give us all the “answers” to all of our problems. next level delusion can’t wait for the day all of u fake news outlets go under

  8. 20 more years there wouldn’t have changed anything. Just a slow trickle of American lives lost

  9. American people, learn from this. Our government will NOT save you!!!! They will NOT protect you!!! You are ultimately responsible for your and your families well being. DO NOT give up your 2A rights!!!!

  10. "US not seen as trustworthy "

    So they finally learned the lesson Two entire continents learned a couple centuries ago?

    the US has never been honest on foreign affairs.

  11. Invading the Graveyard of Empires was the biggest mistake and the fact that the ruling class can't admit that means they must all be replaced.

  12. USA has never been anybody's ally. It is its own friend and f**ks rest of it's so called "friendly nations". And the world knows it.

  13. Don't really understand the decision but it would be better to leave troops there at a small amount to maintain peace than to leave resulting in chaotic circumstances and fall of the country and worse yet….bringing more immigrants to the United States for its citizens tax dollars to support.

  14. nope, I call BullTIHS To mobilize and unite the people ones must have a common enemy, make believe or real threat. The truest ENEMEY OF MAN KIND IS MANKIND IT SELF. The meek has kept quite for fear of Death , but Death will come no matter how loud or silent. A loud man can be heard and death only comes once with his words carrying on. For the silent man Death comes many times throughout his bloodline till it is only droplets of what it once represented. 2/3rds is coming Ubermensch

  15. Not only we have lost a level of trust (but not completely). But russia and China just scored on natural resources. The taliban needs money. And they are going to sell their rare minerals to them. It’s already in the works. Afghan is going to make a lot of money in the next 10 years. 2030 is going to be WILD, and SCARY.

  16. The Taliban is beginning to show its true color. They are not going to change because you want them to change. They are only going to change if change is forced upon them from a position of power. What governing body is powerful enough to enforce positive change upon the Taliban? Certainly not the corrupt and cowardly government of Afghanistan, which America has propped up with trillions of dollars over the past 20 years. Joe Biden was correct in his decision to abandon a ship that sunk 20 years ago!

  17. It is the US 😕. Our lord, US. Everywhere US. Follow the US; otherwise, you be slapped and eliminated. Now, democrats turned their face to my country for the same mission. It is like an addiction for the US.

  18. Why can’t other countries not contribute to violence plant farms seeds veggies boost your food production go to church boost your city money economy and make it better …why is everything about conquering other nations ..peace is expensive

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