US labor secretary defends handling of Jeffrey Epstein case

US labor secretary defends handling of Jeffrey Epstein case

More than 30 women accused the financier of sexually abusing them as teenagers, but the deal he cut with then-U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta’s office allowed him to plead guilty to two lesser charges.


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46 thoughts on “US labor secretary defends handling of Jeffrey Epstein case

  1. Acosta was the US attorney. He made a sweetheart deal. The question is why. Who told him to do it, that's what I would be asking, because someone very high up obviously ordered him to basically let Epstein off and break the law by not informing the victims.

  2. Isn't it interesting that no news source, including ABC, mentions Ghislaine Maxwell? Charging Epstein without charging her is like arresting Burke and not Hare, Bonnie and not Clyde, Frank and not Jesse James. Very curious.

  3. I would love to see Acosta and the former prosecutor in Florida face to face. I want the other prosecutor to ask Acosta to tell the truth. I sincerely doubt that a 50 plus page indictment would have prompted the former prosecutor to "let Epstein walk." We aren't plankton on the food chain here. Blatant lie and it will catch up to him, just like lies caught up to the rest if Trump's disgraced former team.

  4. Epstein: "I plea guilty to the solicitation of prostitution". What??? The idea that Acosta allowed these children to be called prostitutes who solicited Epstein is reprehensible. Please keep the pressure on Acosta because he also got a sweet deal.

  5. How do these 15 year olds end up in his Manhattan mansion? They tricked into going there … .. abducted there…walk in there knowing he is a rock spider but want the latest nikes? I dunno? But as lady below stated Children can’t consent to sex with adults, because they’re children. Children aren’t prostitutes. So …. if guilty… hang him high… just a little concerned of all these alleged rape victims coming out ( underage accepted ) given what happened to the Indian celebrity guy in Canada … how he beat them up etc… just lucky he kept his emails… or they would have put him in prison and sued him bankrupt.. on a plethora of lies and deceit

  6. we all know about clinton being on orgy island….several interviews of lady's saying so…..we all know about bill being on flying lolitta….you opened the pandora's box that will include the lorde's of york…becareful democrats …that beast has been waiting to get out…

  7. " im afraid A lot of our faves are going to be caught up in this" Christine Piglosi.

  8. Republican Christians gave Rise to Trump . Dont ever forget that .😎👍🏽

  9. It may be a different day but I think the rape and trafficking of children was just as outrageous 12 years ago as it is today. Initially 36 children, how many more were victimized by your plea bargain? Wondering how much money changed hands in this bargain. You are as deplorable as the President you serve.

  10. Child Rape, and all Epstein gets is 13 months, with 16 hours a day out of his cell to 'work'..
    How many underage girls did Acosta allow to be raped buy allowing Trump's friend to continue his child rape, and why did Trump appoint this POS to a Cabinet position in the Trump Administration?

  11. Children can’t consent to sex with adults, because they’re children. Children aren’t prostitutes. They’re victims of child abuse. What an awful plea deal. It’s an embarrassment this guy is running a federal agency in the first place.

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