Nearly 80% of U.S. counties report “high” or “substantial” transmission of COVID-19 and Louisiana has the highest case rate with more than 600 new cases per 100,000 residents.




#COVID19 #DeltaVariant #WorldNewsTonight


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “US faces COVID-19 summer surge due to delta variant”
  1. Wrong!! The so-called "vaccines", that are not really vaccines but experimental gene therapies, are themselves the source of what is being called Delta variant.

    Folks, do some research that doesn't involve mainstream media, CNN, MSNBC, or the CDC or WHO.

  2. Businesses around here won’t serve you if you’ve had the vaccine since the vaccinated get the delta and are super spreaders

  3. Jerkoff Joe is killing us He is Spreading Covid across the Country with infected illegals. I told you Biden is Toxic to America Still Dancing Snowflakes?

  4. "It's just a mask." "It's just six feet." "It's just two weeks." "It's just non essential businesses." "It's just non essential workers." "It's just a bar." "It's just a restaurant." "It's just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals." "It's just to make the cases go down." "It's just to flatten the curve." "It's just a few inmates." "It's just to keep others from getting scared." "It's just for a few more weeks." "It's just church. You could still pray." "It's just a bracelet." "It's just an app." "It's just for tracing." "It's just to let others know you're safe to be around." "It's just to let others know who you've been in contact with." "It's just a few more months." "It's just a large gathering but for protests." "It's just a few violent protests." "It's just a vaccine." "It's just a little microchip." "It's just a blood test." "It's just a scan." "It's just for medical information." "It's just a vaccination certificate." "It's just like a credit card." "It's just a few places that don't take cash." "It's just so you can travel." "It's just so you can get your driver's license." "It's just so you can vote." "It's just a few more years." It's just the NEW WORLD ORDER.

  5. Lol if you’re refusing to get the vaccine I hope you understand that I have no sympathy for you and don’t expect us to be wearing mask for your well-being

  6. The democrats has stocks in the covid 19 vaccines they are trying to make us take the shot while they get richer stand up against the government do not take the shot

  7. This will be the fourth day my friend of a little over 20 years will be the ICU at Clarkston Hospital Omaha Nebraska because he refused to not recive a …free… Inoculation. That takes less than half a second and about two to three days of swelling in that area to subside. 🌱

  8. Masks do not keep you from getting Covid-19! If it did when everyone was wearing them no one would have been getting sick! Get the vaccine, that’s the only way to protect yourself and you family from getting the deadly version of the virus! My horses ass award goes to the anti-vaccine posters! Border crisis continues media silent

  9. If you are not careful, there'll be ghost states by year end… first to be wipe out are the frontliners in hospitals then who the heck is gonna help you??? Wise up people!!!

  10. We should be using every available tool to help keep the transmission of pathogens to a minimum, both now and in the future. There is a new biohazardous waste vessel that the University of Florida (BSL 3) is using and they work with some harmful pathogens. If you know someone who handles biohazardous materials tell them to view the link below and visit the website for case studies from The Cleveland Clinic and Albany Medical Center (NY). It is a simple common sense invention. It is the next step in biohazardous material storage, transporting, and decontamination. Feel free to share on social media to help healthcare and research facilities become aware such technology exists for a safer work environment.

  11. If a restaurant had a sign in front saying: " WE ARE NOT MEDICALLY, FINANCIALLY OR CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE IS IF OUR FOOD INJURSE OR KILLS". Would you eat there?

  12. 100,000 new cases in one single day wow 🤩 I’m fully vaccinated may I have a beer 🍺 please

  13. Vaccination should still be a personal choice and one should never go without because they choose not to vaccinate. Getting a vaccine won’t stop the spread, it only protects the individual from severe hospitalization.

  14. The uk: grr your vaccine or miss out… hahaha they’re Tryna scaremonger ya into it even more now it’s only the ones who don’t trust them… brainwashing chemicals probs…

  15. Bidens killing thousands with his handling of the pandemic….
    Thought since he’s had a few months to rid the USA of covid I’d turn it from trump to him… he’s completely useless and is sending ur country to the shitter. The worlds laughing at the bumbling, child sniffing, woman grabbing imbecile

  16. act 17:24-28 goes hand in hand with the revelation god spoke to myself several years ago that i've been shouting from the rooftops since… which is 2 chron 7:14. since then i've seen many others (very slowly) begin to rise up & confirm it… at that time i also received the warnings to share with others how we need to renew our minds to get in line with god's will & explain how many who say are of god truly are not… (the spirit of disception) as well as why those who should see what's happening truly cannot. rom 12:1-2; mt 7:21-22; 2 thes 2:10-11 $ |

  17. In Pennsylvania the nursing homes kept active covid diagnosis on all residents well after they showed a negative test result. That way any death was covid related. Than in February 2021 all active diagnosis were changed to personal history of covid 19 so they could show vaccines were working and no deaths were covid related. Very fraudulent activity. Sad when a disease and public health is politicized

  18. Are you going to bring back the death counter you took down the week following the Biden inauguration? What a load of bs.

  19. When Biden got gas prices up to 7 year high…then relaxed restrictions week of Memorial Day weekend…after allowing untested unvxaded immigrants to be moved all across America….theres your summer surge…..biden administration is solely responsible for latest surge…..

  20. Strong conservative family
    Question sir why are you on a Ventilator then ?
    Do you men you feel the need to show how strong you are you ended up with you on a ventilator?

  21. Look at all that red and which states have the most cases what about them Democrat led states and the south won’t be a new hot zone ? Lol 😂

  22. I bet next summer they let everyone take the masks off again. Suckers. How can anyone walk around crowds without a mask ? Vaccinated or not

  23. Please dont dodge the question but Why arent you talking about why the Capital Police didnt use deadly force on the insurrectionist/rioters/ terriost??? I mean they were clearly in fear of their safety…. Clearly being assulted…. Clearly didn’t think they were gonna make it home to their families…. They were clearly sprayed with bear mace… clearly beat with flag ploes… clearly their weapons that they never pulled out were trying to be taken by these terriost….. the US government was definitely under attack……under what circumstances would they use their issued firearms???? I mean our government was under attack🤔🤔…. Please explain to the American people why??? They(police)have killed sooo many Unarmed African Americans who didn’t pose a fraction of a threat as these terriost did…. The police have been able to draft these fictional narratives of why they killed these unarmed non threatening African Americans and have gotten away with it…..but when faced with a real narrative…. They dont even pull their weapons out??…..Media… please explain this to the American people….. and if you dont know…. Then why arent you asking the question??? The African American People want to know🤔🤔 Is our inquiry not worth your investigation???……🤔🤔💯💯………

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