US companies pulling out of Russia

US companies pulling out of Russia

As powerful U.S. companies such as Coca-Cola and McDonald’s announce their suspension of business in Russia, “World News Tonight” takes a look back at McDonald’s first opening in Russia 32 years ago.


#WorldNewsTonight #USBusinesses #Russia


35 thoughts on “US companies pulling out of Russia

  1. Это что за видео из 1990?

  2. Good ! No one needs to eat that 🤢

  3. Прощай, Mac. Это хорошая новость. Ваша еда вредна для здоровья. У нас есть своя традиционная пища. Сочувствую сотрудникам компании.

  4. This is peak hypocrisy! Isreal has been committing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians for decades and those same companies didn't pull out of Isreal, but now suddenly what Russia is doing bad to them?

  5. Mcdonald owners have more brains and ❤️ than Biden & Harris put together..

  6. You all are idiots. All this is doing is opening up the global economy to companies other than US based companies. Visa and Mastercard suspend operations in Russia? You know there are other options. Like Chinese based Unionpay….which is exactly what Russia is doing. Now watch the next few months. The biggest one will be when countries start transacting oil purchases in Russia's or China's native currencies. This is not good for the US.

  7. (I had to add this message to shut a dirty mouth/mind: "I'm not "incredibly narcissistic", YOU ARE, falsifying the "truth", and convoluting reality. "Ask CBS to give you all their footage of me in wartime in Iraq as a Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marines, and their unpublished footage of US war crimes against innocent civilians of all ages, a lot worse than those in Ukraine!" Where are the worldwide sanctions against the United States of America for crimes against humanity?")
    Today's Distribution Quotes:

    "LOVE YOUR ENEMIES IN DIFFICULT TIMES, or you will never make it through the worse ones!"


    "The GREATEST LOVE Always Wins in the Long-Run!"

    – Jesimiel "Happy Ghost"

    9:45 AM

    Important: "I admonish you to stop relying so much in "FALSE POLITICS" that continue to disrupt the fabric of decent humanity, and will be detrimentally fatal to the human spirit at the Universal scale. If both the United States of America and Russia had decided years or decades ago to let go of their political, historical, and emotional dysfunctions, the billions of currency and resources now being spent in war offense and defense, could have been used worldwide to create healthy and dignified communities for unfairly marginalized human beings, the world would be a better and safer place today, and world leaders would be the role model they need to be, and not "selfish", "dishonorable" beings, willing to do what is bad to "save-face", protect careers, and petty lesser ideals of one nationality better than another! YOU ARE PATHETIC HUMAN BEINGS, FULL OF DECEIT & SELFISHNESS, AND THAT IS HOW "HEAVEN/GOD" SEES YOU!" Conform to worldwide necessary changes, heed my warnings, or Ukraine & Russia will be the least of your worries, but, you will see how easily other sentient species subjugate you or annihilate you!"
    More: "Loving EVERY HUMAN BEING, not a specific nationality, improves your humanity. If you cannot understand that concept, intellectually or naturally, you are therefore not prepared nor qualified to make the hardest choices, or the most universally significant decisions!"

  8. Ahahaha no one cares abouth that bunch of crap sold to make profits as the could not make coffe as Starbucks or Burgers as Macdonalds does … such a joke

  9. citizens of russia suffer too due to sanctions, hope and pray ur leader pres putin will wake up and stop the nonsense invasion of ukraine, continue protesting til ur leader wake up of his senses

  10. Good fucc Russia 🇷🇺👏

  11. I feel so bad for russian people, they can no longer shop in Gucci or Starbucks. Mercedes also closed their stores. They will no longer be able to watch black and gay shows on Netflix

  12. Same thing with IKEA. No swedish meatball’s for the Russians but staff get paid while shops are closed.

  13. that’s like what In & Out is to us lol

  14. The Russian people don’t know it yet but Putin just saved his people from eating at McDonalds. Garbage food that will clog someone’s arteries and give them heart problems and diabetes. Big Win for the Russian people today, let the Americans have their McDonalds which Will lead them to an early grave

  15. Good 👍 go back to your caves

  16. When is Biden gonna “ pull out” of the American people ?

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