US Capitol Police Sergeant Gonell recalls the events of Jan. 6 – Car Mod Pros Portal

“On January 6, for the first time, I was more afraid to work at the Capitol than my entire Army deployment to Iraq,” Sergeant Gonell said.

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#January6 #CapitolRiots #Insurrection


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “US Capitol Police Sergeant Gonell recalls the events of Jan. 6”
  1. Everyone behind this Stalin like the political witch hunt, from government officials, politicians, to social and main street media (and anti constitutional judges,) should all be executed GITMO.

  2. Officer Brian Sicknick, 42, was reportedly struck in head during Wednesday’s riot, while four Trump supporters also died

  3. So sad how these officers served to protect all congress men and women from the terrorist mob and the republicans can’t do the same

  4. Support the police who are hero’s, but Defund these coward officers. They’re losers.

  5. They are acting like the Capitol “riot” was another “Benghazi”… well it wasn’t! The Capitol incident looked very orchestrated, with police and guards basically escorting everyone into and through the building.

    Isn’t it odd that there were zero MAGA groups that had “rioted” up until that point… while numerous liberal groups nearly burned the country to the ground leading up to the election?

    It’s already been stated that the FBI instigated it, that liberal groups dressed in maga outfits, and the police made sure there was very little presence at the capitol.

    The media in this country used to win awards for investigative journalism and exposing crime… now they are just a big propaganda machine for the criminals.

    When the wealthy make the laws, run the courts, and set up the system for their own success, everyone else suffers. C

  6. If you are interested in my house and you cannot buy it, it is because I do not want to sell it to you, nor do I want to rent or lease it to you. So you lock me in my house and don't let me go out to go to the supermarket, the pharmacy or the bank, and you don't let them sell me the spare parts for the car or the motorcycle, and in addition to this, they cancel my accounts and credit cards and savings.

    After a while my relatives will despair, some will escape through the windows … and then from the outside you will begin to shout that I am inept to take charge of my house and that I am a dictator, that I make my family suffer. … and then they will begin to say that the government of my house is in CRISIS and that the neighbors will have permission to INTERVENE and KILL ME with the purpose of attending to the HUMANITARIAN CRISIS of my family that suffers desperately.

    Of course … you will never say that you are interested in keeping my house. And that's why you put me in this CRITICAL situation with my family.

    Everything is a great show and a great hypocrisy! Both political parties of the United States are manipulating the feelings of Cuba through their agendas of personal interests …

    Unfortunately, Cuba is just another tool for the benefit of all, except for the Cubans inside the island who desperately need help to eat and fight covid-19.

    On the other hand, however, while the Cuban government owes seized properties to the United States, how much more does the United States owe to those people or to an entire country that has been suffering under our supervision for more than 60 years?

    In top of that according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, taxpayers paid every year an estimate that range from $1.2 to $3.6 billion to maintain the sanctions to Cuba.

    Who will be responsible for compensatory damages to those families who have suffered and even died due to the suffocation of blockade under our watch?

    While the United States government intimidates Americans about communism in Cuba, on the other hand they do business with China, Russia and other communist countries … Get it right, it's not about how much they care about the people in Cuba, or about communism… it is It's about their own interests and political agenda…

    Hypocrisy! and lies!

    If there is no embargo on Cuba as some say; So let's ask the United States Congress to remove it once and for all, yes, because it really exists! If you did not know, there are 184 countries that have been demanding that the blockade be lifted for 29 consecutive years, and our country has been acting as a true thug that ignores the demands of the world … If you do not believe that this so-called Blockade or Embargo exists, the I invite you to see the following link …

    Copy and paste this on every facebook, every tweet, every blog, every newspaper until every american knows about this hidden truth.

  7. I thought those peaceful insurrectionists back your and was only giving your the kiss of death. Here is the tissue 😂🤣😃.

  8. SAD PART IS… Out of all the testimonies these victims are still giving those TERRORISTS/"WHITE SUPREMACISTS"/MAGA FUCKERS/KKK ETC.(AND THE LIST GOES ON OF HATRED INDIVIDUALS) are still getting slaps on the wrist, probation, little fines etc… WELCOME TO AMERIKKKA🤯FOLKS🙄

  9. Bullshit More lies by the lying deep state and shame on you sir . U were handed a precious thing . And you sit here lying to AMERICAN. SHAME ON YOU AND THE DISGRACE U PUT ON YOUR FAMILIES NAME

  10. How he has the audacity to said that he is a soldier and make that show, I live with a real soldier and I work for the VA w real soldier that never never will do that show to obtain a monetary benefit. It was only a day of protest and you came w this weak show. You are a shame for the Latinos, soldiers and the police department… weak man.

  11. This is beyond heartbreaking. The testimony of all these brave men and the brave and selfless actions of all the brave and men and women who serve to protect us is something we MUST value and appreciate. These people are the best of the best. If we don't stand up for them and their actions to protect our country, regardless of individual political affiliation, then we are lost.

  12. Sen. McCain is smiling upon this effort. I can see him giving a thumb's down on GOP efforts to whitewash 1-6 and the near destruction of the American experiment. Shameful. Go get them, members of the 1-6 committee.

  13. Apparently trumpets feel superior to people with broken English lol but are stupid for only knowing one language 🤣 bitch asses have nothing else to complain.. but the other officers spoke truth what Trump and maga people represent. Terrorists!! Not everyone is a professional public speaker dip shits. Look at those terrorists that got arrested and how they are acting like bitches 🤣 He is free, brown, multilingual making history.. Biden is president.. and none of these comments by terrorists will phase him. 👌👌💁‍♀️

  14. Heartbreaking heroic testimony God bless you and thank you for service 🇺🇸 ❤️ let us never forget!

  15. why why may i ask didnt Pelosi have the backup there the day the protest began she was warned weeks before the capital hill police were undermanned, underequipped sounds like the witch Pelosi used the capital hill police as her pollical scapegoats

  16. We trust the right people will prosecute and jail Traitor tRump. I'm not calling him a traitor for fun. My family escaped dictators and their henchmen from the Soviet Union AND Nazi Germany by coming to the USA. Please don't let the manhandling of the USA by a petty thief and traitor like tRump go unpunished.

  17. The only person killed that day was a woman 14 years veteran name Ashli Babbitt she was shot and killed by a black Capital policeman in cold blooded murder. And they want even release his name.

  18. police are government agents these agents are putting on theatrics that threaten the constitution …. police are not to protect the people… police protect government

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