Urgent search continues for missing submarine with 53 sailors aboard

Urgent search continues for missing submarine with 53 sailors aboard

Chief Global Affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz reports on the desperate hunt to find the missing Indonesian submarine, which is set to run out of oxygen in just hours.


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43 thoughts on “Urgent search continues for missing submarine with 53 sailors aboard

  1. As bad as it sounds, I'm now thinking the crew died at that moment it went down. I guess that's quick and better than gasping air while hope for recovery dwindles. So sad either way. My heart goes out to them and their families.

  2. Argentina submarine San Juan S42 built by Germany in 1984 sank in 2017 after 33 years in service. Indonesian S402 is also built by Germany in 1980 used for 40 years should have been out of service. Indonesian navy was pushing its luck and risked good people just to save money. Looks like Indonesia has a problem with defense minister trying to save money by going over every countries over fighters to the limit by making false deals which he has no intention to honor.

  3. Time to come up with a new way to handle water pressure anything under depths of 1000 and deep of even 2000 feet can crush metal and steal like a tin can due to the water pressure is being put on the weight on the vessle so have a solution push the water away from it magnetic pull with water tube all around the ship there for causing few secs causing a huge air pocket for the vessle as long as there air and the ships pressure is still reduce because the secs would be consistant so water flows back fast but haveing a sec layer on the outside of the ship there needs to be air pocket for the vessle to surivive only way to create a air bubble is by gforce pushing away them few secs create a air pocket😳😂when was the last time your vessle where reveresed into something new even ate waters still prove to be obsoleite of are own technology hopefully that changes we no more about space then we do about 90% of are waters due to are earth is covered by it and no on has a method to go pass 2000ft i aint talking about a water bug drone

  4. China's Pitiable Inferiority Complex
    China has an inferiority complex regarding its maritime boundaries /
    seas when compared with India , USA etc. China has nothing compared to
    Indian islands of Andamans , Lakshdweep etc or the American Hawai
    islands etc etc .So,China is trying to browbeat small nations in the South China Sea .China is also expanding in the Arabian Sea / Indian Ocean through CPEC through Pakistan.So,China is trying to browbeat small nations in the South China Sea .China is also expanding in the Arabian Sea / Indian Ocean through CPEC through Pakistan

  5. .#zZz#.⚡⬇️⬆️💀☢☣….⚫⚫⚫⚫💀💀💀💀💀💀⚡⚡⚡

  6. EVEN THOUGH THEY STILL SURVIVE, at a depth of 850 meters, no human technology has been able to evacuate them,

    they only spend money on space technology, meanwhile they forget about things that are close to it. This is very sad

  7. They were training. They were not sent on a real mission. How is it that you can't find them? My father was in the Navy. Don't tell me there is not a tracking device for them. This is bs.

  8. Oh ,hanno mancato appuntamento ! X caricare i clandestini. Non n di sono capiti. Le OMG hanno provocato la morte delle persone. Ora la responsabilità è di ???

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