Urgent manhunt in Nashville for ‘cold-blooded killers’

Urgent manhunt in Nashville for ‘cold-blooded killers’

Nashville police called the two suspects “cold-blooded killers,” after they allegedly shot and killed three people in the last nine days all just a few miles apart.


24 thoughts on “Urgent manhunt in Nashville for ‘cold-blooded killers’

  1. 100% they’re from & in Memphis right now.

  2. I look at the comments and I don't know how this society could possibly think that these kind of comments are ok…
    If we would just let self defense be retained and respected, these kind of problems would be eliminated.
    That said, these immature people that were treated with gloves as children like somehow they will break if you hurt their feelings, and actually run the fucking house as a godamnbed adult, things like this wouldn't happen

  3. GTA Wanted level ⭐⭐⭐

  4. Time to unlock and load a gun fuck these fools 🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿

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