United States, world wait for Putin’s next move in Ukraine | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Joe Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin has made up his mind to invade Ukraine within days.


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#Nightline #Ukraine #Russia #PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentVladimirPutin #Invasion


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “United States, world wait for Putin’s next move in Ukraine | Nightline”
  1. Abc 24 hours a day calling trump a Russian spy now 24 hours a day saying Russians gonna invade.. abc is soo untrustworthy.. learn your lesson don't believe them .. they are leftist commies and hate the USA

  2. probably convenient to rant from another part of the world for example, I live in Ukraine city Kharkov This is approximately to the borders with Russia 43 min and before the hostilities from about my house 5 hr 23 min. The fact that all the agreements, all the Promise which now have nothing to mean, my country refused 3th in the world of atomic weapons 1994 and now those who promised protection just shake their heads and they are very worried. Now let's see how United Nations wake up to tell the same tales TO OTHER COUNTRIES as we do that nuclear weapons are not needed, we will protect you

  3. These politicians n despots steal their country's wealth.ln putin's case billions, seeing that he now owns a $125 million dollar boat, property worth billions, his salary seems to be loot n loot more from all Russians..

  4. While Vlad is ranting about the U.S. led world order China is going to walk up behind him and kick him in the balls. Russia is a dying petro-state and China is going to hang them with an economic noose. Vlad uses tactics, Xi uses strategy.

  5. Russia is not the boogeyman, the United States is the one that arms terrorist all the time around the world. ABC news is a rich propaganda channel for the American military industrial complex.

  6. putin olicy on eukraine has been developed by trump the menace. the putin policy of attacking eukraine keeps inflation high in usa and help putin achive goal on eukraine. by posturing to attack on eukraine putin has helped trump in two ways, one keep the inflation high and by deccimating biden policies, will help trump recapturing the white house, keeping the inflation high during biden regime what a ploy.

  7. I'm a Vietnam Vet. My opinion is that Putin is like any leader of a nation, such as Hitler who my grandparents had to flee from or Pol Pot in Cambodia (who slaughtered millions) that thinks he can get his way by massacreuring thousands or millions of people just to hold people under his rule.

  8. See ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..See ''See ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..See ''Death of Yugoslavia''….. ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..Death of Yugoslavia''…..See ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..Scenario Greater Germany. Starring NATO.

  9. See ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..See ''See ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..See ''Death of Yugoslavia''….. ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..Death of Yugoslavia''…..See ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..Scenario Greater Germany. Starring NATO.

  10. See ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..See ''See ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..See ''Death of Yugoslavia''….. ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..Death of Yugoslavia''…..See ''Death of Yugoslavia''…..Scenario Greater Germany. Starring NATO.

  11. The stupid American society is trying to provoke Russia into war. The situation is as follows: Russia has been accused of an attack for 2 months, but this does not happen. And at the same time, Ukrainian troops are already beginning to slowly nightmare the DPR and LPR. And bombard the border with Russia. What should the Russian Federation do? If he answers, the aggressor. If he remains silent, the shells and aggression towards the DPR and the borders will continue. Europe and the USA are rotten.

  12. Putin

    Get all of Europe not only Ukraine

    Step 1 : Get Canada after a break
    Step 2 : Get North America
    Step 3 : Get South America

    If you miss one target too or delay happens start the bomb.

    If you cannot do all please feel free to think I am dead and I have no more hopes on such a place called Earth.

    Advance warning given.

    If i do not hear the news you got UKRAINE in another 4 hours then I am breaking the iMac, Google Pixel and quitting my life.

  13. Exaustative talking with big companies and weapons, they don't listen… And is American citizens money, they're taxes. Some how America pull some strings in Nato puppets because today Europe is concern for Ukraine (they want to be part of Europe, but Europe don't want them. Because they speak Russian ) USA now protect this country
    So hiprocrit, all borders of Russia is surrounded, and I am very disappointed NATO IS a jock . Following Washington orders, no facts! USA is a bully teenager. New born without history to teach another country how to rule?
    Sorry ukraina, you are a playground and people dressing up like darkvader…
    USA lol at you.

  14. Putin is calculated and playing a serious game of chess while our weak, frail, senile, inept, and incompetent president biden and his administration are playing a game of checkers. Putin and china president Xi know biden is weak and laugh at us now. We are doomed under this president. If Putin pulls back now that will show weakness on his part on the world stage and Putin is anything but weak. China will have his back if this turns out in a war. If battlefield nukes are deployed you can bet your last dollar that ICBM’s will be deployed eventually after that. It will not be a matter of “if” but “when” they will be used. I would highly recommend that if you are not right with God/Jesus that you do that now. Accept Christ into your heart and repent of your sins while you still have time for we do not know what tomorrow will bring. Or the next moment for that matter. You do not have to go to a priest in a church to confess your sins and receive forgiveness. The Bible states in 1 John 1:9 “If we confess or sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” This is His word. John 3;16 states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This is the word of God as well. Share this with your family and friends if they are not saved. If we die in our sins we will have no way of repenting after we’re dead and will be judged accordingly. I pray this message reaches many. Stay ready and God bless.

  15. Why latvia and belarus dont have problem. Dont let US enter your country if you dont want any problem. Stop accepting aids from US and military. Just be in the middle between 2 countries who were enemies ever since. Its a threat to Russia that their neighbors are alliance with their number one enemy of course. Your country will be like the middle eastern countries or be a battleground because you give US so much space in your country

  16. All the west wants is for the other security council members who ratified Minsk2, to sit back and watch Ukrainians kill Ukrainians in The Ukraine. Russia is the only member trying to stop the slaughter, and are being labelled as aggressors for doing so. AFTER 8 YEARS OF INACTION BY THEIR WESTERN PARTNERS. PARTNERS WHO HAVE MADE THE SITUATION WORSE.

  17. It's a hoax !!! Russia will not invade the Ukraine ! Russian troops will eventually withdraw. Our main stream media will hail President Biden as a Diplomatic hero till November ! Go ahead Russia, GO FOR IT !!!

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