Unemployed struggling as the coronavirus upends the US economy | Nightline

Unemployed struggling as the coronavirus upends the US economy | Nightline

People across the U.S., including a single mom in Texas and veteran dad in Kansas, are losing jobs and trying to keep their businesses afloat as the federal government works on a stimulus package.


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#Nightline #CoronaVirus #PresidentTrump #COVID19 #Health


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42 thoughts on “Unemployed struggling as the coronavirus upends the US economy | Nightline

  1. Settling up an investment that would benefit you is something one would be aiming towards. I wasn’t really a fan of online business because I have actually been doubting this all my life because I have been taken before by several scammers. But after my encounter with AUSTIN my prospective of online trade changes and I I’m now a millionaire from bitcoin..

  2. I'm from a shithole country but it's business as normal, traffic is back to normal, restaurants are open. The virus is there but we choose to rather die from the virus than from starvation. Come on guys, wake up.

  3. You guys need to think collective, I know many of you have an aversion against anything that remotely looks like socialism…. but there are many upsides to it as well.

    Where I live, we have a collective healthcare system and a collective unemployment insurance.

    Every month we pay an amount and when we need healthcare or if we lose our job, the hospital bill is paid for and we retain a percentage of our income so we can keep living our lives.

    Instead of letting your employer cover your healthcare bills, let him pay you $300 a month more more…. then pay a $150 a month for a collective healthcare insurance and the other $150 to an unemployment fund.

    If every employee in the country chips in, the bills can be covered together.

    And you people really need to start saving money for future expenses, throw out your creditcards and start using bank cards… it's basically the same but the biggest difference is that you use money that is actually on your account instead of borrowing it and pay the debt later (and pay interest).

    Stop living from paycheck to paycheck and don't buy stuff you can't afford, save a percentage of your monthly income for later; you never know when you might need it.

    Your government works for the interests of companies and not for the people, so the people have to develop a system that enables them to look after themselves.

  4. If laid off unemployed people don’t have enough money to pay for their rent, and fear of being evicted from their apartments, or homes that they rent then they should use their vehicles to live in if they have a vehicle; if they don’t have a vehicle then they should hookup with other homeless people, and live in an encampment.

  5. Looks like to me watching this video that the United States is in the beginning of an economic depression that could be worse than the economic depression of the 1930’s .

  6. With so many Americans being unemployed now, the hard reality is that some of them may not be able to go back to their former places of employment. Wouldn’t it make sense now to start thinking about creating new American-made companies, so that we can a) realistically find new jobs for people in the coming months and b) boost our own economy at the same time? Seriously: From now on, any product with a ‘Made in China’ (or anywhere else, preferably) should be shipped back, and replaced with ‘Made in America’ tags People will be going back to work again, – but this virus has changed the work environment a lot. Now is the time for American entrepreneurs to step forward, and try to start up a business. There will be plenty of hard-working, employable Americans looking for work soon enough.

  7. Social engineering all pre-plan military industrial complex psy-op. Creating problem and offering solution forcing people to be dependent on the State to provide. New terms and conditions will be offered that’s drastically lot worse then before.

  8. The virus didn't cause all this unemployment. Our evil government did by telling people to stay home. Sometimes you have to DIS-obey your government for the sake of your career and financial health. All these fake news channels are blaming the virus for the poor economy. Actually the bubble economy was about to pop before the virus was released in China. The virus was but the pin and catalyst to accelerate the deflation. After deflation nations will be hit with war and hyperinflation.
    DO NOT take any vaccine from sociopath Bill Gates or the World Hoax Organization. Disregard the lies of the mainstream media for your health's and mental well being.

  9. We cannot return to a normal life" . . . yea, until this country begins to open back up again. We can't just stay shutdown for years especially when the probability of the population dying from it isn't any higher than the seasonal flu.
    Most states are already opening up their schools and businesses next month.
    It's over, time to move on.

  10. That’s effed up, man!!! They didn’t have to fire them; they could have been furloughed! ☹️ They may not have gotten paid, but at least they could have gotten their job back!!! ☹️

  11. Why can't there be a total close in stock market through out the world for 2 months then they won't ask for unemployment and even they can provide salary to every person in there company a salary that they can sustain with. Only for 2 months so it's like removing 2 month from our stock calendar and serve humanity

  12. Wait… woman…blue hair….feminist? 🤔 …"Dont need a man"….now struggling….😏 Hmmm

  13. We have to start planning for the future & stop living paycheck to paycheck. Wipe out student loan debt and free medical for everyone 🙌🏽

  14. The rich should be worried. The poor out number them. A bunch of desperate Americans & families not a good thing to be displaying you in your mansions while families are trying to figure medical expenses.

  15. Wuhan china was shut for 76 days and the virus is still spreading. Until a vaccine or antibodies can be given to citizens. The country going to continue shut downs everytime an outbreak occurs.

  16. This bullshit "virus" is pissing me off. This was planned to shut down the economy and give government control over us 100% , this was planned people, this virus was created. This shutdown was all planed out.

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