Understanding unrest in America – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Steve Osunsami reports on the history of riots in the U.S. sparked by racial discrimination.


By carmodpros


31 thoughts on “Understanding unrest in America”
  1. In order to better understand the overreaction of many Americans during the past year, one needs to take into account the angst created by our failure to move decisively away from heavy reliance on fossil fuels. Added to other human shortcomings, as highlighted by the pandemic, it seems unlikely that we’ll be able to do so in time to avoid great suffering. The fear engendered by this is fueling problematic behaviors that are not constructive. The preferred alternative is universal proactivity.

    “If you are proactive, you make things happen, instead of waiting for them to happen to you. Active means ‘doing something’. The prefix pro- means ‘before ‘. So if you are proactive, you are ready before something happens. The opposite is being ‘reactive’, or waiting for things to unfold before responding.

  2. youre all just focusing on the wrong point.
    Your police is running wild.
    its gotten normalized for you all to carry guns, to see people get killed and to be able to kill, wich is INSANE.
    Apparently police doesnt get persecuted enough, since theire still doing it.
    You have a problem with a rampid & overprotected police force and actually the entire government.
    Yet you still somehow manage to blame each other for those things, keeping the government untouched.
    I hope you will some day see this obvious logical fact but as it seems now, whatever you think youre doing wont change anything.
    idk if i need to say this but no matter what color/ethnicity, killing and especially without reason is wrong.

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  7. Are you weary with your nation's troubles? The Lord God of Israel sets two governing laws that every nation must choose; The Law of Moses and the law of man. Read below to find out which governing law is free from all troubles.

    A country governs by the laws of man will always suffer debts, crimes, pollution, poor health, poverty, injustice, big expenses, and natural disasters. Law makers are sinful, and hard life is the reward of it. They will give greed freedom to hurt life and create environmental issues. Workers will be in debt because employers will cut their pay to put more money in their pockets. Pollution will get worse when women have to work to help their husbands pay bills. Crimes are inevitable because children will grow up with no one to teach them full time how to live righteous life. Money that didnot come from hard work has wings to fly away. National debt was created because the governments are filled with people who do not know budgetting and financial management; They are more into staying in power and receive high wages. As a result, public will turn into as a horse carrying an overloaded wagon. The ground is under curse and cannot grow food in abundance, so school was created to teach technology and to grow GMO food. Home builders built houses that cannot stand fierce storms; Insurance companies have to increase premuims. Working without rest, going to school for many years, living in apartments or house with no spacious yards, and eating unhealthy food make the people obese and sick and the country weak. Pharmaceuticals, hospitals, and medical workers were created to deal with sickly workers. So earth turned into a business world where everyone is charged for everything, they help yet expect a pay, and workers must work hard in order to buy peace, happiness, and good health.

    2 Chronicles 12:8
    Nevertheless they will be his servants, that they may distinguish My service from the service of the kingdoms of the nations.

    Nehemiah 5:15
    But the former governors who were before me laid burdens on the people, and took from them bread and wine, besides forty shekels of silver. Yes, even their servants bore rule over the people, but I did not do so, because of the fear of God.

    Romans 2
    For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them).

    What is it like when the country is governed by the Law of Moses? The Lord God will bless the ground, so that natural food will grow in abundance even without farmers. Natural food prepared at home heals and protects the body from sicknesses. When everyone is healthy, there is no need for medical workers. There will be no crimes because the hearts and minds of people are clean and no space for evil thoughts to think and do. There is no poverty because rich people help the poor become rich. There will be no debts nor taxes because the governments are filled with wise and knowledgeable people who only care for the well being of the public. Since there is no problem in the country, people do not need to go to school nor work for anyone. Everything that they need to live healthily and comfortably are free. The effect of staying home or working in your own farm land will cut all pollution that causes natural disasters and global warming. Building materials and houses are preserved to last forever when the environment is healthy. Living in a house with spacious yards encourage the people to stay outdoor. Being in the sun and smell fresh and clean air everyday heal depression, sleeplessness, stop obesity, and make every face glow, rosy, healthy, and young looking. Above all, Lord Jesus who is the King and Government will fill His people with joy and peace.

    Deuteronomy 4:8
    And what great nation is there that has such statutes and righteous judgments as are in all this Law which I set before you this day?

    Isaiah 42:4
    He will not fail nor be discouraged, till He has established justice in the earth; And the coastlands shall wait for His Law.

    Matthew 17
    What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes, from their sons or from strangers?” Peter said to Him, “From strangers.” Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free.”

    The Spirit and the bride
    Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem
    Hebrews 12
    Gabriel, an angel of the Lord

  8. Shame for those countries who have permanent seat in UNSC and not taking any action on Turkey Pakistan who sent terrorists troop to fight against Armenia we all human beings and Indian full support to Armenia 🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

  9. I got my ex husband back to me and also got fertile and gave birth to twins girls after 12 years of marriage.
    When I came online last year, I met a testimony about Doctor Wonders how he has been helping people with marriage issues and I decided to contact him. We spoke on email at drwonder11@gmail.com and later he gave me his Whats App number which is +2349052560673. He assured me he would help me get my ex husband back after 3 years of no contact. Dr Wonders is the best spell caster I must say. My husband called me after 24 hours of contact. The third day, I received natural herbs for fertility and after using it, I became fertile and conceived. I and my husband reconnected, had sex and I was pregnant. Presently I am happy to say I am the mother of twins girls and this is ALL THANKS TO Dr Wonders I came online to say this If you need help, I believe you are saved with this man. Contact his email at drwonders11@gmail.com OR What's App/Call +2349052560673 and you too will give a testimony too to help other's

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