Understanding phenomena of black holes in ‘Black Hole Survival Guide’

Understanding phenomena of black holes in ‘Black Hole Survival Guide’

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks with astrophysicist Janna Levin, author of “Black Hole Survival Guide,” breaking down all the fundamentals of black holes and how they are seen in the universe.

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31 thoughts on “Understanding phenomena of black holes in ‘Black Hole Survival Guide’

  1. Black holes were conceived because Einstein's field equations are incomplete. If his equations addressed the action causing gravity then black holes would never have been imagined. Instead they would be called invisible stars because nothing is able to fall into them because of the action responsible for gravity. For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. Gravity is the reaction then what is the action causing gravity in large mass? Black holes radiate massive amounts of invisible light, high energy photons and magnetic fields. Because energy cannot be destroyed the energy radiates away from the black hole slows down and converts into elementary particles, similar to the sun's solar wind. We are unable to detect supermassive black holes using optical telescopes like Hubble. But they stand out like a sore thumb to a radio telescope because black holes radiate massive amounts of high energy electromagnetic fields. The energy radiating away from the surface of the black holes doesn't allow anything to get close to them. Nothing, not even light is able to fall into them. Everything the author claims about black holes is wrong because she and many other astrophysicists rely on Einstein's field equations which are incomplete.
    Is there any observational evidence to support my wild and outlandish claims? Yes. Lots of observational evidence. Observations are fact, theories are nothing more than speculation until observations prove the predictions made by theories. Claiming that nothing is able to escape the gravity of a black hole is an assumption that has never been proven via observations. Every observation of the supermassive black hole Sgr A* in the core of our galaxy says otherwise. Nothing, not even the G-02 gas cloud in 2014 was able to fall into the black hole.
    When the action causing gravity in large mass is included in Einstein's field equations then nothing, not even light is able to fall into them and they become the creators of all the energy and matter in the galaxy they rest within. Supermassive black holes are the God creators throughout the entire universe.
    Mark my words. The only reason why I'm able to say these things is because I found the missing variables and equations in Einstein's field equations many years ago and then fixed them. Like I said, nothing is able to fall into or even collide with a supermassive black hole. They should be called invisible stars, not black holes. They are not holes.
    When the EHT discovered the massive amounts of energy and matter spewing from the surface of the supermassive black hole in the core of our galaxy they were shocked. So shocked they refrained from telling the world what they uncovered. General relativity is incomplete and they have no idea where to start to put it on the right track or how to fix it to match observations. Yet, in 2004 I predicted they would discover massive amounts of energy and hot gas or elementary particles being CREATED by the supermassive black hole and then, flowing away from the surface of the black hole at an extreme velocity. My fixes and changes to general relativity accurately predicted the observations years before the radio telescopes proved me right.
    Every book you read, except mine are nothing but science fiction, relying on the theory of gravity that is far from being completed. That's why Einstein's equations are unable to explain the motion of about 99% of all the visible matter in the universe. Currently it is not very accurate.
    I fixed Einstein's field equations back in 2004 and the predictions it now makes fits every observation, including the motion of matter they've pinned on both dark matter and dark energy.
    My books retail for more than $100 USD. Answer this simple 5th grade question and I'll send you a copy of one of my books that retail for more than $100 USD.

    Hypothetical planet:
    At 5 ft. in depth the temperature is 50° F.

    At 40,230 ft. in depth the temperature is 356° F

    The depth to the exact center of the hypothetical planet is 20,924,640 ft.

    The temperature gradient is a constant after 5 ft. in depth.

    What is the temperature at the center of this planet according to these measurements?

    I suggest you use a calculator.

    Not one reply in over 3 months. Goes to show how many people had a proper education so that they are able to solve a simple word problem.

  2. There is only one concept to a black hole we should consider, “What goes in must be able to come out.” We think nothing can escape a black hole. Maybe it escapes out through another blackhole. Essentially a blackhole is actually a tube from one hole to another. We can’t test this because even if we send a tracking device through the blackhole, this device will be well beyond the tracking distance to be able to tell if the device is on or not.

  3. I'm sorry! You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off. Now Hunters Laptop$$$$$$

  4. There is only one concept to a black hole we should consider, “What goes in must be able to come out.” We think nothing can escape a black hole. Maybe it escapes out through another blackhole. Essentially a blackhole is actually a tube from one hole to another. We can’t test this because even if we send a tracking device through the blackhole, this device will be well beyond the tracking distance to be able to tell if the device is on or not.

  5. A Black Ho-e is a thing in USA, which will trap all light guys
    Until there is no M-ass or money left in them.

    It’s born when a whiny neutron star runs out of gas.😋

  6. What we need is a Black Ho*e survival Guide in USA.🇺🇸
    Cuz just by the looks V can’t figure out which of them will be a loyal peach 🍑

  7. I don't think that a black hole is empty space. They are composed of extremely dense matter. We know black holes exist, but we have no idea the nature of what is beyond the event horizon. Their is probably more than one type of exotic matter that are created by the creation of black holes.

  8. Day by day we are seeing more and more people becoming refugees, deaths are increasing, Soldiers and Civilians Lives are at stake on both side are we supporting Ukraine in this way are we want to see this keeps on increasing.

    There is no harm in Mediation keeping the ego aside by usa/west to support ukraine. Many lives can be saved in this way. It's more than a month War has not stopped, West should consider this now instead of supplying Weapons.

    This needs to end in anyway immediately every life matters. Effort should be done to stop this war.

    What are the options to end this war as early is

    1. Enforce No fly zone : But can't risk whole Europe and Russia at stake…

    2. Mediate and come up with Diplomatic talk by each and every country.

    3. NO OTHER WAY either today or sometime after have to come up on table to talk to resolve this via Diplomacy. It's better to come up immediately.

    But i think West is still not ready to support ukraine by mediation.

    How to stop war – https://youtu.be/WICRgmeg_UI

  9. They can think all they want about what is in a black hole , you can be the smartest person in the world and make all these assumptions that they know about the black hole. Unless you put yourself into that black hole nobody will trully know what is in that black hole. And the big bang theory as far as earth goes bullshit no big bang theory could set the earth up so perfect that the sun is the exact distance from earth to survive the moon in our orbit and earth having an atmosphere and the exact right rotation to give us the right gravity . The earth is just to perfect to have evolved from the big bang theory. Do I believe that God built this earth , it would be nice if that were true but I think I truly believe though it was a higher intelligence, higher being . That has been around way before humans existed.

  10. Wow! Can you imagine sitting down and having dinner or a drink with Janna Levin? I would take her to dinner any day. So intriguing!! I would even take her hologram to dinner

  11. I don’t think 🤔 you should make black holes 🕳 romantic at all. Was that 55 million light 💡 years away? It’s gravitational pull is so strong 💪 you won’t survive it. I’m really not into your science fiction. The dark matter rising has no solid explanation. There has to be planets 🪐 out there like Planet Earth 🌍. So if those beings from another planet 🌏 get here? Or rather what if they are already here and are somehow cloaked from us seeing them. I once met some Scientists 👨🏿‍🔬 that were too smart so… hA hahahaha

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