Ukrainian volunteer dubbed ‘Angel of Lviv’ helps thousands flee country l GMA

Ukrainian volunteer dubbed ‘Angel of Lviv’ helps thousands flee country l GMA

Yuliana Shchurko volunteers 12 hours every day at the Lviv train station to offer support to the many people who are leaving Ukraine.

Russia-Ukraine live updates:

#ABCNews #UkraineUnderAttack #Lviv #AngelofLviv


33 thoughts on “Ukrainian volunteer dubbed ‘Angel of Lviv’ helps thousands flee country l GMA

  1. WARNING…….WARNING…..Police are warning that White Slavery criminals are using war zones to cature women and children for prostituation.
    Stay in groups and do NOT take FREE offers to stay with people.
    In a you Tube one man and woan said they came about 11 hours to bring people to thier home in Denmark ???? but they can take 7 or 8 people but it's a van not a church bus with a pastor. ??
    This is HIGHLY suspicious and when asked why they drove all that way ….. and they did NOT seem to have a good answer ?
    ANSWER: Go for safety in places like Saskatoon were many Ukrainians live and were our Government and Ukranian communities will keep you safe.
    Truth is we will take as many families as needed and you can go home when the war is over if thier is safety and resolution.
    Again , these people picking you up to take you to thier home need to be interviewed by Police but even then it could be criminals tricking desperate people.

  2. I see dissociation, PTSD, intense stress, and running on auto-pilot adrenaline. Nope no natural disaster, just fleeing a dipshit dictator that has nothing better to do 😧.

  3. God bless 🙏🏿✝️🇺🇦

  4. 😥🙏🇺🇦

  5. SO HEART BREAKING,💔💔💔💔💔😢😢

  6. 💚

  7. Putin’s claims about his war against Ukraine grow more bizarre by the day! He started the war to stop the war! His war is not a war, just a special military operation! The aim of his war is to kill Ukrainian Nazis! It’s Ukrainian citizens who are slaughtering Ukrainian citizens! He’s offering safe refuge to Ukrainian citizens….in Russia!

  8. This is one maniac‘s doing!

  9. I understand the no fly zone over eastern Ukraine. However I do believe in a no fly zone over Liviv. It must be done for the sake of humanity. 1/2 the chidlren flowing into liviv have no father or mother going with them. Liviv must be where the West Says NO MORE!


  11. My prayers are for all Ukrainian people we support you and will help with aid….

  12. the 1960s British music invasion was wonderful Beatles, Let It Be putins Ukraine invasion is terrible and sad

    Британське музичне вторгнення 1960-х років було чудовим Beatles, Let It Be вторгнення Путіна в Україну жахливе і сумне

  13. I swear I’d love to go help out. I’m an ex combat medic, cavalry scout and combat engineer. I’ve a 7 year old son though.

  14. Ah the Media, when we are on the "good" side we show those affected by our enemies' firepower. Yet when we do the same thing, we do not show the scenes of the innocent civilians affected by OUR firepower.

  15. The US propaganda system is pushing us into war again. This time, it’s going to be nuclear war.

  16. support that woman!! support the orphanage!!🙏🙏🤞🤞

  17. bless her!! 🇺🇦🇺🇲❤❤🙏🙏🙏🤞🤞🤞✌🤙🤘✌✌✌✌God save us all!🙏

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