The U.N. says more than 1 million people have fled Ukraine since the start of the war.
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Jesus the Refugee
"Jesus was a refugee. After the unconscious jewish and roman establishment crucified Him, He rose from the dead. The jews wished to kill Him because under thier corrupted, demon inspired old testament He committed blasphemy. The romans didn't wish a jewish establishment sponsored uprising so they had to placate the jews and crucify Him.
He escaped to India after His resurrection with many of His followers including St. Thomas the Apostle [now reincarnated] who is buried in Chennai, India [I visited his grave]. Jesus and the Others couldn't stay in what is known today as Isreal because They would have tried to kill Him again and also His followers. In India, He continued His ministry reminding HuMans of that period that He and they are All God, The Creator, in HuMan form until He died a second time at the age of 80. His body is buried in Shrinigar India. I have written about and have in my possession the new miracle scarf from Shrinigar that appeared synchronistically confirming these facts."
(c) 2022, I AM Studio Productions LLC
Destroyed & hsrdship,I get it & I wish her the best, but standing there in a lux fur?
As long as they are white christians we dont mind. Common sense.
My wife's family in Poland is boarding several Ukrainian people, just like many other people throughout Poland. I know from first hand experience that they are a very 'welcoming' culture. They really know how to treat their guests right. I produced a piano song with my band in Chicago last week that we posted on YouTube that payed tribute to the Ukrainian people. Anyway, a News source from Odessa liked it and linked it to their Website and it played it until yesterday. It was actually kind of exciting because it generated a lot of views, and also I got to communicate with a lot of different Ukrainian people who are over there through "Google Translate". The bad thing is that since I started talking to a lot of Ukrainian people and watching a lot of the coverage that is on Social Media, I really have been in a lousy mood lately. I really do feel bad for the people who are in this horrible situation. I hope that they can stand their ground against Russia. Anyway, the band is only about six months old, and we have about 20-something original songs posted already. In fact we were in the studio recording another one today. If you click on the Icon, you can check out the song, it is called "Ukraine 2022". Thanks for listening if you do, some people thought it sounds a little bit like Pink Floyd, I even heard someone mention Michael Kiwanuka.
All my blessings and prayers to her. The world is pulling for Ukraine.
look how many people in Ukraine speak sometimes fluently in english 🙂 they are real defenders of OUR Europe .
Polish people have to help but they have to be very careful. Poland can give them food and medical supplies and let him stay on the Ukranian side. History repeats itself
Who knew.Poland? Thank you
hot refugee chick!
I wish these cute innocent blond children that they are brought to safety and well taken care ofâ¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Sit in your fucking europe eurotresh! I am russian, I dont fucking need europe! How miserable you are. You have been killing people and children of Donbas during 8 years and the whole world kept silent! And then you wanted to come with war to Donbas and Crime, but you forgot the rule that who comes to Russia with sword from the sword he will die! Dont have pity on you because you are tresh.
Nice coat and hair cut for someone who is displaced and distressed. Propaganda 😉 ???
We all feel for you pray don't stop. We are thinking of you .any God be with you
Ukraine! Swear not to join NATO and the Russians will leave next morning.
Remember Ukrainians or any refugees, if you are fleeing fish the waters of needed and if you can advise families to do so !!!
So Poland is under attack too?
At 2:00 a war is going on and she had to say goodbye to her wedding dress? 🙄
Lublin 🙂 POLAND
I am going to put on my fur hooded jacket and be there in seconds too green screen is the new way to take a vacation without taking a vacation
For all these painful changes, please coming straight to Jesus Christ as He is the truth and have living eternity. He loves you far more than anyone in this world! I pray for this young woman and this world.
This world will end at a future time. Human history will be replaced and God will show Himself to everyone alive or dead in previous history completely (just like Abraham's faith, God can resurrect you back from ash or from nothing. In fact, God create this whole universe from Word/from nothing) Then judgement day will start. All unfairness will be justified. Those who put all their faith in Jesus Christ previously will not meet the second death which is the death in hell forever. Sorry my english as it is not my frist language but i wish we are all saved by God
God speed Ukraine! God will defeat Putin’s horde for you for this unprovoked attack. God bless you all! Prayer for Ukrainian travelling to look for a safe haven.
Here we go with the crisis acting
Dear Anastazja! We believe you will come home and will meet your beloved. We pray for it.
Bless you and your loved ones Anastasia
Everybody is equal on earth holidaying on beautiful earth feeling the emotions triggered by many things on earth. And borders and countries only exist for preserving languages and cultures and traditions, not to discriminate or put down other race. We are all precious souls eager to experience all good potential happenings and encounters and feelings. And we all know what feels good and what does not.
Ukrainian Ukrainian Ukrainian 💪ðŸÂ»
but when they need to accept another type of refugees, right there polands show their real faces. shame on you, with what is happening in the ucranian borders and now this, I wonder who the real nazis are.
Headline should have read: Model Level Attractive Woman With Excellent English Tells Sob Story in Obvious Non-Propaganda
This is sad but imagine those migrant families with their children on the Poland Belarus border freezing to death escaping the same as this girl but because of their skin colour, they are told stay out and Poland is congratulated for being strong for keeping out refugees
I’m impressed with her English.
Damn she’s fine . I got her if she needs refuge
If this woman was black, or even odd looking or old, you people would not give a hoot.
Realize ur country government USA and it's allies not to irritate Russia to do what he did
It's fair comment
U partners of USA
Asked for it what's going on in ur country and expected to expand to other countries
Historian will write they USA evil ambitions of supremacy pushed the innocent people into hell
dont worry sister.because jesus lives you can face tomorrow.jesus lives all fear is gone.jesus holds your future.and life is worth a living just because jesus lives.
Good. I like it.
U guys killed millions of innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan. But u guys cry fowl about this war. I don’t like any war , please let’s see u guys talking about none white people.
It is in the United States and Europe best interest to degrade the Russian army in Ukraine. You need to give Ukraine modern fighter planes and retired pilots flying under the Ukrainian flag. This was done in the second world war helping China against Japan with the famous flying Tigers..
Thank you all neighbouring countries for helping refugees. West shall help more.
Poland treats white refugees very well ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
Vote against Biden in the next election..let's get rid of Biden and the SquadðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
Go bless Poland!
Ukraine should be now intigral part of Russia and not an independent country with Russian friendly government. Ukraine sold tanks to enemy country Pakistan despite Indian request not to do so. Also Ukraine voted in UN to sanction India leaving Indian people to suffer. Also, in UN, it was against India on Kashmir issue.
Why didn't she stay back and fight for her country. Foolish president is arming its citizen
India should welcome these people