Vladimir Putin claims Russia does not intend to occupy Ukraine, and says the U.S. and its allies are trying to blame their economic difficulties on his country.


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Ukrainian President Zelenskyy pleads for more military aid and no-fly zone”
  1. Ukraine does not have enough pilots to even maintain a semblance of an Air Force. This is why Biden refuses to allow NATO to give Zelenksyy any MIG's because he knows the next ask will be pilots to fly them. Once you have NATO pilots shooting down and being shot down by Russia, it becomes WW3. We need to save WW3 for the Chinese, WW4 is just way to early.

  2. From comedian to President to commander in chief to comedian again, sending Ukrainians to die for the USA and the West's NATO expansion political agenda. A full cycle.

  3. The woman is a liar, no little girl Babbling about the Russian invasion of Crimea, because there was no Russian invasion of Crimea. No tanks, no missiles, no gunfire, no deaths in Crimea, 80% of the people in Crimea are Russian And unlike the Ukrainian Nazis they do not attack or drive out Ukrainian citizens the way the Nazis do


    $US1.7 Trillion was spent on the multiple failed F-35 fighter jets. That is enough to house ALL the US homeless 29 times over.

    2021 a F-35 was downed due to failure. 2022 a F-35 failed to land on a big US carrier and fell off into the South China sea.

    Just imagine if Americans could walk down the street without having to walk around makeshift homeless shelters…

  5. Protest outside oil executive houses and send them and their family members threats.

    Protest Oil company and Supermarket executives like they are Vote officials and Fauci.

    Poland, the land of Auschwitz Birkenau and Krakow Plaszow death camps helps Ukraine.

    Auction oligarch yachts, place multiple bounties on Putin and then help black students escape this pinkies-only war…

  6. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you."
              -Psalm 50 : 15

  7. The woman and children, old people are being killed. Politicians caused this but ask one to send air support and boom. The head of the strongest country in the world sit in his basement and cries over his climate politics being interrupted. This administration has no care for any human life including ours.

  8. Wonder what all this shipping of equipment is doing to help climate change? Someone should flag down John Kerry’s private jet so he can investigate this atrocity

  9. We the blind and naive American and western world had created a monster name Zelensky and his group of rogue zio-nazi war mongers and pushers, who don't care about sacrificing their own people the rest of the planet but not their children and families to continue holding power. People will believe what the media want them to believe, Orwells. The same monsters who brought us their demonic and fake pandemic, their ISIS mercenaries, their Iraq false flag of WOMD, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Nine/11, Vietnam and their first crimes against humanity Hiroshima and Nagasaki, now want us to fall for their last and most cruel and satanic false flag of Ukraine and ww3, when they were the ones secretly planning it and provoking it. The best of the masses is their ignorance, Vladimir Lenin. We American never learn from our own evil and ignorance.

  10. 🙈🙉🙊 The United States must resist the tempting chants of the sirens of war singing from Ukraine and elsewhere.

  11. Yes no fly zone no question Russia is murdering these GOD fearing people enough is enough . It like watching a bully beat the crap out of the little kid on the playground . Do the right thing dear GOD ENOUGH .

  12. Zelensky is literally the leader of a genocidal neonazi paramilitary that overthrew an election in their country. He is what the left projected onto Trump.

  13. Why is the drug addicted Neo-Nazi supporter trying to start WWIII?
    Fight your own fight, bro. I was told the Russians were getting "rekt" by stronk Ukraine… 🤷🏿‍♂️

  14. Is the country of Ukraine "a money laundering capital" of the world? We do want to help the people of Ukraine during this time but I wonder if Biden is "protecting" special interests at the same time.

  15. Biden doesn't care about our own borders. Zelensky know this? Biden would give Russia Alaska if he thought it would help him politically. Keep Alaska, give em California. That'll slow Putin down and help Joe at home……lol. He's such an obvious fake. Between him, Kamala and the democrats, China could slide right up through Joe's open Borders. Our woke military would argue for days about the correct pronouns to call their operations.

  16. The only way to get at President Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine is economic sanctions, humanitarian aide, and military equipment like ammunition, anti missile defense systems and so forth. Putin is angry. He has been an authoritarian leader for 21 years. It’s just heartbreaking in Ukraine. Their leader, President Zelenskyy spoke to Congress this morning via zoom with a powerful documentary afterwards, showing the current bombing of his nation by Russian federation forces. Doesn’t get more horrifying. Praying for peace in Ukraine. 💙🇺🇦⭐️💛🇺🇸🙏💛☕️

  17. So this Zelensky guy wants to start WWIII to save his ass… beyond selfish. Not worth starting a world war with nuclear powers over a corrupt shithole like Ukraine

  18. COMPROMISED !!!!!!!!Run on isms !!!!! Biden is a Putin China bitch! Need a Thatcher Churchill Reagan Trump!!!! Corrupted! Biden financed Putin by purchasing 240 million bbls of oil from Putin in 2021 @ $50 million a day. FBI has Hunter Bidens laptop investigating funds he recieved from Russia and China and not reported to IRS. Biden will allow Putin to take Baltic countries. China Taiwn, Iran nukes and rocket man his ICBMs before 2024 elecrion. Incompetent or Compromised? Probably both Last time Obama Biden admin drew a red line in sand over chem weapons? Putin crossed it twice. Obama Biden responded by allowing Putin to take Crimea. Trump launched 15 cruise missles into Syria blowing up Putin migs.why the difference? Trump placed sanctions on Putin pipeline and Bidens 1st week in office removed them, US was energy independent under Trump. Biden 1st week in office stops keystone pipeline Greenland pipeline and lowers oil production forcing US to purchase 250 million bbls of oil from Putin. Why? To help finance him building his military so Biden would allow him to take Ukraine. Only reason i see to stop 2 pipelines and lower US production of oil? Biden is Putin asset and compromised.

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