Ukrainian politician and civic activist: We will fight until the end

Ukrainian politician and civic activist: We will fight until the end

ABC News Linsey Davis speaks with Ukrainian parliament member Solomiia Bobrovska about how Ukrainians are continuing to defend Ukraine from Russian invasion.

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35 thoughts on “Ukrainian politician and civic activist: We will fight until the end

  1. What happened to all the thousands Ukrainian's on the boarder to stop the Russians from crossing? All Dead now ? The Russians are near Kiev now. They traveled alot.

  2. I am all for freedom and democracy but what’s up with the Africans and Indians being discriminated at the border. These Ukrainians better get with the times before they are left drinking radioactive water. Those stories alone make me question my empathy for these people.

  3. Слава Україні!

    Glory to Ukraine!

    from japan

  4. Thank God, 406 Ukrainian deaths in the first 5 days is only one fifth of America's 2,000 Covid deaths each day.

    Thank God, 406 Ukrainian deaths in the first 5 days is only 9 days of Americans that shoot 44 other Americans each day..

  5. Putin NOT Russia wants Ukraine because he misses the Soviet Union before it's fall in 1991.

    England took 54 countries in 1840. Will England ever return all the wealth it plundered?

    America took 7 states from Mexico in 1848. California, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico & Western Colorado.

    American Republicans and MAGATs remove Native, Black & Hispanic history from school libraries.

  6. Protest about Oil prices NOT mandates and masks.

    Protest outside Oil company and Supermarket executive homes instead of Vote officials and Fauci.

    Ask First Nations, Blacks, Latinos, Asians & Pacific Islanders if "America stands up for freedom" J.Biden

    Clean up your own house before pointing fingers at others.

  7. America should invade Monaco since Monte Carlo is a major Russian Mafia headquarters. Arrest all these Russian mobsters along with Putin's best friend Prince Albert II and seize all their assets

  8. What is the use of aid and sactions if all citizens of Ukraine are displace from their residence and their arm forces are all dead, if peace loving nations want to help them fight with them and show the world that no one can underestimate the force and might of democracy, freedom and liberty…

  9. Fight until the end for the sweet taste of freedom. SLAVA Ukrajini…. 💪❤️🌏🇺🇦

  10. Ukraine is fighting for freedom and democracy and without physical help they may all die for it, where are the nations lovers of liberty, freedom and democracy are they will remain watchers and bystander while citizens of Ukraine are being anihilated, and their country subjugated something is wrong in the world order….

  11. Any chance we can send "Little Green Men" of our own over there? Of course I'm not talking about US military soldiers. I mean Ukrainian "militia" that are well educated in two or more languages, with a large number simply loving American culture, that were simply abroad gaining an education in physical fitness and hunting. Just a reminder: Any Ukrainian abroad choosing to go to Ukraine to fight would do so voluntarily and do not represent the interests of the country they were previously at.

  12. Tell her to do something about the africans people who trys to save theire lifes
    They are not treated the same as ukrainians
    If you want to convince the world with human rights and war crime do something about it
    All they need is a phone call
    Stay strong!

  13. My idea is that instead of Ukraine joining NATO, Crimea and rebel territories are recognized as Russia. Both Ukraine and Russia may think this is nonsense, but the longer the war, the more innocent people will die. Ukraine will be safe because it will enter NATO, and pro-Russians from Crimea and the rebel areas will be relieved to enter Russia. In my opinion, people are more important than land. If there is enough land for people to live in, raising those people is the way to make a stronger nation than occupying more land. I wish Ukraine to overcome this adversity well.

  14. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  15. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you "
              Psalm  50 :15

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