President Zelenskyy says his conditions for a compromise with Russia include abandoning hopes of joining NATO and accepting neutrality in return for Russia withdrawing its troops.
39 thoughts on “Ukraines President details terms of possible deal with Russia”
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Clown! AmeriKan puppet. AmeriKa is SICK. US has invaded 9 countries and killed 11 million people in the past 20 years. It matters not who the president is because the military industrial complex rules AmeriKa.
Ukraine is the last straw. China and Russia are replacing the US and it’s evil hegemony.
My question is why is biden taking our US taxpayer money and funding Neo Nazis. America is well aware of who AZOV is. Most cultured people don't know and that's why he's sneaking and doing. They don't like anything other than WHITES.
The actor.
Capitalism and Market Economy will remain number ONE threat to global peace, climate, human health, mental wellbeing and living standard! USA and its NATA expansions are a collective institutional progression, which take place every seconds through their Market Economy's core structure of elements such as education, training, employment, media, film, tv, banks, dollar, swift, IMF, foreign policies, trading, contracts, exploitation, drilling & digging earth, emitting C02, greed, organised corruptions, treaties, summits, conferences, sanctions, UN, G7, G20, military basses, threat, creating demand and supplying war machines, arms sales, nuclear system sales, consultations and so on. This war between Ukraine and Russia triggered by the long running NATO expansion near Russia. USA and NATO must play major part to find a solution in order to stop this war and rebuild the Ukraine and other war-torn countries!
I can verify that most or all of the worlds nations nuclear missiles have been programmed to detonate in the atmosphere well above ground targets at a height that is usually not detected by hearing. The arranged agreement of atmospheric detonations of nuclear missiles by world leaders took place many years ago during a nuclear disarmament treaty. The use of remote neural monitoring technology based in my immediate vicinity that is relayed via United States government satellites is the source of this factual information.
Never trust a nan who wears only one colour.
Ukraine has nothing to must agree to russian,s plan. this stupid Zelensky could have avoided this war by being honest with Russia,but he is not. He supports Israel occupation and oppression of Palestinian and wants us to sympathize with him.
We all now stand hand in hand with Putin, Russia, and Ukrainians.
Puppetlenskyy and the globalists' regime change in Kiev must go…..
It's time for an end to the neo-nazis over Azov…..
no deals with putin, ukraian forces shpild take back all of ukraines land. force russia to pay billions to rebuild ukraine..
…putin is a lost cause and doomed to a untimely demise he alone has caused.
I wonder if Ukraine should’ve just made agreement with Russia from the beginning we might’ve saved a couple billion dollars that could’ve been spent on the homeless student loans feeding people in our country
Just recognize Crimea as Russian territory (it was theirs anyway) in exchange for Donbas region. Tell Russians
Don't make deals with the dirty, lying Putin. He is a lair like Hitler. History repeats itself. Putin will put a knife in your back.
Propaganda. Pure propaganda. Zelinsky was installed in a coup led by the US. The US armed Ukraine and Ukraine killed 14,000 Russians in the Donbas over the past 8 years. Nobody noticed that…. until President Putin had enough killing, enough NATO expansion, enough bioweapons labs, enough weapons and enough of the Nazi battalions. How in earth can western media spin this to make it look like it’s Russia’s fault?! AmeriKa has invaded 9 countries and killed 11 million people in the last 20 years. Ukraine is the latest in AmeriKa’s playbook of continuous wars. It matters not who the president is because the military industrial complex rules. While President Putin has been in office 5 different men have been president of AmeriKa but the wars never stop. THINK ABOUT IT .
The Ukraine Nazis have to surrender. Selenski their little jewish leader of them is rolling his eyes, is full o aggressions . He is a clown, yes his profession. Still now he acts in a bad comedy. Ukrains should get rid of him and better chances in peace talks will appear;
Russia must defeat the Neo Nazis Ukrainian army
a lot of tough talk from people begging for help
do people forget who stopped the nazis after Hitler took over the entire euope…USA British jumped in when it was convenient and had money and balance of power on the line….without Russia Nazis would be in power and Ukranian people wiped out
Who is she taking to?? Can't see a name or position of the speaker
I think Ukraine has no chance. Here everything is visible ——-
He is laying down terms as if he has won and has the higher ground🙄🙄
God Bless all Ukrainian people.
Zenlenskyy should have investigated Burrisma as he said he would and Trump would probably now be President and Putin would not have tried this. I have great respect for your fighting men and women.
I would like to share my best friend's story with you.
Family Story
Little did our family of six know that Friday evening, September 24th, 2021, would be the last night our family would be complete. We laughed together, played games, sang, and enjoyed listening as our 16-year-old son, Ethan, played the piano for us. I packed a lunch for Ethan for a church mountain hike he was going on the following day.
My mother (who was visiting from out of state) and I woke early with Ethan on Saturday morning. He hugged me and smiled, never pulling away or rushing me. He got in the car, waved, said he'd see me later and he loved me. It was hard to watch my "new driver" heading out on his own that morning. As Ethan pulled out of the gate, I turned to my mother and said, "It's just so hard letting go." Little did I know how much "letting go" I was really doing. That was the last time I saw Ethan. He did not make it home that evening.
That afternoon, a friend tried to contact my husband, leaving an urgent message to call him back. He tried several times to return the call to no avail. As we were preparing supper, an overwhelming feeling of deep concern for Ethan filled my heart. I quietly blinked back tears. I glanced out the window, half expecting to see a police officer pull up to the house, but no one arrived. However, within a few minutes, a patrol car DID pull into the driveway. In my heart, I feared the worst. My husband and I went out to meet the officer, who confirmed our fears. Hesitantly, he told us our son had fallen off of
a bluff and had succumbed to his injuries. Our hearts were crushed; they still are.
Yet, in all of our brokenness, deep, continual grief and loneliness, our family has such a blessed Hope and assurance that we will see our dear son and brother again. You see, when Ethan was a young boy, he was saved; he put his faith in Jesus alone to forgive his sins and to take him to Heaven when he died. He realized some very important truths from the Bible that he would want to share with you.
His Story
Everyone is a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s Law. God is holy, just and righteous, and He cannot allow sin in His presence. Ethan realized that he – like all of us – had sinned; and his sin separated Him from God.
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; †(Romans 3:23)
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:†(Romans 5:12)
He understood that, because of his sin, he deserved to spend eternity in Hell.
“For the wages of sin is death;†(Romans 6:23a) [Wages: price]
“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.†(Revelation 21:8)
Ethan believed that Jesus, God’s Son, paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross – because His sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could satisfy the just demands of a righteous, holy God. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb, but He arose the third day, triumphant over sin, death, and Hell. Jesus is alive today!
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.†(John 3:16)
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.†(Ephesians 2:8-9)
Ethan was sorry for his sin, repented (turned), and received by faith the free gift that God offered to him.
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.†(Romans 10:13)
“…but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.†(Romans 6:23b)
Because of this great salvation, Ethan lived his life serving Jesus. He worked hard to spread this Good News to the world. He is alive in Heaven with Jesus today; and because of this great HOPE in Christ, we know we will see him again soon – not because he was a great kid, but because of his faith in the great Saviour!
“And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.†(John 10:28)
Your Story
What about you? What if you had fallen to your death that day – What if you were to die today? Where will you spend eternity – Heaven or the Lake of Fire? There will not be any parties in the Lake of Fire. It is a place of eternal torment for those who reject God's Son.
The Word of God is very clear that there is only One Way to Heaven.
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.†(John 14:6)
We did not know that Ethan would step into eternity that day; however, because he put his faith in Jesus alone for his salvation, Ethan was ready to go. Some day – perhaps today – you will take your last breath here on earth, and you will step into eternity. Where you spend eternity is determined by what you do with Jesus Christ. Will you accept Him or reject Him? You are not promised another day or another breath. Eternity begins soon – Are you ready?
“…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…†(Acts 16:31b)
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.†(Romans 10:13)
“(…behold, now is the day of salvation.)†(2 Corinthians 6:2c)
Tribute to Ethan Lakey
Where's Hunter
I say, this is the time to force Russia to honor it’s 1997 agreement to recognize Ukraine’s pre-2014 invasion borders. Push them back out of Crimea and reunite Ukraine. Russia simply violated their own treaty, stole Ukraine’s natural resources, and took a control of a strategic area for shipping, naval access, and pipeline distribution. It was flagrant. Since they are on their heels after misjudging Ukraine, it’s time to PUSH BACK NOW.
Trying to stop Putin's freight train
Ukraines president details terms of deal. Ukraine president doesn't detail terms of anything, it will be on Putins terms. The same terms Zelenskyy turned down before the war started because he was more interested in his own ego than saveing his people from devastation. NATO prolonged the conflict by feeding arms into the conflict whilst fighting a proxy war Ukraine was never going to win.
Click bait. No words from Zelensky were shown. Disliked then.
In other words, Ukraine plays mistress to Russia.
Ukraine needs heavy altylerii!!!
Russia lies!!!
They'll never come to terms to end the conflict. Russia want to take what they want especially the Black Sea just like what China is doing claiming sole ownership of South China Sea .
Lies! Pure vomit🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
I have come to hate my own government. Three weeks ago I broke all 5 AmeriKan flags off their staffs in my yard. Russian flags are now flying in my yard. I could care less what my sheep neighbors think. I am sick of the US manipulating the world and killing millions of people. I’m done with their lies.
Make no concessions, cede no territory. US and NATO need to get off of their asses and Drive Russians out of Ukraine. When Russian forces are defeated a military coup will ensue replacing Putin.
Makes no sense to give In to Russian demands. Neutrality in Putin's mind is that Ukraine is one of his puppet regime.
So, does that mean certain Russian tycoons will get their jets back again?
Moscow needs to be shelled or have a nice missile hit red square, because Putin is a Pr|ck