Ukraine’s foreign minister pleads for more NATO aid – Car Mod Pros Portal

Ukrainian officials are asking more NATO countries to supply fighter jets. At this time, only Poland has provided Ukraine with planes, while other countries have sent weapons and rockets.

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By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Ukraine’s foreign minister pleads for more NATO aid”
  1. 🤷🏿‍♂️💬this is a NATO alarm 🚨 there up let it GO!!!

  2. Joe Biden left tens of billions of military hardware in Afghanistan. Look there first. F**k this BS. My country has destroyed Iraq over a damn lie, now y'all want weaponry to destroy another country where the only people that are suffering are Ukrainian citizens. Zelensky is worth $705 million, maybe even more. Make that make any sense. Obvious corruption in Ukrainian government, and they want more money? Sorry but not sorry. My country and NATO has no business putting missles on Russia's border.

  3. 🔹🔹🔹
    Save our lives by closing the sky over Ukraine! Help us protect ourselves by providing airplanes!
    28 years ago your country and Ukraine signed a Budapest memorandum. Ukraine fulfilled its obligations and disarmed its nuclear weapons. Now we can't defend our nation from atrocious Russian invasion. Every day Russia bombards and kills civilians including children. If freedom, independence and lives of innocent people are of any value to you please help us close the sky over Ukraine.
    28 years ago Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons for security guarantees under the Budapest memorandum. Russia has violated these and every day bombards our cities and kills innocent civilians including children. Save our lives by closing the sky over Ukraine!
    Help us protect ourselves by providing airplanes!

  4. 🔹🔹🔹
    Save our lives by closing the sky over Ukraine! Help us protect ourselves by providing airplanes!
    28 years ago your country and Ukraine signed a Budapest memorandum. Ukraine fulfilled its obligations and disarmed its nuclear weapons. Now we can't defend our nation from atrocious Russian invasion. Every day Russia bombards and kills civilians including children. If freedom, independence and lives of innocent people are of any value to you please help us close the sky over Ukraine.
    28 years ago Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons for security guarantees under the Budapest memorandum. Russia has violated these and every day bombards our cities and kills innocent civilians including children. Save our lives by closing the sky over Ukraine!
    Help us protect ourselves by providing airplanes!

    Please closing sky

  5. Prop………A………..Ganda what happened 2 the C………V,……….1…….9……..Tyranny….????? I pray for the innocent that are led to the slaughter for the NWO Agenda. Yahusha/Jesus is King

  6. Before the invasion , Ukrainians were told to leave. They didn't believe Russia would invade though all the signs were there. Now I say to us all , look at what is happening in the world and prepare your rations. Stock up on necessities and play it smart. This is going to get ugly.

  7. The fake media is lying to you again!!!! Our corrupt government and corrupt Ukraine were building bio weapon labs. And this just in… Obama was involved in the creation of a bio lab handling especially dangerous pathogens in Ukraine! Today a Russian spokesperson admitted that Russia found US biological weapons in Ukraine. This shocking news comes after reports a week ago stating that one reason Russia invaded Ukraine was to take out facilities that were involved in biological warfare.

  8. Lorsqu'on ne peut pas gagner une guerre, on négocie. Ne faites pas souffrir votre peuple. Poutine est en train de jouer avec vôtre mental. Triste Ukraine.

  9. Russian military is weak as crap and after seeing them in action the ISA is breathing easy knowing they are wuzzies.😂😂😂😂😂

  10. It was a great part of the world! Was! Then Western friends came and helped to find lost self esteem! All this ears Ukrainians were lost crawling in the darkness , weeping for the help! The help has come! The Gods were changed , the new culture was cultivated , predecessors were forgotten ! Moral of this story: the nation without the past will be the nation without the future !

  11. This is literally what got them into this mess. Russia doesn't want NATO in Ukraine and i can't blame them. How would we react if China or Russia were in Mexico arming and training them to fight us? We'd invade them yesterday

  12. 0:44 his response "FROM THE UKARAINE" is almost instant… no Delay from Telecommunications..
    He's in the Studio Next Door, with a Blue Screen… FAKE NEWS! WAKE UP AMERICA! Think FOR YOURSELVES! Don't get "FED" by media….

  13. Why are they pleading for aid? The news has told me Ukraine is winning and they are capturing a lot of Russian tanks and equipment. Why not use that? Ukraine also said the have killed 10,000 plus troops? What changed? What’s going on? 😞

  14. Analysts and commentators just puppet the same old lies: "unprovoked attack," which is nonsense. Ukraine's efforts to join NATO provoked Putin just as Russia's aim to put missiles in Cuba provoked President Kennedy. Would the United States allow Russian missiles in Mexico or try again in Cuba?

  15. Ukrainians need to understand that there is only so damn much the rest of the world can do before Putin, who is already terribly unstable, takes any act as a sign of aggression, and begins WWIII. Ukrainians are fully aware of that, yet continue to ask more and more of NATO and America, begging, and even attempting to guilt us into conflict. Though we all feel this war on Ukraine by the Russians is reprehensible, the fact remains, bottom line, it's not our war. Ukrainians need to remember that.

  16. Advice to Ukraine foreign minister as he is begging for aid from the West:
    Your President Zelensky has not been a gallant leader. All he is doing is getting Ukrainians killed everyday. Zelensky wanting to join NATO is why Putin wants to demilitarize Ukraine. Putin doesn't want U.S. missiles on his doorstep, just as the United States didn't want Russian missiles in Cuba (October, 1962). Acknowledge Putin's complaints: stop begging to join NATO.

  17. Why…this is what you get when you have a comedian running a country….they start a war they cannot possibly fight and demand every other country gives them weapons. ridiculous.

  18. Russia has captured US funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine. US has some explaining to do…

  19. Israel, Japan and South Korea are also not in Nato. Would Nato also do nothing if those countries would be invaded by Russia or China?

  20. If you can, let the Russian public know what the state has banned the media from telling them. They don't know the murder of 400 Ukrainian civilians and 24 children because of Putin's war… if they all knew, maybe, the Russians, together with the Generals, will depose Putin, and end this war…


    In 1938, Chamberlain, Britain’s Prime Minister, signed a Peace Treaty with Hitler that Germany could invade Sudetenland, but no more. Czechoslovakia lost 70 per cent of its iron/steel industry,.. Chamberlain thought he had created “peace in our times,” but he was wrong. The very next year, Germany invaded Poland, and World War II broke out.

    Characteristics of Hitler: Authoritarian. Does crackdowns on dissidents and/or free press. Promotes fake news. Expansionist.

  21. How about aid for our homeless in America? These people have a lot of nerve. They don't care about our homeless and have the gall to ask us for aid?

  22. As I expected his loosing his temper and starts to look for someone to blame from outside thats low. Very one from outside has failed EVERYONE THINKS FIRST, before making a hard decision.which we now can cost to much if u make wrong decision. Since its not nato nobody owe’s to zelensky Nothing in first place. Paradox of life u try to help and latter u must take the blame…

  23. A message to the world…..Hold The Line! Enough is Enough. Our governments are bullshyte. End of Times…..anarchy is near people. Your money, in the bank….useless. Convert to gold;' silver; food; water and weapons.

  24. I dont see how can sit and watch this atrocity take place. There is no justification for this aggressive destruction. I'm hoping the world unites against this criminal.

  25. A No FLY Zone is automatic WWIII. To include millions versus thousands of deaths and nuclear bombs falling all over the globe. Also, a military draft for both men and women. I'm not up for killing that many 18 year old children regardless of what flag they are fighting for.

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