Ukraine’s air force says Russia has carried out an alleged false flag operation I ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

Ukrainian officials say Russian jets took off from a base in Belarus and entered Ukraine’s airspace after attacking a Belarusian village near the border.

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By carmodpros


31 thoughts on “Ukraine’s air force says Russia has carried out an alleged false flag operation I ABCNL”
  1. The media doesn’t talk about Klaus Schwab and Hunter Biden funding the thirty military bio-laboratories in Ukraine. The Geneva convention prohibits biological Warfare.

  2. Wow! Russia lied? Russia betrayed an ally? Unbelievable. But in the end it’s semantics. Belarus is not Ukraine’s friend or ally, and by letting Russia use their land and borders as a launch point of the illegal terrorist attack on their neighbour, it isn’t as though Ukraine could count on their support. Belarus is the exact kind of puppet state that Russia wants to turn Ukraine into. Their puppet leader is simply an appendage of Putin. Hopefully Belarus will suffer the same sanctions as Russia, for a very long time to come.

  3. If Russia so weak and in need of outside aide to conquer just ukraine, then, why nato and its sponsor, don't just go and deliberate ukraine if they bold enough to do so. And if can't do anything about it, stop prompting those poor ukraine to an early grave.

  4. Ukranians say this Ukranians say that. Americans say this Americans say that. All just a load of balony. No alternative opinions are heard. Just like US coverage of the illegal invasion of Iraq over the phoney lies about the weapons of mass destruction which the US media was complicit in promoting.

  5. One thing , i think happened after the end of WWll , Korea , Vietnam, & so on is , that it didn't result in wider catasprophic results. Meaning , that regional conflicts, even including the Middle East, didn't result in wider world chaos. That left room for poeple in the West ( of which i am one ) , an awful lot of political wiggle room to harden their stance , philosophy & ideology, in their every day internal domestic politics. That is an awful lot of latitude to have , not facing any type of threat externally. Were the results good for poeple ? The jury is still out but , the one thing I've noticed is , the difference in attitudes after 911 & now with the threat of Russia invading Ukraine. If the political sniping of the U.S Government had taken place in the years after 911 , poeple like Steve Bannon & Tucker Carlson would have been chewed up & spit out as being unpatriotic. There is political latitude to criticise during a national security crisis , and then there is political latitude. How much is too much or should be self restrained ? The second Gulf War & the capture of Saddam Hussein , the pretext , as we all know , was false . Some countries even refused to participate, so did poeple protest domestically. As it turns out , they were right. For some reason , that stuck in the craw of certain poeple with links to the powerful. What power they didn't have , are now using that wedge to gain power & money by any means necessary, at the cost of who ever is gullible or is complicate in getting a cut of the pie . I really don't think it should take another 911 event or Pearl Harbor to galvanize the American public. You've had it too good for too long & you don't even know it. As they always say " They Devil Finds Work For Idle Hands To Do. " . January 6th, let the record show, members of the jury , a lot of poeple had the time & resources to attend . I rest my case . 0_o

  6. Why are the eyes open, in the Western world and its media, with the war in Ukraine. Israel continues to invade Palestine, seizing its land, even though the Israelites are immigrants in Palestine. This is clearly a ruthless invader and everyone turns a blind eye. what the USA did to join the war in the Middle East, the USA invaded Iraq because it was considered to have a biological weapon for mass murder. but the accusation was not proven. because the politics of mutual interest, the USA gets natural resources in the Middle East, and is allied with Israel because it needs the Jews, because of its human resources for creating technological and economic progress in the USA. many war conflicts in the world, peace is not only for Ukraine. peace must exist on the continents of Africa, Asia, America. do not highlight only on the European continent alone. peace and justice regardless of religion and the color of a nation's skin.

  7. Clearly this is a reaction. America likes to seem nice but still use an invisible shield to hurl lies inside to seem untouchable and somehow superior. Superior to what? Your wife? Bold faced lying at its peak… If that same imposter was already challenged correctly nobody would need to bother with him. A good liar is a coward to me. He just does not get it?

  8. I don’t trust any news I hear left or right these days. How sad is it we’ve come to this . I know 8m not the only one.

  9. I should have voted for peace president Trump. I apologize for voting for incompetent, foreign policy failure, warmongering Biden.

  10. ARGH, quite with the double alleging. They're either claiming or alleging there was a false flag attack; they mean the same thing. Pick one. You don't claim there was an alleged attack.

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  12. The Russian government it's the dumbest government ever, we living in 2022 idiot's, False Flag do not work in 2022🤣🤣🤣🤣.

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  14. No mercy to Putin Nazi army! Keep killing Nazi Putin army until they scare. Russians' spirit to fight is weak due to this nonsense war for nothing. Obviously Russians do not want this war at all. Putin aims to satisfy his own evil ambition to invade Ukraine. Without internal support, Putin shall lose soon. They will be broken down soon if this war lasts for long as there is no more money to burn. Plus Putin will be sent to death for his war criminal act causing a massive humanitarian crisis.
    War to this stage Nazi Putin has not more weapon to work on, and start to use fate news to create more excuses to invade and kill Ukrainian further. In case Russia stop advancing in Ukraine land, then this is good time to bomber back their army and go into Russia inland to destroy their key facilities in return. This is the only way to stop this nonsense evil war.

  15. Putin is holding Ukraine hostage. We need to start kicking some Russian arse in Russia. An eye for an eye is all Putin understands. For every bomb and bullet in Ukraine, there should be one to match it in Russia. Moscow has a price to pay. Putin is not in control of the world, and the rest of the world should not continue to pretend that Putin holds all the cards. Pray for Ukraine. The response to Putin's terrorism is so slow and so pathetic, you'd almost think the Trump (Putin's lap dog) was still president!

  16. If Putin can use Belarus as a LAUNCH PAD then the US can give Ukraine the MIGS! Why is Biden letting Putin call the shots? Weak soft tiny shameful excuse of a president 🇺🇲😢🙏 Bring back TRUMP🇺🇲

  17. Is there any proof though because mainly its just statements and opinions without any substantial evidence whatsoever. Just another case of believe us we're the news or government, and we never lie to the public

  18. 😇 GO USA 🇺🇲

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