Ukraine President Zelensky calls for day of unity amid Russia threat

Ukraine President Zelensky calls for day of unity amid Russia threat

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is responding to a rumored Russian invasion date by calling it a day of national pride.

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34 thoughts on “Ukraine President Zelensky calls for day of unity amid Russia threat

  1. US is the real problem. They are the one who creates problem for their own personal interest. And act like a hero. They spread fake news all the time and destroy others nation. They are not helping. They are making issues to make them believe that they are helping. Because they don't want other country will be higher than them. US scared that russia might have develope a very good relationship in Europe. Unfortunately, Leaders in europe are all puppets. Like no own opinion and no brain at all. As if Russia is a big threat for them. I can see Russia is a good country. The way the US play is so dirty like evil.. In the end In general it's useless, there will be no winner or loser when it comes to a war but destroying every thing!

    US always involve other countries in europe.. That's how they are for business purposes specially when they are crisis. The next target for business is Ukraine in favor of US. Why not it's a business ofcourse US will love to create another war. So hypocrite. It's human lives matters. I don't see human rights anymore! US is very good on playing safe. Nonesense at all #FreedomOfSpeech?

  2. From India

    Dear Ukraine people actually you are part of USSR and your mainland was USSR.

    You all lived with unity before world war.

    This US and UK ruined your mainland USSR and separated your own brothers and sisters and killed many of your many brothers and sisters with help of other country slaves.

    US and UK kept their own soldiers always safe and secure by moving other country slave soldiers front.

    Ukrainian people must support Russia your own main land country and kick out all Germany, US, UK , Other NATO out.

    Join together with Russia and teach lesson to US and UK.

    Iran do not have nuclear weapons more , but US created story that Iran have nuclear weapon , US invaded Iran and looted all Oil source…and ran away…

    Afganistan where living peaceful but US created drama in the name of Binladan and US made twin tower fall by them self, entered Afganistan and looted all mineral resources…and ran away…

    Iraq was peaceful county , but US create story with name Sadham, looted and destroyed Iraq and ran away…

    please rethink actually from 1941 world war US where good in spying all country how it can allow terrorist inside USA and breach highly secured US airport and passenger plan highjack please thing like a normal human.

    Ukraine people rethink, you no need to war with Russia better you accept Russia and join russia…or else after some time you all will ruined by US, UK, German and other NATO.

    Believe at last minute all USA soldiers and weapons will be carried by USA and you will suffer for life long …..

    your president is dangerous guy and supporting USA and becoming fool..

    Do not believe him…

  3. "they gots super dooper Russian Hacker baby powder WMD's!!!
    trust me bro" -CIA 👉🏻🧂

    NEOCON/NEOLIB ELITIST🐷 love to send "the Deplorables" children off to WAR!

    how to start ww3:

  4. Ukraine government is our democratic government partner in crime. The leader has shut down the 3 main networks and has jailed the opposing party with american help. The people of Ukraine wants to out it's government. American media is losing to all of you.
    For the love of God wake up

  5. Hippie with a flower? 🙄 Please learn a bit about these peoples culture and why it matters…

  6. Russia will not invade Ukraine. Putin is the class bully that pushes around the weakling kid just because he can. It makes him feel and look stronger. Putin thrives on that. And, he's testing Biden's weakness to see how far he can push the senile imbecile before he acts like a man. It's not boding well for Biden. In this case, even though Putin could invade and win, there would be huge loss of life including thousands of Russian soldiers. President Zelensky should consider signing an agreement with Putin that he won't pursue joining NATO and maybe even give the Russian's a lease to build a port/naval base on the Black Sea along with the right-of-way to access it by road. When the Russians pull back and go home, Biden will make a speech about his steely eyed manhood and leadership that caused Putin to blink, and, we can all have a laugh.

  7. Listening ABC news in US , you feel like you living in Israel… so , much better CNN

  8. Holodomor, man-made famine that convulsed the Soviet republic of Ukraine from 1932 to 1933, peaking in the late spring of 1933. It was part of a broader Soviet famine (1931–34) that also caused mass starvation in the grain-growing regions of Soviet Russia and Kazakhstan. The Ukrainian famine, however, was made deadlier by a series of political decrees and decisions that were aimed mostly or only at Ukraine. In acknowledgement of its scale, the famine of 1932–33 is often called the Holodomor, a term derived from the Ukrainian words for hunger (holod) and extermination (mor).

  9. Holodomor, man-made famine that convulsed the Soviet republic of Ukraine from 1932 to 1933, peaking in the late spring of 1933. It was part of a broader Soviet famine (1931–34) that also caused mass starvation in the grain-growing regions of Soviet Russia and Kazakhstan. The Ukrainian famine, however, was made deadlier by a series of political decrees and decisions that were aimed mostly or only at Ukraine. In acknowledgement of its scale, the famine of 1932–33 is often called the Holodomor, a term derived from the Ukrainian words for hunger (holod) and extermination (mor).

  10. Mr. Zelensky is united with Vatican Rome Babylon Mother system. What better way to get papal stocks to pay better. This counterfeit global kingdom of lucifers "hath but a short time" – Revelation 12:12; and God will destroy it for having destroyed His Earth – Revelation 11:18. These satan man of sin appointees donot see their world is passing away 1John 2:15-16 because of their pride. More or less, everyone has to go to the toilet the same way?? So do they not think, they stink?? Yes. No??. What does God think?? Zephaniah 1:17,18…..and 3:8. Matthew 5:34,35 Heaven and Earth belong to Him. All souks belong to Him – Ezekiel 18:4,20. Why do humans believe they have some right to enslave others?? 1 Corinthians 7:23. Become not slaves of men. Matthew 5:44-48 do as Jesus says or we are not Gods children. Matthew 22:37,39. Matthew 7:12. If we are not* doers of the Word of God – we are only deceiving ourselves 🕊👋🌻😇

  11. Could someone tell me what time the invasion of Ukraine is supposed to begin tomorrow?
    I took the day off and have some errands to run before the bombing gets underway and I don't want to miss this one.
    I missed the live 'night vision' shock-and-awe on Iraq's WMDs, no wait, was that them? Anyway, I don't want to miss this one, it could be the last one any one of us ever gets to watch.

  12. Putin is buffing buffing 😈😈😈😈😈

  13. Россия не угрожает Украине нападением, это хозяева Украины из Вашингтона и Лондона угрожают Украине нападением России, значит на Западе готовят провокацию чтоб эта война началась

  14. Why is the Ukraine president so calm, nonchalant? Does he have a secret handshake deal with Russia? A logical president would take this very seriously and prepare his citizens to shelter, ensure civilians are safe. It's not bizarre, it's sus. Is this all for show? Did the Ukraine president get paid to retreat?

  15. All liars around us, the reporter is in Lviv, former Polish city invaded by Ukraine. And he have to ask local people why Ukrainians forcefully moved ethnic Polish people in 1960s.

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