Ukraine attempts to fight off Russian advances in multiple cities l GMA

Ukraine attempts to fight off Russian advances in multiple cities l GMA

As Russian attacks escalate in the country, Western intelligence shows five major Ukrainian cities appear to be encircled by Russian forces.

Russia-Ukraine live updates:

#ABCNews ##UkraineRussiaWar #Kherson #Kharkiv #Kyiv #Ukraine


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38 thoughts on “Ukraine attempts to fight off Russian advances in multiple cities l GMA


  2. Support Ukrainian soldiers fighting for worlds democracy. Donate directly to soldiers blue-yellow,lt ( blue-yellowdotLT ). Lithuanian brother and sisters supporting Ukraine since 2014 when all this war started. Small country of 2,5 million people already donate over $15 M. Lithuanias know russian aggression. Every donation helps to fight back russian invasion. Slava Ukraine!

  3. Ukraine must be prepared to fall back. Russian forces are too strong, and they have the resources to conquer.

    Take no time to collect your belongings.
    Please, go.

    You cannot survive against a force with its own source of power

    Take no time to collect your belongings.
    Please, go.

    Please, Don’t turn your families, your children, yourselves, as ones who love their land and their possessions, more than each other

    A dragon fights a beast from the sea. And while the dragon may be surprised that it’s creation fights against it. Neither are prepared to stop fighting.

    But this war leads to exhaustion, so while there is time, flee.

    But don’t believe your fleeing to another country alone is the source of where to go.

    So take none of your possessions. I tell you the truth, this war began because of a shortage of possessions. And to leave with possessions in mind, will turn your back on why you left in the first place.

    Again you will travel miles upon miles, and once you reach your final destination. Only a passing thought will cross your mind, because of where your heart is. ‘Wasn’t there a child with me?’.

    Jesus says plainly you will not survive these times with possessions.

    Again as these things are written. Ukraine receives support now, because it is the more violent voice, claiming truth. But other violent voices will come. On both sides of this conflict, and other nations, kingdoms and people will join this conflict on the same principle. ‘You can’t take that from them’. ‘Our side will receive more wealth from this conflict’

    But war will continue. More loss and scarcity will come. Occupation will return, like that of the holocaust, but worst.

    Who then is willing to survive by fleeing towards the love of Jesus Christ. That has hope without the need to hear it or see it, but trust. With gentleness their needs are met.

    Know this,

    If the supply chains, famines, diseases did not take away possessions; people would be less prone to hate eachother now;

    From George Floyd, to Donald Trump, to Vladimir Putin, to one set of people, to one set of races, to one country from another.

    Then know that no one will survive this conflict, without the choice to let go of possessions.

    Matthew 24

  4. Ukraine is a brave country 💪America should help Ukraine plz . and Russia putin is a dishonest country 👎…

  5. I've always been proud to be American. But it's hard to say that now. I'm watching children die every day in Ukraine. An to protect these innocent children we sanction Russia. Come on America ! You need to let ANY American that wants to go help the Ukrainians do so !!!! But you don't. America is a strong nation but we look weak when we just watch innocent Ukrainians die. Watching all this happen, I'm starting to lose my American pride. I voted for you Biden. If you just sit back an let all these innocent people die. Your not going to serve a second term. IM TIRED OF WATCHING INNOCENT PEOPLE DIE !!! We are free in America rite? Let us make our own decision to go to Ukraine. Don't hold us back. Thousands of innocent people are dieing an we do NOTHING. That doesn't sound like America. America is starting to look like a weak, coward country. It's time Biden. Stop holding us back from saving lives. What are we if we don't protect the innocent ?!?!?! Stop sitting back an watching people die. I WANT TO GO TO UKRAINE !!!

  6. Excavators are a-great defense tool. Armor plate the cabin and start swinging. Even attach an anvil or giant sword ie 5m Rsj to the boom. They are unapproachable by foot , great for trenching and turning over trucks and pack one hell of a punch. . How could this idea get to the people ,I don’t know.

  7. Ukraine doesn’t need to win. They just have to make subduing them more trouble for Russia than it’s worth. To me, it’s amazing how little Putin has learned from World War II. It’s one thing to conquer a country, but quite another matter to hold it. History has shown that campaigns of guerrilla warfare by a weaker opponent against a stronger opponent can in fact be successful. In addition, just because a kill ratio is one sided, that does not mean that that particular side is necessarily losing. No, Ukraine knows what it’s like to be ruled from Moscow. Never again.

  8. There's got to be a point where NATO doesn't just sit back and let the carnage to continue to the Ukrainian people. Ukrainians never wanted this war, but they will fight back. When this started, Ukraine should've taken to the air and gone on the offense and do some damage in Russia. How do you like that? This is still possible using neighboring airstrips. Mainly to attack the Russian convoys in Ukraine.

  9. What a propaganda news by you.

    US & the west media always sent propaganda 1st & accurate news 100 steps later. Below is the proof of Ukraine defeat by on site reporter. Pls STOP spreading lies. Last time US & West said they were winning the battle (everytime). But heck they were chased out & defeated by the Afghan who hold just a stone. What a liars.. Thus hear this 👇

    From other neutral news channel.

  10. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has continued to harbor significant resentment against Independent Ukraine, the country it still thinks of as a critical part of ‘Mother Russia’. It therefore considers the conquest of Ukraine as being vital for the restoration of its so-called “Historical Russia”…..ASSISTANCE FOR LOGISTICAL AND MEDICAL SUPPORT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF UKRAINE…..Stand with the people of Ukraine. link to support is on my bio about thanks.

  11. Sad the coward president hides behind his civilians instead of evacuating them to safety he let's them be human sheilds, arms them with molotov cocktails against a whole army? Their own military sets up artillery mortars and snipers on civilian buildings thats disgusting.must be part of the neo nazi regime there

  12. The thing you are not allowed to talk about: In 2013 The US (Victoria Nuland) gave the Ukrainian neo-Nazi gang C14 $billions in weapons and CIA training so they would overthrow what the UN certified to be a democratically elected progressive Ukrainian government. After a successful coup d'etat in February 2014, the US-backed Nazis engage in 8 years of "ethnic cleansing" of the darker-skinned Russian speaking eastern Ukrainians who wanted to fight for their elected government and resist the coup. The US has funded the murder of 14,000 Ukrainians. In the coup, the US replaced the elected leader with a IMF/WTO puppet who privatized oil profits (hence Hunter Biden's $50K/mo paycheck). Before the 2014 coup d'etat, the elected government used socialized oil profits to pay for universal healthcare and education instead of taxation, so the US used their Nazi alliance to put a stop to that. Then the US put $billions of long-range missiles on the Russian-Ukraine border (and also on Russia's border with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania 2004) all in direct violation of the NATO treaty signed when Russia peacefully gave up Eastern Germany.

    Frankly I cannot believe Russia tolerated all these threats and did not invade in 2004 or 2014.

  13. For all the Women who have an option on this.

    Women, You aren't forced by gender discrimination to lay down your lives forever for the freedoms you trample on today. White men ages 18 to 60 are being turned back at the Ukrainian boarders (Conscription) and sent to fight and likely die for the Ukrainian state. Shame on all of you so called Feminists for not acting on this unequal rights situation.
    We call on sisgengered males to stand with us and boycott the draft until the bigoted Ukrainian government enforces equal rights.
    Any man who says women shouldn't have to fight, should right now tell any woman who talks about equality "Shut up you are wrong, you are not equal to men. Stop cowering in my shadow. You aren't forced by sexist lgender laws to lay down your lives for the freedom of the opposite sex."

  14. Yes, lets all pour billions into the militarily industrial complex quick.
    We just all spent fkn billions on Covid to big Pharma.
    Our kids will be paying this off at a 70% tax rate and have to rent everything for life at this rate, and they will be happy. Mmmm sounds like new world order…

  15. Are they telling the clueless muppet masses about the Neo-Nazi's they are protecting in Ukraine yet? Still covering for the massive Pfizer data dump that included 9 pages of adverse reactions to their experimental clot shots? No? Gee…what a guess!

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