UK approves Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

Oxford/AstraZeneca’s vaccine becomes the second vaccine in the U.K. authorized for emergency use, plus the first known case of the U.K. COVID variant in the U.S. has been detected in Colorado.


Author: avnblogfeed


44 thoughts on “UK approves Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

  1. God bless Dr Godfatherspellcaster
    The great spell caster who help me to fix up my relationship within 24hours, your relationship can also be restored if only you can contact Dr Godfatherspellcaster on YouTube

  2. The main reason for this cost is that AstraZececa vowed not to make any profit. How much profit are Pfizer and Moderna making per dose at those prices? With billions of people needing this vaccine, how much money can they make? It's sickening, immoral and should frankly be illegal.

  3. Well in the news you see elderly people getting the vaccine but the truth is most of this first batch is going on nhs staff and not the elderly which is all well good but it’s the elderly that are filling up the bed in hospitals and that are dying in huge numbers but I quess selfishness will always win when push comes to shove human nature

  4. Our American friends have ordered 300 million doses of the British vaccine EU has ordered 400 million and India has 300 million on order. Our old friend Argentina has even opted for the British vaccine. It can be kept in a fridge and Britain is offering it at cost no profit will be made.

  5. LAST un-wise, VERY unwise, thing I WILL DO is "allow 'dead Chimanze – virus' whether it would not harm or not!" Get lose n hit the road jack, AstraZeneca-Oxford, (nice name does not count!), so called modifed "Chimpanze virtus, yak! Yak n yak n yak n yak…..' EVEN if FDA approves, should not, I will NOT be EVER taking champanzie-modified-virtus-AstraZeneca-Oxford! USA

  6. I'm getting increasingly agitated by the fact that almost no news item about the vaccine care to mention its most significant problem: it is only ~62% effective, compared to the ~95% efficacy of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.

  7. The essential data collected by me on phase 1 of the Pfizer vaccine trial, which can be evaluated on the basis of logical-linguistic parameters, can be summarized as follows: 1) FDA, in a document of 11 December 2020 with which it approved the Pfizer vaccine, which bears the pompous title "FDA Takes Key Action in Fight Against COVID-19 By Issuing Emergency Use Authorization for First COVID-19 Vaccine", claims that the efficacy of the vaccine, based on the data provided by the trial, reaches 95%, but in its final evaluations it states verbatim that "At this time, data are not available to make a determination about how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person, namely: " 2) AIFA, in the faq n. 31 of its official website, it is not known on the basis of what data other than those provided by the FDA, reduces the percentage of effectiveness to just over 90%, but admits in turn that "a portion of vaccinated people will not develop the immune defense ", And above all that" we still do not know definitively if vaccination only prevents the manifestation of the disease or even the transmission of the infection ". 3) The New England Journal of Medicine, in an article written by the leading scientists, entitled "Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine", states that "few participants in both groups had adverse reactions that led to withdrawal from the trial. No deaths were considered by investigators to be vaccine-related or placebo-related. No deaths associated with Covid-19 were observed. No stopping rules were met during the reporting period. Safety monitoring will continue for 2 years after the administration of the second dose of vaccine "Regardless of the general insignificance of the whole, we still acknowledge that there are no people who died of placebo: it is already something. In practice, despite the alleged effectiveness between 90% and 95%, for now we are dealing with a vaccine conceived as follows: a) it is not known "definitively" whether the vaccine prevents the manifestation of the disease. b) it is not known whether and for how long it provides protection; c) it is not known whether it can prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 from person to person; d) it is already well known that it will not be able to immunize all vaccinated subjects;


    If someone asks himself about the things that surround him and does not find logical explanations for certain events, even scientific ones, he has every right to be a “denier”, if ever this word makes sense in such a delicate issue for the health of citizens as the experimentation and use of a vaccine.
    Regarding the new vaccine Pfizer, for example, I cannot understand the logic inherent in the comparison between the “adverse reactions” found in the control group and those that occurred in the placebo group. In fact, I wonder how it is possible to compare the adverse reactions of those who have taken a vaccine with those who have not taken it, since the only element in common that binds the two groups is only a skin injection and not what was injected in the body? Apart from the material consequences of this injection, in fact, the adverse reactions of the control group were caused by the intake of the vaccine, but those of the placebo group from what? Ultimately, any complication that occurs in the placebo group cannot provide a comparison with those in the control group, unless one improperly considers the onset of the disease in someone of the placebo group for not taking the vaccine, fact which cannot be proved, and which, in any case, is certainly not an adverse reaction to anything.
    In light of the above, and taking into account the fact that both FDA and AIFA, in their official documents, admit they don’t know either the vaccine coverage times (if it ever exist), or whether the vaccine itself is able to prevent person-to-person transmission, is not conceivable that someone, even only at the level of hypothesis, plane to make this vaccine mandatory.
    Things are the same for the Oxford and Moderna vaccines.

  8. The new strain of the coronavirus isn’t from the UK it was all over Europe we just identified it first.

  9. The vaccine will not be forced on the public until those that are willing to take it have been exhausted, then the blackmail will begin. The people running for the vaccine are the ones that can't think for themselves, and pay for their own brainwashing by buying a BBC tv licence. This so called pandemic will carry on why the dumbed down masses allow it to continue. The end goal is to get the majority of the population vaccinated before more people wake up, I believe the vaccine has a far greater purpose than preventing covid.

  10. All the ” covid19 ” studies are baseless and use the PCR test .
    Dr Kary Mullis-Nobel Prize in chemistry 1999
    Inventor of PCR test-died few months before CoNviD
    discoverd how to amplify DNA
    Who was Bill Gates Before Microsoft

  11. America needs to lock down, it's gone tits up over there.. Not much better here in the UK I know but something has to be done.. NOW

  12. Former Merck exec turned whistleblower Brandy Vaughn died mysteriously while fighting to expose the dangers of vaccines and the corruption that runs rampant in Big Pharma / FDA / WHO / CDC. May she rest in peace. May her efforts not be in vain.

  13. Best of British 👍🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  14. The Bait & Switch of Vaccine Deaths With COVID-19 Mortalities

    In perhaps the most controversial post I've ever made, I can now confirm that official data shows that the first and second waves of alleged Covid deaths correspond with the roll out of this year's WHO-approved flu vaccines.

    Evidence from the WHO's own records shows that the shots are known to kill 5 out of every 1,324 healthy adults, as well as causing 344 to have medically attended adverse events.

    It therefore appears obvious that the manufacturers of the scamdemic played a classic bait and switch move, in order to create plausible deniability for this year's deaths from flu vaccines and to guarantee a whole lot more fatalities from the Covid jabs, which they intend to inject us all with in 2021.

    The Genocidal Switcheroo

    Damning evidence from the WHO in my possession implicitly states that the current batch of UK flu shots is expected to kill 377 of every 100,000 healthy adults, between 18 and 65.

    However, that mortality rate would obviously increase substantially for the elderly and sick, who were the largest UK demographic to receive it by 26/03/2020 [8.5 m of the 14 m vaccinated by that date].

    In such circumstances, out of the 14 million vaccinated with the flu shot during the first 12 weeks of 2020, at least 52,780 would have been expected to suffer fatal adverse events from the vaccines administered.

    That being the case, the government needed the Coronavirus Act 2020 to suspend autopsies, which obviously could have established the predominant cause of death was the flu vaccines, rather than the government lurgy that has never even been proven to exist.

    Grim Mortality Prediction

    If this incredibly serious allegation of bait and switch has substance, I can now predict with relative and grim certainty, that in the event 30 million healthy adults receive one of the WHO-approved flu vaccines in the UK, 113,100 would be expected to die within 22 days of the injection.

    Which the government would obviously claim is merely the latest surge of lurgy deaths, as the second flu shot season draws to an end, along with the worst year in living memory, during which no vaccine deaths have been recorded, to the very best of my knowledge.

    Whilst only time will tell whether that grim prediction comes true [and I sincerely hope that it doesn't], the best way to unequivocally prove that COVID deaths are in fact vaccine mortalities is to perform autopsies on the bodies of the dead.

    Fatal Coincidence

    Nevertheless, we already know that the end of the first flu shot season this year was 26/03 – the day they passed the Coronavirus Act 2020. A fatal coincidence, if ever there was one.

    The mortality spike that followed the initial lockdown from 23/03/2020, was, it logically follows, due to the surge of adverse events from 14 million vaccinations, over the first 12 weeks of the year.

    Quite simply, the more people who took the vaccine each week, the more people died and were falsely recorded as Covid deaths, which actually began in January and not March, according to official data.

    In other words, they started falsifying the cause of death as being Covid in the same month this year's first round of flu shots began.

    Which is why the suspension of autopsies prescribed by the 2020 Act was integral to the perpetuation of the scamdemic and the creation of the genocidal government policy which continues unabated.

    Mass Sterilisation Agenda

    We don't know for sure if the mortality rate will be the same, similar, more or less, but all the evidence we have strongly suggests that the primary purpose of the Covid vaccines is to switch off our reproductive systems, whilst permanently altering our DNA.

    Provided, of course, that we manage to survive being poisoned with all manner of Big Pharma toxins and having nanobots let loose on our central nervous system.

    However, we will know the answer soon enough, as the government are effectively continuing the testing stage right now, using the public as guinea pigs, in a 'live' experiment of genuinely Malthusian proportions.

    They already appear to be covering up the mortality rate and other adverse effects from the vaccine, while ramping up the scam of the second strain of the government lurgy, which has never been and never will be either isolated or purified.

    Judgment Day Draws Ever Closer

    It goes without saying that as soon as we have enough prima facie evidence to nail these charges and more, in the Private Criminal Prosecution of those who stand accused of fraud, treason and mass murder, we will proceed without hesitation.

    Nevertheless, it is also worthy of note that the bait and switch described above is exactly the same kind of fraud the banksters love to play, which confirms who our real adversaries are in this mortal war of attrition, for those who still require confirmation of that fact.

    Since the Rothschild cartel sits behind the curtain and pull the strings of their academic, scientific, media and political puppets, who will all no doubt sing like canaries when they appear before their juries, to defend their indefensible crimes against the people.

    My instinct tells me that the exposure of this genocidal bait and switch has the potential to blow the lid off the whole scam a mile high, once we have all the prima facie evidence required to sustain the most serious allegations ever made in a Common Law court.


  16. UK = 72,548 China = 4,634 (x15) II US 349,381 China 4,634 (x75).

    NO VACCINE & NO COVID = Taiwan 7 and New Zealand 25!

    Belgium, China, Russia, UK vaccines.

    US warp speed?

  17. Healthy People subjecting Themselves to Testing & Experimental Vaccines. Read, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Dr Robert B Strecker, a Medical Doctor with a PhD in Pharmacology who said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything”.

  18. Utter bullshit James, sorry… I live in Manchester, UK… School are off for the holidays right now… The things that are open… Hotels, uncecessary shops (clothing stores, electronics stores, etc), takeout food restaurants, coffee shops, public transport. That's utter bullcrap to say only schools are open, when they arent even open right now.

  19. "UK approves Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine" thereby motivating us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica even for the worse-case scenario of the #UKvariant strain(s) mutations and others like the #Cluster5Mink mutations rendering current vaccines no longer effective.

  20. God always bless UK and the world ❤️💕❤️💕❤️🙏

    Just praying for your sins to be forgiven, and saying the name of Jesus at the end of your prayer will not make your sins that are red as scarlet be white as snow. In this time of disaster and pandemic like COVID-19 Fathe God is calling you now to come before His Word, and be guided into all Truth through the Spirit of Truth, and truly wash away your sins. 1

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been spreading across the world, and countless people are suffering. There is also the locust plague and floods. Do you think these are just coincidental occurrences? The Scripture even says that people will faint from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world. The day in which God brings His punishment upon this earth is this age because of the evil that people have committed.

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