UK 1st country to announce approval of Pfizer vaccine – Car Mod Pros Portal

The government says there will be enough in the first round to vaccinate 400,000 people starting with vulnerable living in care homes and caregivers.

FDA chief summoned to White House amid pressure to authorize vaccine emergency use:

#ABCNews #COVIDVaccine #Pfizer


By carmodpros


36 thoughts on “UK 1st country to announce approval of Pfizer vaccine”
  1. I publish the excerpt of an interesting conversation between some vaccine scientists and a scientist from the "Food and Drug Administration", in which some interesting aspects of current knowledge on the subject are discussed, regarding both existing vaccines and the evolution of the virus

    Video Discussion: COVID-19 Vaccines

    …….So having said that, how do we interpret– and let's be honest, it's on everyone's mind– these mutations in the strain?

    DR. ERIC TOPOL: I'm really glad you brought that up, John, because I did want to ask Steve and Peter about this. Because we have this so-called B117 variant in the UK and other countries, but predominantly seen in the UK. It has 23 mutations. There's a couple in the spike protein which are particularly incriminating. And it's also one of those mutations is shared by a South African variant, this so-called N501Y.

    And what's interesting– and I just posted a really deep discussion about this with one of our guru structural biologist. He talked about the molecular high-five, the two tyrosines and how this could really make this virus entry into the cell facilitated, which is more transmission.

    But what I wanted to ask Steve and Peter was, OK, we're going to probably see further drift and evolution of this virus. We're already starting to see it beyond the pandemic dominant 614, the D614G. So there's going to be a need for booster shots at some point, whether it's at one year or whenever. Do we have to go through trials at that point? What's going to be your stance regarding these adjustments or tweaks on the vaccine to take into account the drift of the virus? Because this virus unfortunately is not going away.

    DR. STEPHEN HAHN: No. Eric, I'm going to let Peter answer that last question from a regulatory point of view. But just the other thing that this is important for is the diagnostic tests.

    DR. ERIC TOPOL: Yes.

    DR. STEPHEN HAHN: Do the variants– are the test going to have the same level of sensitivity specificity predictive value that they do now? And it's something that our teams at CDRH are all over and are actually looking at right now. So, Peter, with respect to vaccines.

    DR. PETER MARKS: Yeah, no. So great question on vaccines, because I think we are, unfortunately– this virus is starting to look like it wants to become like Flu Two, Son of Flu, or Father of Flu, with this kind of strain drift…….

  2. There is one good thing that's come out of the coronavirus is that it's reminding people of there mortality and in doing so it might get some to think about the afterlife which the bible says there is hell and heaven and the bible says GOD is perfect and righteous and we know GOD exists because there has to be a creator of everything nothing cant create everything. and we know GOD want's morality because he gave us a moral understanding yet we still do things that are wrong such as telling lies lust hate greed ect therefore we need a savior which is jesus christ who was sent by GOD because he is also forgiving all we have to do is repent of our sins acts 17 30 and trust in jesus christ john 3 16 then GOD will give us eternal life in heaven as a free gift amen.

  3. Thanks to everyone taking their time to read this testimony on how my son was saved from Autism.
    He was diagnosed four years ago, and he's just 6, I have tried several treatments and medications, nothing was working out, this got me frustrated and depressed. I kept praying and finally God answered my prayers when someone from youtube chennal Driyare okosun me to this doctor from his home country and gave me his contact details.
    I called and explained my son's condition after which I made an order for his herbal remedy, he asked for my address and the next day I got a tracking number for a parcel sent to me through DHL and after four days I received my order.
    It was a liquid herbal medicine and a letter containing the instructions on how to use the herbs, I called him again to confirm and the next morning I started giving my son the herbs as instructed and after one week I noticed great improvement on my son and I continued until the herbs got finished and everything lasted for just one month and now my son is totally free from Autism, he can now talk clearly, behave normally and has no more seizures.
    If you've been searching for a genuine solution for Autism, connect with this honest Doctor on Whats App
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  4. If the 'vaccine' changes your DNA permanently that might explain the obsession with collecting peoples DNA years prior – point of reference – they can see how the vaccines changes your DNA over time

  5. Warp speed means fast on Star Trek…

    In the real world, warp speed is an example of the US taking 10 months to remain earth's worst example in the pandemic.

    On the bright side without a vaccine, Taiwan, New Zealand, Vietnam and China have not had a Covid fatality in over 3 months.

  6. Warp speed means fast on Star Trek…

    In the real world, warp speed is an example of the US taking 10 months to remain earth's worst example in the pandemic.

    On the bright side without a vaccine, Taiwan, New Zealand, Vietnam and China have not had a Covid fatality in over 3 months.

  7. The craziest thing about this pandemic is that the US has learnt nothing after 10 months.

    WHO simple 3 point plan: Social distance, wash your hands and wear a mask.

    US Covid = 279,154+ Taiwan = 7 (x39,879) New Zealand = 25 (x11,166) China = 4,634 (x60).

    Warp speed? 60 times more deaths than China. Trump is to blame but Americans allow it to continue. Idiots !

  8. Even if it was free, you can have my vaccine. With a 99.8% recovery rate, you close down the entire world so you can convince the SHEEP that this virus is bad and be able to fool them into taking toxic, brain damaging vaccines?

    The mainstream media is trying to convince you that a dangerous vaccine that takes decades to approve, is fast tracked within a few months to the unsuspecting sheeple. She sounds like those who receive the first TOXIC doses is like winning the lottery. If they can make you believe that everyone wants these Cancer causing vaccines, their bosses that owns the drug and vaccine manufacturers will get $millions in profits for injecting you with vaccines that will make you more sick.

    $Millions in Tax Payer money wasted on brain damaging vaccines that gives patients serious Autoimmune Diseases for the Bill Gates’ COVID-19 VIRUS that already has a Hydrochloroquine + Zinc + Azithromycin CURE ( Bill Gates’s COVID-19 Virus PATENT #060606 ). The lying mainstream media tells us that they will poison the healthcare workers like nurses first, then the weak seniors in the care homes, then the black community and aboriginals then they come after you when they can fool the world that the HEALTH OF THE PUBLIC supersedes PERSONAL CHOICE.

    As paid mainstream media and medical puppets continue reporting Fake, Inflated covid-19 numbers to fool you that more people are dying from covid-19 than is really happening by doctors killing the patients with lung damaging ventilators and overdosing them on toxic drugs so that the numbers can be boosted to increase the numbers so that more gullible people can be convinced to get the Cancer causing data tracking vaccines. Watch out for the COVID-19 NASAL SWABS, many contain the quantum dot tech to track your location…

    Doctors ordered to fix death certificate to make it seem that everyone that dies, died of covid-19 when the opposite is true.

    This entire manufactured Pandemic by world leaders, CDC, DR.FAUCI, World Health Organization and United Nations is to convince the educated to get their deadly covid-19 vaccines. Remember that the Drug and Vaccine manufacturers have been deemed NOT LIABLE for any damaged caused by their vaccines, so you won’t be able to SUE THEM.

    When your family member dies after receiving several doses of vaccines ( It May take days, weeks or even months to see the deadly side effects of the vaccines as each person has varying degrees of ability to detox the toxic brain damaging mercury and aluminum derivatives found in most multi-dose vaccines. As soon as your child is injured or dies due to their vaccination, report the damage right away to VAERS ( Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System ) to beg for compensation for your child.

    Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, Reddit, Twitch have been ordered to actively block and censor parents who are suffering daily to care for their adult child in diapers for life after that child was brain damaged by vaccines. YES, the mercury and Aluminum will go straight to the brain and damage the nerve endings that controls body movement and speech. For some kids, it make take several doses or some as soon as one dose is take, they will begun to develop seizures until the toxic heavy metals are removed, even then the child may develop Cancer as most vaccines contains the age old SV40 Simian Monkey Virus, that why young kids are getting cancers. Adults who are in the 20’s and 30’s who have bodies that detox heavy metals better, will develop the Childhood dementia later in life that doctors relabel as Alzheimer’s or adult Dementia.

    Remember all the vaccine side effects like Seizures, Childhood Arthritis, MS, Fibromyalgia, ALS, Parkinson’s, Eczema, Infertility ( ovarian failure after being vaccinated with the HPV GARDASIL VACCINES ) are listed on the paper insert that comes with every vaccine package. The companies are trying to get the insert removed from all vaccines so that the public won’t know of the deadly dangers of many Bill Gates funded vaccines.

    Many hospitals DO NOT have an overwhelming number of covid-19 patients that is why they will not allow family members into hospitals to say goodbye to their loved ones after the doctors at the hospitals murder the patient.

    The Truth About Vaccines and Covid-19 scam to scare the public into getting the cancer causing vaccines are all posted at PARLER DOT COM, MINDS DOT COM, GAB DOT COM and POCKETNET DOT APP but Twitter and friends have censored most of the links to these Free Speech Platforms

    I dare you to ask your corrupt doctors what is the exact ingredient inside the vaccines and the effects of each ingredients in the body. Plus ask for that vaccine paper insert with ALL THE SIDE EFFECTS, Death is also listed as a side effect for vaccines.

  9. 2018: China is again number 1 as it had been prior to 1840 and world colonisation.

    2019: Covid arrives in Europe.

    2020: Trump and Fox TV are proven liars and US Covid deaths increase to over 279,154.

    2021: Americans stand up for their patriotic rights to wear masks, social distance and stop being the laughing stock of the world !

  10. "FAKE NEWS! America has great doctors more superior than the UK. Our vaccine will be bigger and stronger"

  11. Operation warp speed clearly warping faster in the UK than it is here, so much for all the bloviation from our idiot lame duck President.

  12. Ask any Virologist the first step to developing a vaccine is, Contain The Spread of the Virus. No effective vaccine can be developed until we Contain the Virus.

    Covid19 is a virus you Can Catch More Then Once!

    Covid19 is a Fast Mutating Virus!

    Any Vaccine Developed Today Would Already Be Months Behind Mutations!

    There's Only One Proven Way Contain The Spread Of Covid19!

    Don't Contain the Spread, Covid19 Will Be With Us For Years and Will Mutate Into Something Far More Dangerous!

  13. أختكم من اليمن , أبي متوفي من 3سنة بسبب الحرب وعندي 4أخوات وحالنا يعلم الله فيه واني متكفلة فيهم , واني الان قمت بعمل قناة

    وربما أربح منها لكن ينقصني الكثير من المشتركين واريد منكم تدعموني وتوصلوني (1000مشترك) … شكرا لكل اللي شتركوا بالقناة واسعدوني بدخولهم ..

    واتمنى ما تسخروا مني , وأعرف إن هذه الطريقه غلط لكنها الطريقه الوحيده اللي اقدر من خلالها اكسب نقود حلال 💔💔 لا سامح الحرب اللي وصلتنا لذي المراحل

  14. The UK is the first country to approve a [legitimate] vaccine. Everybody forgets about good ole Russia 🇷🇺.

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